Hot links Google Calendar

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Hot links Google Calendar

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calendar view

Allows you to create a new event. + c allows you to create an event in a new window. c
Places your cursor in the search box /
Moves your calendar view to the previous date range p
Moves your calendar view to the next date range n
Moves you to the current day t
Displays your calendar in the "Day" view d
Displays your calendar in a customized view x
Displays your calendar in the "Week" view w
Displays your calendar in the "Month" view m
Displays your calendar in the "Agenda" view a
Opens "Quick Add" q
Brings you back to the default calendar view Esc

event view

Expands a collapsed region Enter
Moves your cursor to the next field Tab
Saves the event Alt then s
Brings you back to the default calendar view Esc