Bible translation

Christianity / Bible / Modern translations

Bible translation

Biblical studies — a set of disciplines concerned with the study of the Bible. Usually the main goal is to translate the Bible.

Textology - (from Latin textum - connection of words and other Greek λόγος - teaching) - a philological branch that studies and restores the history and fate of works of writing and literature for the purpose of further research, interpretation, publication and other purposes.

Isagogy - (ancient Greek εἰσαγωγή - introduction, introduction) - provides introductory information about the origin of the sacred books, historical sources of religious texts in the author's , cultural, chronological and other aspects.

Hermeneutics - (ancient Greek ἑρμηνευτική - “the art of interpretation”, from ἑρμηνεύω - “interpret”) - the study of the principles of interpretation of texts or concepts.

Apologetics - (from ancient Greek ἀπολογία “defense”) - defense of the Gospel, justification and argumentation of Christian doctrine.

Eschatology - (ancient Greek εσχατολογίαἔσχατος “final, last” + λόγος< /b> “word; knowledge”) - the doctrine of the end times (the book of Revelation and ...).

Exegesis - (ancient Greek ἐξηγητικά, from ἐξήγησις - “interpretation , exposition") - interpretation of the Bible.

Theology - Theology (ancient Greek θεολογία from ancient Greek θεός “God” +λόγος “word; teaching, science”) - systematizes biblical truths.

Biblical studies also uses scientific data:

  1. Linguistics
  2. History
  3. Archeology
  4. Paleography
  5. Philology