Freeware - Vector graphics editor
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Vector graphics editor online.
Simple, intuitive and functional. Work pleased with him, is a pleasure.
EVE Embedded Vector Editor
Windows| 181 Kb | home page | download |
The first impression - pustovato too, but it's powerful product despite its size. No installation required.
The analogue of the toll CorelDrawInker
Chrome| home page | download |
Simple and easy editor of vector graphics. Draw the line, and he splits it into segments and dots that you can drag and drop, etc.
you Can use the shape. Layers ...
Intuitively, there is a hint system. Personally, I can understand without it.
Windows/Linux/Mac OS| 33.45 Mb | home page | download | download | reliable site.
Best free vector graphics editor based on SVG format, the aim of the project is to achieve functionality similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, Visio, etc.
The analogue of the toll CorelDrawSerif DrawPlus
Windows| 25 Mb | home page | download |
Vector graphics editor high-level creates an animation that puts the drawings in a number of formats, works with drawings CorelDRAW and Adobe Illustrator.
Windows| 1.6 Mb | download | download here |
Requires GTK RunTime. Estonia, the native format Sodipodi — growing popularity of SVG open vector graphics files are a set of tags and this is very similar to HTML, that is, the data of the SVG format are saved as plain text, making SVG portable to any platform, many products support SVG from line graphics packages from Adobe (which generally pays great attention to SVG) to the browser (the same Opera).
The analogue of the toll CorelDraw