2nd World War

State official / State web / Army

2nd World War

  1. whathappenedinmybirthyear.com - What Happened In My Birth Year - We set the year of our birth and the site gives out what happened in that year and what the world looked like back then.
  2. permgaspi.ru - PermGASPI - Database on the site of the Perm State Archive of Modern History, which includes basic biographical information on former Red Army soldiers (natives of the Perm Krai or called up for military service from the Kama region), who are
  3. podvignaroda.ru - The feat of the people - Publicly available electronic bank of documents on awarded and rewarded documents from the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
  4. polk.ru - Forgotten Regiment - Information about Soviet and Russian soldiers missing in the wars of the 20th century (including the pages "The Great Patriotic War" and "Unwrapped awards").
  5. pomnite-nas.ru - Remember us! - Photos and descriptions of military burials.
  6. rkka.ru - Workers' and Peasants' Red Army
  7. archive.mil.ru - Ministry of Defense Central Archives.
  8. rgo.ru - Russian Geographical Society
  9. isra.com/do/?go=search&limit=15 - ISRAland portal - Searching for people in Israel

Electronic Memory Books

  1. pamyatdon.ru - Rostov region memory book
  2. memorial1945.ru - The memory book of Soviet soldiers - Information about every hero who gave his life for our Motherland in the territory of the present Kaliningrad region.
  3. kremnik.ru/kniga-pamiati - Book of Memory Kremnik - Search for the dead and missing in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945
  4. memento.sebastopol.ua - Crimean virtual necropolis
  5. memory-book.com.ua - E-book of memory of Ukraine
  6. rf-poisk.ru - Memory Books - By regions of Russia, with direct references and annotation.
  7. old.v-ipc.ru/ref/all.asp - Searching for a person in the consolidated database - The book of memory of the Russian Federation, for today 4.5 million names of the lost soldiers (full name, year and a birthplace, a call place, a rank, date and a place of departure).
  8. history.tver.ru/book/ - Memory Book of the Tver Region
  9. memorybook.volgadmin.ru/ - Volgograd region electronic book of memory
  10. 1941-45.ru/books/soldaty_pobedy/ - Memorable Book - Victory Soldiers - Electronic memory book of Ulyanovsk region
  11. region.krasu.ru/veterans - People's Encyclopedia My Krasnoyarsk - Krasnoyarsk Krai Memorial Book, 1st volume
  12. pobeda60rasskasovo.narod.ru/knig_pam - Book of Memory - Website of the Division of Education, Storytelling
  13. russa.narod.ru/books/memory_book/ind - Book of Memory - г. Staraia Russa, Novgorod region
  14. 1942.rzev.ru/200/zal.html - Book of Memory - д. Zalkovo (Rzhev)
  15. may1945-pobeda.narod.ru/kniga_pamjat - Information about the dead in the Kaliningrad region - Book of memory of the Kaliningrad region (volumes 2-5, 18, 19).
  16. memory.dag.com.ua/ - Electronic Memory Book of Ukraine (Nikolaev region)
  17. forum.vgd.ru/index.php?t=8353&o=0&st - Book of Memory - 552 prisoners of war who died in Bila Tserkva.
  18. kungrad.com/history/estelik/ - Book of Memory of Karakalpakstan

reliable site

Owner: VK Group
address: Russia, Moscow

Faces of victory

A single archive of war heroes with photo search from Mail.ru.

How it works

  1. We upload photos to the site through a browser or through an application in Odnoklassniki or VKontakte.
  2. Vision computer vision technology is looking for a photo with your hero in the archive.
  3. Complete the Family Album or Contact the author of the photo.


reliable site
address: Russia

Victory Parade 2015

Website dedicated to the parade victory. All events are tied to the map.

Russian history

Reliable information about facts and events of the past is presented here in an accessible language.
  1. events that occurred in Russia and
  2. the world in different historical epochs;
  3. curious facts;
  4. the refutation of popular historical falsifications;
  5. archive of national art and documentary films about history;
  6. the main events of Russian history in an interactive form.
  7. audio and video lectures on history from famous scientists and teachers, the first Russian Internet encyclopedia from professional historians, pictures and analysis of "key documents" of Russian history and many other projects.

Russian - Englesh

reliable site

Owner: Russian Ministry of Defense
address: Russia

Memory of the People

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and ELAR Corporation represent the world's largest Internet portal of original documents about the Second World War of 1939-1945 and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Search for primary burial sites and documents about awards, about service, about victories and deprivations on the battlefields.

Russian - Englesh
address: Russia

The winners

The civil initiative of private individuals and companies.

The goal is to express gratitude to those who won the Great Patriotic War. The gratitude of descendants should not be general, but personalized character. Therefore, an important part of the project is a roll-call list of veterans who met 60 The Victory anniversary. Today Internet gives us the opportunity to tell in a new way what our warfare was for our grandfathers. Using a visualized model of the course of the war, avoiding pathos and assessments, combine historical facts, modern memories and archival chronicles.

iTunes Android

address: Russia

Thus began the war

The site of the Defense Ministry's about the events of June 22, 1941 - the beginning of the Second World War.

Unique archival documents are published for the first time on the site.

The Soviet military commanders clearly define the state of the troo

Russian - Englesh
address: Russia

The feat of the people

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation presents a unique information resource of open access "The feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", filled with documents on the progress and results of the main military operations, feats and awards of all the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.
In the course of the project, an archive of awards cases with documents on 30 million wartime awards will be transferred to the electronic form, and an archive of documents on the operational management of combat operations. Documents of more than 200,000 archive files will be available in the system, the total volume is about 100 million sheets. The sources of information are the Central Archive Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (CA MO):
  • Archive of award cases.
  • Archive of documents on the operational management of combat operations.

Virtual Gulag Online Museum

The specific of the map is that it shows not only the Gulags, but also the places from where people who were sitting in the Gulag were from.

The site was created by Czechs and concerns primarily prisoners from other countries, primarily Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary.
That is, it opens a little-known page of the Gulag.

Here you can find information about Gulags, people's testimonies, household items, panorama, 3D tour.

Gulag History Map

A replenishing database on the history and geography of labour camps operating in the USSR from 1918 to 1960.

On the map there is a time scale on which it is possible to see visually both the general picture, and local.
You can choose a year or turn on the player.

The map is interactive, you can zoom in on your region and see what was there by clicking on a specific Galaag, we get more detailed information on this particular camp by years - the number of prisoners, what were doing.


The site was created for those who love history, but is not a professional historian.A world of fascinating whirlpool of historical events. The world of history, from the ancient, not knowing the writing of the tribes, until the XXI century.

Personality Test

Allow us to compare ourselves with the historical figure and find out who you are like.

Social Historical Ribbon

How an important event from the past would be covered if Twitter existed at that time.


Checks knowledge of history.


We follow the historic route of Napoleon, Genghis Khan ...


Historical fights with other users.


Federal, regional and departmental archives Russia.

All the variety of archives Russia is united by the Federal Archival Service Russia, also called Rosarkhiv. Details of all federal, the majority of regional and departmental archives of the Russian Federation are given.

Documentation Center

Since 2000, the Documentation Center of the Saxon Memorial Association, Dresden, conducts research work on camps for Soviet POWs stationed in the Reich and helps To receive information about former Soviet citizens who died during the Second World War in camps and working teams in the territory of the former German Reich.

There is a database on this group of people in the Documentation Center and regularly replenishes. Information is drawn from two source categories:

1. Documents from the archives of the former USSR

  • materials of the former Wehrmacht Information Service (VAST), which after The Second World War was exported to Russia and is now in storage in various archives of independent states – Former Soviet republics;
  • protocols of interrogations of former German servicemen who during the war served as part of security teams or personnel of camps for Soviet prisoners of war and who fell into Soviet captivity during or after the war

2. Documents from the archives of the Federal Republic of Germany Germany

  • Wehrmacht documents
  • reports of German construction firms and other documents on Soviet Prisoners of war who worked in labor teams on the territory of the German Reich, medical documentation
  • documents of German citizens' interviews about foreign workers who, after the Second World War, were held by the occupation authorities and German authorities
  • documents of the communities in which the Soviet citizens were buried.
For today, there are more than 20 types of documents related to the registration of Soviet prisoners of war.
Here you will find samples of the main Document types of the former Wehrmacht POW Department with appropriate explanations.

Leningrad victory

Blockade in the language of numbers.
  • Information,
  • statistics,
  • photos,
  • audio recordings of that time,
  • newspapers of the times of the blockade.
All about the blockade of Leningrad.

Aerial photos of cities USSR, made during the war.
There are dozens of cities in the list. Pictures are superimposed on Google maps.
To compare the city's photo of those years with modern satellite, select the full-screen mode and click on the link "2 in 1".

Aerial photos of the 2nd World War

Find a soldier

Online service to determine the fates of missing and deceased soldiers.

For several years on May 9 in the ranks of the Immortal Regiment" one can see photos of very young soldiers with only the date of birth.
"I don't even know where and when my father died," "We don't know where our grandfather is buried," say the marchers.
After 75 years, the acuteness of the problem remains, millions of families want to know about the fates of their heroes.
To solve this national problem, the People's Project "Establishing the Fates of the Defenders of the Fatherland Who Were Deceased or Missing" was created.

The online service "Find a soldier" works within the framework of the project and with its help you can apply for free to establish the fate of your relative, a participant of the Great Patriotic War, according to the "one window" principle.

If for some reasons you cannot make an application yourself, you may apply to the hotline of "National project" by phone 8 (800) 300-68-97, the operators will accept an application to research the military way of your relative.

address: Russia