Hot links Gmail

Software / Freeware / Hot keys

Hot links Gmail

A list of keyboard shortcuts for restoring laptop's factory settings | Character Codes for HTML

Compose a new mail c
Puts your cursor in the search box /
Move to newer conversation k
Move to older conversation j
Next message n
Previous message p
Open a conversation o or Enter
Return to conversation list u
Archive a conversation y
Mute (archive and make all future messages from this conversation skip the inbox) m
Select conversation x
Star a message or conversation s
Report spam !
Reply to a mail r
Reply to all recepients a
Forward message f
Escape from input field Esc
Save draft Ctrl+s

key combos

Send message Tab then Enter
Archive your conversation and move to the next one. y then o
Go to all mail g then a
Go to starred conversations g then s
Go to contacts list. g then c
Go to drafts g then d
Go to inbox g then i