Hot links Spotify

Software / Freeware / Hot keys

Hot links Spotify

A list of keyboard shortcuts for restoring laptop's factory settings | Character Codes for HTML

Create new playlist Ctrl+N
Cut Ctrl+X
Copy Ctrl+C
Copy (alternative link) Ctrl+Alt+C
Paste Ctrl+V
Delete Delete
Select all Ctrl+A
Play/pause Spacebar
Next track Ctrl+
Previous track Ctrl+
Volume up Ctrl+
Volume down Ctrl+
Mute Ctrl+Shift+
Max volume Ctrl+Shift+
Show help F1
Filter (in Songs and Playlists) Ctrl+F
Give focus to search field Ctrl+L
Go back Alt+
Go forward Alt+
Play selected row Enter
Preferences Ctrl+P
Logout active user Ctrl+Shift+W
Quit Alt+F4