Freeware - Rhymes


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Utility helps to find a rhyme, synonym or epithet, learn the interpretation and pronunciation of a word to see examples of its use.
This is a universal dictionary tool that will be useful to anyone writing Russian texts.


  • Grammar
    156 thousand words, 4.5 million word forms — to view word forms, word search template, parts of speech, and other characteristics.

  • Pronouncing dictionary of the
    the Pronunciation is 98 thousand words from a Grammar dictionary.

  • Great dictionary
    110 thousand, 66 thousand articles — interpretation, usage examples, origins, derived words, phrases.

  • a Modern dictionary of synonyms
    46 thousand words and expressions, 10 thousand articles

  • Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions on sense N. Abramova (1915)
    20 thousand dictionary inputs, 2 thousand articles

  • Large dictionary rhyming Removnig 102 thousand words, 3.8 million word forms — the selection of rhymes based on the phonetic rules.

  • Dictionary of adjectives
    1300 words, 8700 epithets — also includes a reverse dictionary to determine what words are used epithet.

Category: Work with text / Rhymes

Tags: Literature Rhymes