The whois service provides information about the domain name.
A different set of information is issued for different domain zones.
In general, this is information about the person or organization for which the domain is registered, the date of domain registration, and the expiration date of registration.
On the web, you can find a lot of sites on which, by typing a domain name into the form and clicking the OK button, you can get information about the domain in 5 seconds.
The whois service provides information about the domain name.
A different set of information is issued for different domain zones.
In general, this is information about the person or organization for which the domain is registered, the date of domain registration, and the expiration date of registration.
On the web, you can find a lot of sites on which, by typing a domain name into the form and clicking the OK button, you can get information about the domain in 5 seconds.
Private registration
A function that ensures the secrecy of your data, replacing your current contact information with an alternative when asked by Whois.
Website test
A function that ensures the secrecy of your data, replacing your current contact information with an alternative when asked by Whois.
Once we are offered a free domain, if we use their hosting for example.
But often in such cases they register the domain on themselves.
Once they want to keep the client, and maybe they also plan to grab a site if it becomes successful.
But most often, it's so easy and faster to register.
In any case, the domain is not yours. It's not always that bad. But it's nice to make sure who owns your "domain". However, you can only trust the information received from the official zone coordinators in which the domain names are being checked.
Private registration
Why do I need private registration? When you register a domain name, you must specify the correct information about yourself, otherwise your registration can be canceled, as this will be a violation of the Domain Registration Agreement. This information is publicly available through the Whois database, in accordance with the rules of ICANN, an international organization regulating the registration of domain names. This information is an excellent source of data for spammers, telemarketers and hackers, and also cause an identity thieft. Note:Private registration is not available for a number of extensions, eg: .TV, .IN, .EU, .US, .IN, .CC.
| 1.04 Mb | home page | download here |
Windows| 1.04 Mb | home page | download here |
Allows you to find out who, where and when registered the domain or you are interested in the website, as well as information about those it serves.
Other checks
- nic.ru/whois/ - Regional Network Information Center - WHOIS-service of the domain registration center RU center. Provides information on IP addresses and domains around the world. Sometimes it hangs.
- active.domains/whois/ - Active.Domains - Quickest Whois service.
Verification rights
- whois.domaintools.com - WHOIS Analysis (Name Intelligence)
- whois.nic.yandex - Yandex Whois