Video hostilities

State official / State web / Army

Video hostilities


Digital Video&Imagery Distribution System.
Broadcast military video 24 hours a day. DVIDS divisions are based in a dozen countries, including Iraq and Afghanistan.
  1. Military correspondents follow divisions,
  2. broadcast the stories via mobile satellite transmitters,
  3. the stories are collected in a stream in Atlanta (state Georgia),
  4. are provided by the media.
DVIDS produces more traditional materials: photos, texts; Takes interviews and comments from military experts and the heroes of their stories.

The site provides content not only to organizations. On his site are laid out the materials that any user can watch, if he wants, even HiDev videos are available to him, you need to register to receive them.

DVIDS - army PR division USA. The army finances, and therefore each video must be approved by the military authorities.



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Video Army