Special characters HTML

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Special characters HTML

A list of keyboard shortcuts for restoring laptop's factory settings | Hot links

Special characters are case sensitive, can not be used < instead <.

@@ at
.. dot
   non breaking space
¡¡¡ iexcl
¦¦¦ brvbar
§§§ sect
¨¨¨ uml
­­ shy
¯¯¯ macr
°°° deg
´´´ acute
ƒƒƒ fnof
¶¶ para
··· middot
¸¸¸ cedil
¹¹¹ sup1
ººº ordm, masculine ordinal indicator
ªªª ordf, feminine ordinal indicato
¿¿¿ iquest
›› rsaquo
↵↵ crarr
†† dagger
‡‡ dagger
ˆˆˆ circ
˜˜˜ tilde
ŠŠŠ Scaron
✍ writing hand
☹ sad smile
☺ cheerful smile
☻ cheerful smile
✄ scissors
✂ scissors
♀ female
✏ pencil
✎ pencil
✐ pencil
✑ pen
✒ pen
✓ check mark
✔ check mark
✖ cross
✗ cross
✘ cross
☓ cross
○ a circle
● circle painted
□ square
■ square shaded
☑ active item, tick
☒ active item, cross
☠ skull and bones
♂ man
❥ a heart
❦ heart-pattern
❍ ball
❒ cube