Hotel on the map

Real Estate / Hotels / Hotels

Hotel on the map


Blockchain-based travel reservations.

Everything for accommodation: from hotels, apartments, villas and hostels to 5-star luxury resorts.
Over 2,200,000 properties, 90,124 destinations in 230 countries up to 40% cheaper than the major travel booking platforms.

24-hour customer support

Need help or have a question? Contact our active 24/7 customer service via live chat, email, hotline or online ticketing system.

Payment methods

Cryptocurrency and traditional payment options.

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Search for hotels at low prices.

The most successful in this area service from Russian. It is one of the three worlds available to Russia. A special note is an application for a smartphone.
Domestic service is good because there will definitely be no problems with the language and that it is in our legal field.


You can pay online, but in most cases you can book online, and pay on the fact.


  1. Search hotels nearby in the specified direction;
  2. Browse hotels by list and on the map;
  3. Photos of hotels and rooms;
  4. 24-hour support service in Russian and English;
  5. View the confirmation of booking in offline mode for authorized users.

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More than 30,000 employees.
More than a million hotels in 200 countries.
One of the main things in travel is reliability. This is the main thing that gives.

Customer Support

Well, firstly, when you make an order with such popular services, the hotel will try to please you and will not refuse you at the last minute, saying I do not know you. Too expensive will cost a loss of reputation.
I recommend to take a printout of the reservation on the trip. Drive in the phone number of the support service site and install the mobile application.
So you will be fully armed.

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There are more than 68,000 hotels in 71 countries in the database.

The site offers favorable rates for accommodation in different hotels - small private, five-star hotels ...

Company - (Nasdaq: PCLN) - is the European leader (by the number of sold rooms) in the field of hotel booking online. More than 30 million visitors from all over the world - tourists and businessmen visit Internet every month via Internet. has representative offices in the following cities: Amsterdam - Athens - Barcelona - Berlin - Warsaw - Vienna - Grand Rapids - Dubai - Dublin - Cambridge - Cape Ун - Lyon - Lola (Portugal) - London - Madrid - Montreal - Moscow - Munich - New York - Orlando - Paris - Rome - Sun-Paulu - San Francisco - Sydney - Singapore - Stockholm - Tokyo - Zurich.
The main office of the company is located in Amsterdam.

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International service. Intuitive interface.
More than 120,000 hotels all over the world.
We choose the city, time of arrival, departure time and how many of us.
Search results are sorted by price, popularity, number of stars, guest evaluation and remoteness from the city center.

iTunes Android


Hostels worldwide - Online hostel booking, ratings and reviews.
We reserve seats in more than 33 000 hostels in 170 countries of the world. What is not so much. Let's say where I go to Finland is nothing.

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Used: Google maps.
address: Russia


Find the cheapest prices for all global booking systems for hotels, air tickets and car rental around the world.
The ability to see prices in booking systems through the eyes of a travel agent, compare all offers and choose the best.
Thus, the service helps tourists to find the best prices, no need now to scour Internet in search of affordable hotels and other services. It manually selects cheap hotels that recommend service users and weekly monitoring of popular tourist communities and forums.

At the user's request, hundreds of offers of airlines, hotels and travel agencies are compared. After choosing the appropriate option, you can reserve it in any convenient way: directly through the hotel, airline website or through a travel agent.

You do not need to register on the site. All services are rendered free of charge. The site is very easy to use, there are step-by-step guides for finding the best price for a hotel, car rental, a detailed guide to finding cheap fares for a flight.


Daily rent of apartments for rest and trips in Russia and soon will be in Ukraine.
Private sector for leisure and travel in Russia.
It's easier and cheaper to go to Egypt or Turkey than to Russia.
But there are many places in which it would be interesting to go, we just do not know all the possibilities.

Convenient search on the map from Yandex. We can specify our requirements:

  • area or direction, eg. Rest on the sea, rest in the Altai, ski resorts ...
  • choose the price range interesting to us (of course, the cheaper the easier the housing),
  • search with a filter: bungalow, cottage ... refrigerator, Internet, TV ...
Suggested accommodation - hotels, houses and apartments. So you can find very inexpensive.


Registration allows you to remember the history, collect photos and videos, share them, which helps you choose the place for your next trip.
You can sign in using VK, Moi Mir or Facebook.

Payment methods

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One of the leading portals for tourism.
Here you can pick up and buy plane tickets, book a hotel and book a car.

You can search for on the map.

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