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Goo - goo.ne.jp |
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Google Japan - google.co.jp |
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Honda Aircraft Company - hondajet.com Bussiness aviation. |
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Imaginary Soundscape - imaginarysoundscape2.qosmo.jp Through the site you can watch Google panoramas, those that google maps with sound.moreThrough the site you can watch Google panoramas, those that google maps with sound. The sound is not real, the neural network created by the Japanese studio guesses what kind of sound can be on one or another panorama. Or rather, not to the panorama, but to its visible part. Let's say we turn the panorama, a car appears, and the sound of the car appears.If we see the crowd, the sound of the crowd, the subway - the sound of trains, the ambulance - the sound of a siren, children's crying, the sound of waves ... |
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Information is Beautiful - informationisbeautiful.net email: informationisbeautiful@gmail.com The site teaches how to present information stylishly and beautifully. |
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Infoseek Japan - infoseek.co.jp |
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Japan - kantei.go.jp Authorities. |
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kissing.com - kissing.com This is a resource dedicated to the use of sex, drugs and other obscenities in advertising. |
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Koalas to the Max - koalastothemax.com email: contact@anniealbagli.com To kill time.moreThese are circles. We move the mouse and they divide by 4. We direct on each of the bottom - still divide by 4, so we kill time.And why? What is the ultimate goal? There is a hidden picture, which is understandable only if we deal with all the circles |
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Saluton! Esperanto Aŭtodidakte - kursosaluton.org email: administranto@kursosaluton.org International Self-Study Course. |
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Lang-8 - lang-8.com email: support@lang-8.com Spell-checking by native speakers. You can find friends to improve your speaking skills. |
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NAFO - nafo.int Fisheries in the North Atlantic. |
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NewsMap - newsmap.jp email: marcos@newsmap.jp Popular news headlines.moreThe page resembles a tag cloud, only here is the news headlines. The more popular, the larger and higher. If the news is interested, click and get to the site with this news. |
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Nissan - nissan-club.org Nissan Club Ukraine. |
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AI Gahaku - ai-art.tokyo email: aigahaku@gmail.com Neuroset converts your photos into all kinds of pictures.moreNeuroset converts your photos into all kinds of pictures.All you have to do is choose which one I look best in. You will also get a description of the material that was supposedly used for your painting. You can download it immediately or share it with your friends. |
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JCB - global.jcb Japan Credit Bureau. |
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Suzuki - suzuki-club.org/forum/ Ukrainian club of Suzuki lovers. |
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Tatoeba - tatoeba.org email: team@tatoeba.org Translation of the whole world.moreIt's a collection of offers and translations. It's a collaborative, open, free and even addictive project. This service can be used to learn a language by specifying one or another phrase and if you translate say something from the English interface Into Russian etc. |
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Todo.ly - todo.ly email: mail@todo.ly Task Manager team.moreA great task manager. English and looks not very modern, but everything is simple, intuitive, multi-level nesting without restrictions.If anyone is interested, there is an API. |
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Viki - viki.com tel.: +__075097 36589 Video Hosting for archiving TV shows who is going to a team of volunteers.moreViki - video (video) + wiki (wiki), that is video hosting for the archive of TV programs, which is collected by a team of volunteers.It is clear that the base of the show is limited, only those shows agreed with the rights holders. However, the contracts are signed with very many: Warner Music, SEED Music Group, LOEN Entertainment, Hulu, Netflix, Yahoo!, MSN, NBC, A&E, TVB (Hong Kong), SBS (South Korea), Fuji TV (Japan) and Amedia Russia). A company from Singapore, based in San Francisco. In addition, the company has offices in Tokyo and Seoul. Supported by Samsung. |
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LINE - line.me Japanese messenger.moreJapanese messenger messaging, calls and video calls via the Internet. you Can call and chat from your computer or smartphone. Supported group chat. in addition to calls, and there is a chat message, making LINE mobile social network. There are paid features, games, photo editor other applications. LINE App used by over 290 million people in 231 countries. |
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Sony Music - sonymusic.com |
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Toyota Brazil - toyota.com.br |
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Waifu2x - waifu2x.udp.jp Improving the quality of a photo with a neural network.moreYou can increase the size and remove the background noise. Registration is not required. Upload a picture, specify a photo or illustration, select the magnification factor (1.6 or 2), the degree of noise reduction and the format of the finished fil |
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Castbox - castbox.fm email: contact@castbox.fm One of the best international sites with podcasts.moreOne of the best international sites with podcasts. |
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University of Aizu - u-aizu.ac.jp |
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Chiba University - chiba-u.ac.jp |
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Ehime University - ehime-u.ac.jp |
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Typetalk - typetalk.com address: 1-8-6 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka email: support@typetalk.com Share and discuss ideas with your team using instant messages.moreShare and discuss ideas with your team using instant messaging. |
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Gunma University - tech.gunma-u.ac.jp |
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Hirosaki University - hirosaki-u.ac.jp |
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Hiroshima City University - hiroshima-cu.ac.jp |
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Kagoshima University - kagoshima-u.ac.jp |
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Kobe University - kobe-u.ac.jp |
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Kochi University - is.kochi-u.ac.jp |
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Kumamoto University - ewww.kumamoto-u.ac.jp |
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Kumamoto National College of Technology - kumamoto-nct.ac.jp |
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Kurume Institute of Technology - kurume-it.ac.jp |
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Kyoto Institute of Technology - kit.ac.jp |
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Kyoto University - kyoto-u.ac.jp |
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Kyoto Notre Dame University - notredame.ac.jp |
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Kyushu Sangyo University - kyusan-u.ac.jp |
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Kyushu Institute of Technology - kyutech.ac.jp |
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Meiji University - meiji.ac.jp |
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Miyazaki University - miyazaki-u.ac.jp |
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Nagoya University - nagoya-u.ac.jp |
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Nagoya Institute of Technology - nitech.ac.jp |
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Nanzan University - nanzan-u.ac.jp |
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Nippon Bunri University - nbu.ac.jp |
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Osaka Kyoiku University - osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp |
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Osaka University - osaka-u.ac.jp |
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Reitaku University - reitaku-u.ac.jp |
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University of the Ryukyus - u-ryukyu.ac.jp |
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Saga University - cc.saga-u.ac.jp |
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Saitama University - saitama-u.ac.jp/kokusai/english |
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Hokkaido University - hokudai.ac.jp |
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Sapporo Medical University - sapmed.ac.jp |
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Soka University - t.soka.ac.jp |
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Tohoku University - tohoku.ac.jp |
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University of Tokushima - tokushima-u.ac.jp |
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Soundraw - soundraw.io email: support@soundraw.co.jp Neural network for music generation.moreUnlimited number of melodies for any tariff. On the free one, you can use the melody only for yourself. $20 per month and you can use the tune for commercial purposes. When creating a melody, we indicate the mood and tempo. Then we edit for |
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ecrett music - ecrettmusic.com address: 2-20-8 HATCHOBORI SQUARE 6F, Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, 104-0033 Generation of songs.moreGeneration of songs.Artificial intelligence creates melodies. Set the theme (travel, kitchen, party ...) _ and the mood is sad, cheerful, upbeat ... The hit does not work, you get a background melody, which can be used as a background melody for the video and not be afraid that you will be blocked for copyright infringement, for example on YouTube. |
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2D Driving Simulator - framesynthesis.com/drivingsimulator/maps Driving simulator that uses Google Maps.moreDriving simulator that uses Google Maps. |
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Wind Speed Ranking - agora.ex.nii.ac.jp/digital-typhoon/amera address: National center of sciences, 2-1-2, Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, 101-8430 tel.: +81 3 3556-1916 email: kitamoto@nii.ac.jp The map shows the wind direction for Japan.moreThe map shows the direction of the wind across Japan.Japan is on the islands, because there the wind is important. Often happens very strong. |
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HiNative - hinative.com address: VORT Ebisu III, 6F 1-21-8 Ebisu Shibuya-ku, 150-0013 email: support@hinative.com We study foreign languages for free.moreWe learn foreign languages for free.It is possible to send the text of your translation to a native speaker for verification. When it may be important, especially if you need to write an important letter. For example, you may ask, "How do I pronounce it in English? "What is the difference between these two words? "Do I have the correct pronunciation?" You have to do something for others, look at and correct the text written by a foreigner in Russian. And also help in the same way? |
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Japana Esperanto-Instituto - jei.or.jp/hp/esp.htm Japanese Esperanto Institute. |
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Mixi - mixi.jp Japanese. |
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APO - apo-tokyo.org address: UNIZO Hongo 1-Chome Building, 1-24-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, 113-0033 tel.: +81 3 3830-04-11 email: apo@apo-tokyo.org Asian Productivity Organization |
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Science University of Tokyo - tus.ac.jp |
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University of Tokyo - u-tokyo.ac.jp |
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University of Electro-Communications - uec.ac.jp |
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UNU - unu.edu address: 5–53–70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, 150-8925 tel.: +81 3-5467-1212 email: media@unu.edu UN University. |
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Japan - bible.or.jp address: Kyobashi PO Box 6, 104-8601 email: info@bible.or.jp 日本聖書協会. |
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University of Tsukuba - tsukuba.ac.jp |
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Ube College - ube-c.ac.jp |
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Wakayama University - wakayama-u.ac.jp |
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Yamanashi University - yamanashi.ac.jp |