Toggle between screen modes: Normal Screen Mode, Full Screen Mode with Menu Bar, Full Screen Mode |
F |
Fit imageable area in window |
Double-click Hand tool |
Magnify 100% |
Double-click Zoom tool or press Ctrl+1 |
Switch to Hand tool (when not in text-edit mode) |
Spacebar |
Switch to Zoom tool in magnify mode |
Ctrl+Spacebar |
Switch to Zoom tool in reduce mode |
Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar |
Move Zoom marquee while dragging with the Zoom tool |
Spacebar |
Hide bounding box |
Shift+Ctrl+B |
Hide unselected artwork |
Control+Alt+Shift+3 |
Convert between horizontal and vertical guide |
Alt-drag guide |
Release guide |
Ctrl+Shift-double-click guide |
Show document template |
Ctrl+H |
Show/Hide artboards |
Ctrl+Shift+H |
Show/Hide artboard rulers |
Ctrl+R |
Show transparency grid |
Shift+Ctrl+D |
View all artboards in window |
Ctrl+Alt+0 (zero) |
Paste in place on the active artboard |
Ctrl+Shift+V |
Exit Artboard tool mode |
Esc |
Create artboard inside another artboard |
Shift-drag |
Select multiple artboards in the Artboards panel |
Ctrl+Click |
Navigate to next document |
Ctrl+F6 |
Navigate to previous document |
Ctrl+Shift+F6 |
Navigate to next document group |
Ctrl+Alt+F6 |
Navigate to previous document group |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F6 |
Toggle between Outline and GPU Preview of the document |
Ctrl+Y |
Toggle between GPU and CPU Preview of the document |
Ctrl+E |
View the document in Overprint Preview mode |
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+Y |
View the document in Pixel Preview mode |
Alt+Ctrl+Y |
Exit Full Screen mode |
Esc |
Zoom in |
Ctrl+= |
Zoom out |
Ctrl+- |
Hide guides |
Ctrl+; |
Lock guides |
Alt+Ctrl+; |
Make guides |
Ctrl+5 |
Release guides |
Alt+Ctrl+5 |
Show/ hide smart guides |
Ctrl+U |
Show/ hide perspective grid |
Ctrl+Shift+I |
Show grid |
Ctrl+' |
Snap to grid |
Shift+Ctrl+' |
Snap to point |
Alt+Ctrl+' |
Switch to last-used selection tool (Selection tool, Direct Selection tool, or Group Selection tool) |
Ctrl+` |
Switch between Direct Selection tool and Group Selection tool |
Alt |
Add to a selection with Selection tool, Direct Selection tool, Group Selection tool, Live Paint Selection tool, or Magic Wand tool |
Shift-click |
Subtract a selection with Selection tool, Direct Selection tool, Group Selection tool, or LIve Paint Selection tool |
Shift-click |
Subtract from selection with Magic Wand tool |
Alt-click |
Add to selection with Lasso tool |
Shift-drag |
Subtract from selection with Lasso tool |
Alt-drag |
Change pointer to cross hair for Lasso tool |
CapsLock |
Select artwork in active artboard |
Ctrl+Alt+A |
Create crop marks around selected object |
Alt+C+O |
Select all |
Ctrl+A |
Deselect |
Shift+Ctrl+A |
Reselect |
Ctrl+6 |
Select the object above the current selection |
Alt+Ctrl+] |
Select the object below the current selection |
Alt+Ctrl+[ |
Select behind an object |
Press Ctrl+Click twice |
Select behind in isolation mode |
Ctrl+Click twice |
Group the selected artwork |
Ctrl+G |
Ungroup the selected artwork |
Shift+Ctrl+G |
Lock a selection |
Ctrl+2 |
Unlock a selection |
Alt+Ctrl+2 |
Hide a selection |
Ctrl+3 |
Show all selections |
Alt+Ctrl+3 |
Move selection in user-defined increments |
↑↓←→ |
Move selection in 10x user-defined increments |
Shift+↑↓←→ |
Lock all deselected artwork |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+2 |
Constrain movement to 45° angle (except when using Reflect tool) |
Hold down Shift |
Bring a selection forward |
Ctrl+] |
Move a selection to the front |
Shift+Ctrl+] |
Send a selection backward |
Ctrl+[ |
Move a selection to the back |
Shift+Ctrl+[ |
Constrain a shape’s proportions or orientation to: equal height and width for rectangles, rounded rectangles, ellipses, and grids Increments of 45° for line and arc segments Original orientation for polygons, stars, and flares |
Shift-drag |
Move a shape while drawing it |
Spacebar-drag |
Draw from the center of a shape (except for polygons, stars, and flares) |
Alt-drag |
Increase or decrease polygon sides, star points, arc angle, spiral winds, or flare rays |
Start dragging, then press ↑/↓ |
Keep the inner radius of a star constant |
Start dragging, then hold down Ctrl |
Keep the sides of a star straight |
Alt-drag |
Switch between an open and closed arc |
Start dragging, then hold down C |
Flip an arc, keeping the reference point constant |
Start dragging, then hold down F |
Add or subtract winds from a spiral while increasing the length of the spiral |
Start dragging, then Alt-drag |
Change the decay rate of a spiral |
Start dragging then Ctrl-drag |
Add or remove horizontal lines from a rectangular grid or concentric lines from a polar grid |
Start dragging, then press ↑/↓ |
Add or remove vertical lines from a rectangular grid or radial lines from a polar grid |
Start dragging, then press ←/→ |
Decrease the skew value for horizontal dividers in a rectangular grid or radial dividers in a polar grid by 10% |
Start dragging, then press F |
Increase the skew value for horizontal dividers in a rectangular grid or radial dividers in a polar grid by 10% |
Start dragging, then press V |
Decrease the skew value for vertical dividers in a rectangular grid or concentric dividers in a polar grid by 10% |
Start dragging, then press X |
Increase the skew value for vertical dividers in a rectangular grid or concentric dividers in a polar grid by 10% |
Start dragging, then press C |
Increase size of Blob Brush |
] |
Decrease size of Blob Brush |
[ |
Constrain Blob Brush path horizontally or vertically |
Shift |
Switch through drawing modes |
Shift+D |
Join two or more paths |
Select the paths, then press Ctrl+J |
Average two or more paths |
Select the paths, then press Alt+Ctrl+J |
Create corner or smooth join |
Select the paths, then press Shift+Ctrl+Alt+J |
Create a compound path |
Ctrl+8 |
Release a compound path |
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+8 |
Edit a pattern |
Shift+Ctrl+F8 |
Perspective Grid Tool |
Shift+P |
Perspective Selection Tool |
Shift+V |
Perspective Grid |
Ctrl+Shift+I |
Moving objects perpendicularly |
5 then click and drag the object |
Switching perspective planes |
Use the Perspective Selection tool and then press 1 for left grid, 2 for horizontal grid, 3 for right grid, or 4 for no active grid |
Copying objects in perspective |
Ctrl+Alt+drag |
Repeat transforming objects in perspective |
Ctrl+D |
Switching between drawing modes |
Shift+D |
Switch Pen tool to Convert Anchor Point tool |
Alt |
Switch between Add Anchor Point tool and Delete Anchor Point tool |
Alt |
Switch Scissors tool to Add Anchor Point tool |
Alt |
Switch Pencil tool to Smooth tool |
Alt |
Move current anchor point while drawing with Pen tool |
Spacebar-drag |
Cut a straight line with Knife tool |
Alt-drag |
Cut at 45° or 90° with Knife tool |
Shift+Alt-drag |
Use shape mode buttons in Pathfinder panel to create compound paths |
Alt+Shape mode |
Erase unwanted closed regions created using Shape Builder tool |
Alt+Click the closed region |
Select the Shape Builder tool |
Shift+M |
Display rectangular marquee to easily merge multiple paths (when using Shape Builder tool) |
Shift+Click+drag |
Increase the intensity of symbols (when using Symbolism tool) |
Shift+} |
Decrease the intensity of symbols (when using Symbolism tool) |
Shift+{ |
Blend objects |
Alt+Ctrl+B |
Finish adding objects to the blend |
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+B |
Distort objects using a warp-shaped envelope |
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+W |
Distort objects using a mesh as the shape of the envelope |
Alt+Ctrl+M |
Distort objects using another object as the shape of the envelope |
Alt+Ctrl+C |
Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample fill and/or stroke |
Alt-Click+Live Paint Bucket tool |
Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample color from an image or intermediate color from a gradient |
Alt+Shift-Click+Live Paint Bucket tool |
Select opposite Live Paint Bucket tool options (if Paint Fills and Paint Strokes are currently selected, switch to Paint Fills only) |
Shift+Live Paint Bucket tool |
Fill across unstroked edges into adjacent faces |
Double-Click+Live Paint Bucket tool |
Fill all faces that have same fill and stroke all edges that have same stroke |
Triple-Click+Live Paint Bucket tool |
Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample fill and/or stroke |
Alt-Click+Live Paint Selection tool |
Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample color from an image or intermediate color from a gradient |
Alt+Shift-Click+Live Paint Selection tool |
Add to/subtract from a selection |
Shift-Click+Live Paint Selection tool |
Select all connected faces /edges with same fill/stroke |
Double-Click+Live Paint Selection tool |
Select all faces/edges with same fill/stroke |
Triple-Click+Live Paint Selection tool |
Set origin point and open dialog box when using Rotate tool, Scale tool, Reflect tool, or Shear tool |
Alt-click |
Duplicate and transform selection when using Selection tool, Scale tool, Reflect tool, or Shear tool |
Alt-drag |
Transform pattern (independent of object) when using Selection tool, Scale tool, Reflect tool, or Shear tool |
~-drag |
Reapply a transformation to an object |
Ctrl+D |
Apply last pathfinder effect to the selected object |
Ctrl+4 |
Move an object |
Shift+Ctrl+M |
Open the Transform Each dialog box |
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+D |
Make a clipping mask |
Ctrl+7 |
Release a clipping mask |
Alt+Ctrl+7 |
Toggle between fill and stroke |
X |
Set fill and stroke to default |
D |
Swap fill and stroke |
Shift+X |
Select gradient fill mode |
> |
Hide gradient annotator (when using the Gradient tool) |
Alt+Ctrl+G |
Select color fill mode |
< |
Select no stroke/fill mode |
/ |
Sample color from an image or intermediate color from gradient |
Shift+Eyedropper tool |
Sample style and append appearance of currently selected item |
Alt+Shift-Click+Eyedropper tool |
Add new fill |
Ctrl+/ |
Add new stroke |
Ctrl+Alt+/ |
Reset gradient to black and white |
Ctrl-click gradient button in Tools panel or Gradient panel |
Make Live Paint (when using the Paint Bucket tool) |
Alt+Ctrl+X |
Decrease Bristle brush size |
[ |
Increase Bristle brush size |
] |
Move one character right or left |
←/→ |
Move up or down one line |
↑/↓ |
Move one word right or left |
Ctrl+←/→ |
Move up or down one paragraph |
Ctrl+↑/↓ |
Select one word right or left |
Shift+Ctrl+←/→ |
Select one paragraph before or after |
Shift+Ctrl+↑/↓ |
Extend existing selection |
Shift-click |
Align paragraph left, right, or center |
Ctrl+Shift+L, R, or C |
Justify text left |
Ctrl+Shift+J |
Justify all lines |
Shift+Ctrl+F |
Toggle line composer |
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+C |
Insert soft return |
Shift+Enter |
Highlight kerning |
Ctrl+Alt+K |
Reset horizontal scale to 100% |
Ctrl+Shift+X |
Increase or decrease font size |
Ctrl+Shift+./, |
Increase or decrease font size by steps |
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+./, |
Increase or decrease leading |
Alt+↑↓←→ |
Select tracking value |
Alt+Ctrl+K |
Reset tracking/kerning to 0 |
Ctrl+Alt+Q |
Increase or decrease kerning and tracking |
Alt+↑↓←→ |
Increase or decrease kerning and tracking by five times |
Ctrl+Alt+↑↓←→ |
Increase or decrease baseline shift |
Alt+↑↓←→ |
Switch between Type and Vertical Type, Area Type and Vertical Area Type, and Path Type and Vertical Path Type tools |
Shift |
Switch between Area Type and Path Type, Vertical Area Type and Vertical Path Type tools |
Alt |
Create outlines |
Shift+Ctrl+O |
Open the Character panel |
Ctrl+T |
Open the Paragraph panel |
Alt+Ctrl+T |
Open the Tabs panel |
Shift+Ctrl+T |
Open the OpenType panel |
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+T |
Insert bullets |
Alt+8 |
Insert copyright symbol |
Alt+G |
Insert ellipsis |
Alt+; |
Insert paragraph symbol |
Alt+7 |
Insert section symbol |
Alt+6 |
Insert trademark symbol |
Alt+2 |
Insert registered trademark symbol |
Alt+R |
Superscript |
Shift+Ctrl+= |
Subscript |
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+= |
Insert em dash |
Alt+Shift+- |
Insert en dash |
Alt+- |
Insert discretionary hyphen |
Shift+Ctrl+- |
Toggle auto-hyphenation |
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+H |
Insert double left quotation marks |
Alt+[ |
Insert double right quotation marks |
Alt+Shift+[ |
Insert single left quotation marks |
Alt+] |
Insert single right quotation marks |
Alt+Shift+] |
Insert em space |
Shift+Ctrl+M |
Insert en space |
Shift+Ctrl+N |
Insert thin space |
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+M |
Show hidden characters |
Alt+Ctrl+I |
Set options (except for Actions, Brushes, Swatches, and Symbols panels) |
Alt-click New button |
Switch units of measurement |
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+U |
Delete without confirmation (except for Layers panel) |
Alt+Delete |
Apply value and keep text box active |
Shift+Enter |
Select range of actions, brushes, layers, links, styles, or swatches |
Shift-click |
Select noncontiguous actions, brushes, layers (same level only), links, styles, or swatches |
Ctrl-click |
Show/Hide all panels |
Tab |
Show/Hide all panels except the Tools panel and Control panel |
Shift+Tab |
Increase/ decrease values in logical fractions of the measurement unit |
Ctrl+↑/↓ |
Increase/ decrease measurement unit by 10x |
↑/↓ |
Add a layer |
Ctrl+L |
Add a layer while opening the New Layer dialog box |
Alt+Ctrl+L |
Select all objects on the layer |
Alt-click layer name |
Show/hide all layers but the selected one |
Alt-click eye icon |
Select Outline/Preview view for the selected layer |
Ctrl-click eye icon |
Selects Outline/Preview view for all other layers |
Ctrl+Alt-click eye icon |
Lock/unlock all other layers |
Alt-click lock icon |
Expand all sublayers to display entire hierarchy |
Alt-click expansion triangle |
Set options as you create new layer |
Alt-click New Layer button |
Set options as you create new sublayer |
Alt-click New Sublayer button |
Place new sublayer at bottom of layer list |
Ctrl+Alt-click New Sublayer button |
Place layer at top of layer list |
Ctrl-click New Layer button |
Place layer below selected layer |
Ctrl+Alt-click New Layer button |
Copy the selection to a layer, sublayer, or group |
Alt-drag selection |
Toggle between screen modes: Normal Screen Mode, Full Screen Mode with Menu Bar, Full Screen Mode |
F |
Fit imageable area in window |
Double-click Hand tool |
Magnify 100% |
Double-click Zoom tool or press ⌘+1 |
Switch to Hand tool (when not in text-edit mode) |
Spacebar |
Switch to Zoom tool in magnify mode |
Spacebar+⌘ |
Switch to Zoom tool in reduce mode |
Spacebar+⌘+Option |
Move Zoom marquee while dragging with the Zoom tool |
Spacebar |
Hide bounding box |
Shift+Control+B |
Hide unselected artwork |
⌘+Option+Shift+3 |
Convert between horizontal and vertical guide |
Option-drag guide |
Release guide |
⌘+Shift-double-click guide |
Show document template |
⌘+H |
Show/Hide artboards |
⌘+Shift+H |
Show/Hide artboard rulers |
⌘+Option+R |
Show transparency grid |
Shift+⌘+D |
View all artboards in window |
⌘+Option+0 (zero) |
Paste in place on the active artboard |
⌘+Shift+V |
Exit Artboard tool mode |
Esc |
Create artboard inside another artboard |
Shift-drag |
Select multiple artboards in the Artboards panel |
⌘+Click |
Navigate to next document |
⌘+F6 |
Navigate to previous document |
⌘+Shift+F6 |
Navigate to next document group |
⌘+Option+F6 |
Navigate to previous document group |
⌘+Option+Shift+F6 |
Toggle between Outline and GPU Preview of the document |
⌘+Y |
Toggle between GPU and CPU Preview of the document |
⌘+E |
View the document in Overprint Preview mode |
Option+Shift+⌘+Y |
View the document in Pixel Preview mode |
Option+⌘+Y |
Exit Full Screen mode |
Esc |
Zoom in |
⌘+= |
Zoom out |
⌘+- |
Hide guides |
⌘+; |
Lock guides |
Option+⌘+; |
Make guides |
⌘+5 |
Release guides |
Option+Ctrl+5 |
Show/ hide smart guides |
⌘+U |
Show/ hide perspective grid |
⌘+Shift+I |
Show grid |
⌘+' |
Snap to grid |
Shift+⌘+' |
Snap to point |
Option+⌘+' |
Switch to last-used selection tool (Selection tool, Direct Selection tool, or Group Selection tool) |
⌘+` |
Switch between Direct Selection tool and Group Selection tool |
Option |
Add to a selection with Selection tool, Direct Selection tool, Group Selection tool, Live Paint Selection tool, or Magic Wand tool |
Shift-click |
Subtract a selection with Selection tool, Direct Selection tool, Group Selection tool, or LIve Paint Selection tool |
Shift-click |
Subtract from selection with Magic Wand tool |
Option-click |
Add to selection with Lasso tool |
Shift-drag |
Subtract from selection with Lasso tool |
Option-drag |
Change pointer to cross hair for Lasso tool |
CapsLock |
Select artwork in active artboard |
⌘+Option+A |
Select all |
⌘+A |
Deselect |
Shift+⌘+A |
Reselect |
⌘+6 |
Select the object above the current selection |
Option+⌘+] |
Select the object below the current selection |
Option+⌘+ |
Select behind an object |
Press ⌘+Click twice |
Select behind in isolation mode |
⌘+Click twice |
Group the selected artwork |
⌘+G |
Ungroup the selected artwork |
Shift+⌘+G |
Lock a selection |
⌘+2 |
Unlock a selection |
Option+⌘+2 |
Hide a selection |
⌘+3 |
Show all selections |
Option+⌘+3 |
Move selection in user-defined increments |
↑↓←→ |
Move selection in 10x user-defined increments |
Shift+↑↓←→ |
Lock all deselected artwork |
⌘+Option+Shift+2 |
Constrain movement to 45° angle (except when using Reflect tool) |
Hold down Shift |
Bring a selection forward |
⌘+] |
Move a selection to the front |
Shift+⌘+] |
Send a selection backward |
⌘+[ |
Move a selection to the back |
Shift+⌘+[ |
Constrain a shape’s proportions or orientation to: equal height and width for rectangles, rounded rectangles, ellipses, and grids Increments of 45° for line and arc segments Original orientation for polygons, stars, and flares |
Shift-drag |
Move a shape while drawing it |
Spacebar-drag |
Draw from the center of a shape (except for polygons, stars, and flares) |
Option-drag |
Increase or decrease polygon sides, star points, arc angle, spiral winds, or flare rays |
Start dragging, then press ↑/↓ |
Keep the inner radius of a star constant |
Start dragging, then hold down ⌘ |
Keep the sides of a star straight |
Option-drag |
Switch between an open and closed arc |
Start dragging, then hold down C |
Flip an arc, keeping the reference point constant |
Start dragging, then hold down SF |
Add or subtract winds from a spiral while increasing the length of the spiral |
Start dragging then Option-drag |
Change the decay rate of a spiral |
Start dragging then ⌘-drag |
Add or remove horizontal lines from a rectangular grid or concentric lines from a polar grid |
Start dragging, then press ↑/↓ |
Add or remove vertical lines from a rectangular grid or radial lines from a polar grid |
Start dragging, then press ←/→ |
Decrease the skew value for horizontal dividers in a rectangular grid or radial dividers in a polar grid by 10% |
Start dragging, then press F |
Increase the skew value for horizontal dividers in a rectangular grid or radial dividers in a polar grid by 10% |
Start dragging, then press V |
Decrease the skew value for vertical dividers in a rectangular grid or concentric dividers in a polar grid by 10% |
Start dragging, then press X |
Increase the skew value for vertical dividers in a rectangular grid or concentric dividers in a polar grid by 10% |
Start dragging, then press C |
Increase size of Blob Brush |
] |
Decrease size of Blob Brush |
[ |
Constrain Blob Brush path horizontally or vertically |
Shift |
Switch through drawing modes |
Shift+D |
Join two or more paths |
Select the paths, then press ⌘+J |
Average two or more paths |
Select the paths, then press Option+⌘+J |
Create corner or smooth join |
Select the anchor point, then press Shift+⌘+Option+J |
Create a compound path |
⌘+8 |
Release a compound path |
Option+Shift+⌘+8 |
Edit a pattern |
Shift+⌘+F8 |
Perspective Grid Tool |
Shift+P |
Perspective Selection Tool |
Shift+V |
Perspective Grid |
⌘+Shift+I |
Moving objects perpendicularly |
Press the number 5 key, then click and drag the object |
Switching perspective planes |
Use the Perspective Selection tool and then press 1 for ← grid, 2 for horizontal grid, 3 for right grid, or 4 for no active grid |
Copying objects in perspective |
⌘+Alt+drag |
Repeat transforming objects in perspective |
⌘+D |
Switching between drawing modes |
Shift+D |
Switch Pen tool to Convert Anchor Point tool |
Option |
Switch between Add Anchor Point tool and Delete Anchor Point tool |
Option |
Switch Scissors tool to Add Anchor Point tool |
Option |
Switch Pencil tool to Smooth tool |
Option |
Move current anchor point while drawing with Pen tool |
Spacebar-drag |
Cut a straight line with Knife tool |
Option-drag |
Cut at 45° or 90° with Knife tool |
Shift+Option-drag |
Use shape mode buttons in Pathfinder panel to create compound paths |
Option+Shape mode |
Erase unwanted closed regions created using Shape Builder tool |
Option+Click the closed region |
Select the Shape Builder tool |
Shift+M |
Display rectangular marquee to easily merge multiple paths (when using Shape Builder tool) |
Shift+Click+drag |
Increase the intensity of symbols (when using Symbolism tool) |
Shift+} |
Decrease the intensity of symbols (when using Symbolism tool) |
Shift+{ |
Blend objects |
Option+⌘+B |
Finish adding objects to the blend |
Option+Shift+⌘+B |
Distort objects using a warp-shaped envelope |
Option+⌘+Shift+W |
Distort objects using a mesh as the shape of the envelope |
Option+⌘+M |
Distort objects using another object as the shape of the envelope |
Option+⌘+C |
Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample fill and/or stroke |
Option-Click+Live Paint Bucket tool |
Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample color from an image or intermediate color from a gradient |
Option+Shift-Click+Live Paint Bucket tool |
Select opposite Live Paint Bucket tool options (if Paint Fills and Paint Strokes are currently selected, switch to Paint Fills only) |
Shift+Live Paint Bucket tool |
Fill across unstroked edges into adjacent faces |
Double-Click+Live Paint Bucket tool |
Fill all faces that have same fill and stroke all edges that have same stroke |
Triple-Click+Live Paint Bucket tool |
Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample fill and/or stroke |
Option-Click+Live Paint Selection tool |
Switch to Eyedropper tool and sample color from an image or intermediate color from a gradient |
Option+Shift-Click+Live Paint Selection tool |
Add to/subtract from a selection |
Shift-Click+Live Paint Selection tool |
Select all connected faces /edges with same fill/stroke |
Double-Click+Live Paint Selection tool |
Select all faces/edges with same fill/stroke |
Triple-Click+Live Paint Selection tool |
Set origin point and open dialog box when using Rotate tool, Scale tool, Reflect tool, or Shear tool |
Option-click |
Duplicate and transform selection when using Selection tool, Scale tool, Reflect tool, or Shear tool |
Option-drag |
Transform pattern (independent of object) when using Selection tool, Scale tool, Reflect tool, or Shear tool |
~-drag |
Reapply a transformation to an object |
⌘+D |
Apply last pathfinder effect to the selected object |
⌘+4 |
Move an object |
Shift+⌘+M |
Open the Transform Each dialog box |
Option+Shift+⌘+D |
Make a clipping mask |
⌘+7 |
Release a clipping mask |
Option+⌘+7 |
Toggle between fill and stroke |
X |
Set fill and stroke to default |
D |
Swap fill and stroke |
Shift+X |
Select gradient fill mode |
> |
Hide gradient annotator (when using the Gradient tool) |
Option+⌘+G |
Select color fill mode |
< |
Select no stroke/fill mode |
/ |
Sample color from an image or intermediate color from gradient |
Shift+Eyedropper tool |
Sample style and append appearance of currently selected item |
Option+Shift-Click+Eyedropper tool |
Add new fill |
⌘+/ |
Add new stroke |
⌘+Option+/ |
Reset gradient to black and white |
⌘-click gradient button in Tools panel or Gradient panel |
Make Live Paint (when using the Paint Bucket tool) |
Option+⌘+X |
Decrease Bristle brush size |
[ |
Increase Bristle brush size |
] |
Move one character right or left |
←/→ |
Move up or down one line |
↑/↓ |
Move one word right or left |
⌘+←/→ |
Move up or down one paragraph |
⌘+↑/↓ |
Select one word right or left |
Shift+⌘+←/→ |
Select one paragraph before or after |
Shift+⌘+↑/↓ |
Extend existing selection |
Shift-click |
Align paragraph left, right, or center |
⌘+Shift+L, R, or C |
Justify text left |
⌘+Shift+J |
Justify all lines |
Shift+⌘+F |
Toggle line composer |
Option+Shift+⌘+ |
Insert soft return |
Shift+Return |
Highlight kerning |
⌘+Option+K |
Reset horizontal scale to 100% |
⌘+Shift+X |
Increase or decrease font size |
⌘+Shift+. or , |
Increase or decrease font size by steps |
Option+⌘+Shift+. or , |
Increase or decrease leading |
Option+↑↓←→ |
Select tracking value |
Option+⌘+K |
Reset tracking/kerning to 0 |
⌘+Option+Q |
Increase or decrease kerning and tracking |
Option+↑↓←→ |
Increase or decrease kerning and tracking by five times |
⌘+Option+↑↓←→ |
Increase or decrease baseline shift |
Option+↑↓←→ |
Switch between Type and Vertical Type, Area Type and Vertical Area Type, and Path Type and Vertical Path Type tools |
Shift |
Switch between Area Type and Path Type, Vertical Area Type and Vertical Path Type tools |
Option |
Create outlines |
Shift+⌘+O |
Open the Character panel |
⌘+T |
Open the Paragraph panel |
Option+⌘+T |
Open the Tabs panel |
Shift+⌘+T |
Open the OpenType panel |
Option+Shift+⌘+T |
Insert bullets |
Option+8 |
Insert copyright symbol |
Option+G |
Insert ellipsis |
Option+; |
Insert paragraph symbol |
Option+7 |
Insert section symbol |
Option+6 |
Insert trademark symbol |
Option+2 |
Insert registered trademark symbol |
Option+R |
Superscript |
Shift+⌘+= |
Subscript |
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+= |
Insert em dash |
Option+Shift+- |
Insert en dash |
Option+- |
Insert discretionary hyphen |
Shift+⌘+- |
Toggle auto-hyphenation |
Option+Shift+⌘+H |
Insert double left quotation marks |
Option+[ |
Insert double right quotation marks |
Option+Shift+[ |
Insert single left quotation marks |
Option+] |
Insert single right quotation marks |
Option+Shift+] |
Insert em space |
Shift+⌘+M |
Insert en space |
Shift+⌘+N |
Insert thin space |
Option+Shift+⌘+M |
Show hidden characters |
Option+⌘+I |
Set options (except for Actions, Brushes, Swatches, and Symbols panels) |
Option-click New button |
Switch units of measurement |
Option+Shift+⌘+U |
Delete without confirmation (except for Layers panel) |
Option-click Delete button |
Apply value and keep text box active |
Shift+Return |
Select range of actions, brushes, layers, links, styles, or swatches |
Shift-click |
Select noncontiguous actions, brushes, layers (same level only), links, styles, or swatches |
⌘-click |
Show/Hide all panels |
Tab |
Show/Hide all panels except the Tools panel and Control panel |
Shift+Tab |
Increase/ decrease values in logical fractions of the measurement unit |
⌘+↑/↓ |
Increase/ decrease measurement unit by 10x |
↑/↓ |
Add a layer |
⌘+L |
Add a layer while opening the New Layer dialog box |
Option+⌘+L |
Select all objects on the layer |
Option-click layer name |
Show/hide all layers but the selected one |
Option-click eye icon |
Select Outline/Preview view for the selected layer |
⌘-click eye icon |
Selects Outline/Preview view for all other layers |
⌘+Option-click eye icon |
Lock/unlock all other layers |
Option-click lock icon |
Expand all sublayers to display entire hierarchy |
Option-click expansion triangle |
Set options as you create new layer |
Option-click New Layer button |
Set options as you create new sublayer |
Option-click New Sublayer button |
Place new sublayer at bottom of layer list |
⌘+Option-click New Sublayer button |
Place layer at top of layer list |
⌘-click New Layer button |
Place layer below selected layer |
⌘+Option-click New Layer button |
Copy the selection to a layer, sublayer, or group |
Option-drag selection |