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Utility for saving and reading materials online.
Pocket gives recommendations for the most interesting materials in the network.

most Importantly, if you encounter an article or video that you want to read later, save them to Pocket. It automatically sinhroniziruete materials between your phone, tablet and computer. Because you can read anywhere, even without Internet connection.


  1. Unlimited storage,
  2. Tags for quick organization of materials,
  3. Listening materials through Text-to-Speech (synthesized voice)
  4. Save in one click using the Pocket extension for desktop versions of Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.


Category: Media / News

Tags: News Media Archive


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Owner: Pinterest , reliable site.


Cloud service for deferred reading. Excellent formatting.

We saw an interesting article, but there is no time to read it right now. The program will save the text without advertising banners. When we have a minute, we can open the article and read it. An internet connection is not required.

Category: Media / News

Tags: News Media Archive


Owner: Yandex , reliable site.


Materials from leading media and Zen participants.

Endless news feed and interesting materials: politics, style, culture, sports, film, finance and ...
Articles and small posts, watch videos and photos.
Fresh materials are published every day, with only what is interesting to you in your feed.
A clever algorithm selects content based on your subscriptions, saved publications, comments, likes and dyslaikes.

Tune the ribbon to your liking

Choose what to read and watch: put likes to see more material on the subject, and dieslaiki to see less similar material.
To prevent the source from appearing in the ribbon, block it.

Read the ribbons of interest

From a general tape with all the articles you can easily switch to thematic: cinema, food, politics, celebrities.

Choose who to read

The channels are led by over 25,000 authors - bloggers and experts in various fields. There is content that can be found only in Zen: some authors publish posts and videos only here. Zen also hosts media materials: Medusa, RBC, Vedomosti, Kommersant, Forbes,, TJournal and others. Read the publications of those you trust.

Watch the video as you like

Watch the video in a separate video tape or in a shared tape with all the materials.
The video platform has more features, they will be available in new versions of the application.

Category: Media / News

Tags: News Media