How to search the video
- short,
- movie,
- TV.
Most of the videos are on YouTube, so you can search right there.At the 2nd place in popularity - vimeo. Initially, here the video was higher quality than on YouTube, but over the past couple of years YouTube has tightened. You can search here. It's best to search for Yandex.Video. Here you immediately look everywhere, including the video hosting Yandex. By the way, it will be more than a similar search for video from Google. In addition, many prefer to keep the video on VK, you can search and there. Search follows depending on the specifics. YouTube is oriented to the west, VK - to Russia, and Yandex is looking everywhere (except VK). For downloading from video hosting there are special programs (for example Freemake Video Downloader) and online services (which do not always work). But I would not blame my computer with videos, let them and remain on the Internet, just register on the leading video hosting sites and add yourself to your favorites.
Where to download movie. Well, first, is it worth downloading?Kinopoisk - the main site about all the films. Here you can see the rating from the critics and from the audience. By the way, viewers define more accurately.
You can also find out the budget of the film. Let's say you expect to see spectacular effects in the film about outer space. We are looking at the budget, if it is small, then there will be no effects.
Also, we find out whether the film received a prize or was nominated, which actors played, read reviews or leave it alone ...
In short, it will help to decide whether to download a movie. Continuing the theme "is it worth downloading", you can just watch the movie online. If you have a slow Internet or a movie is so good, then it's good to have it. Then it will be most convenient to find it on the torrents.
Torrentino - search by torrents. Here you can find your favorite film in decent quality. About quality.
Explanations of abbreviations in the descriptions of films
Here the principle of what. Very old movies are probably not digitized and in not very good quality in any case.
New movies first go to theaters in the first few days are almost paying off.
Six months later they go out on DVD, where they earn a little more.
And after a couple of years still go on TV screens, this is already an insignificant part time for the filmmakers. As soon as the film comes out in theaters, its first copies appear, the so-called rag (film recorded in the video in the hall).
Later, when you leave the DVD in the west, a digital copy appears in decent quality with sound from the same cinema (TS).
When there is a DVD in Russia - there is a decent copy with a decent sound.
That's when you can and download, and before that it's better to go to the cinema. A bad copy will smudge the impression. Caution the virus!
Sometimes under the guise of a movie, a virus is suggested. It usually has the form "NAMEFILM.avi.exe"
The correct name is "NAMEFILM.avi", where .avi is an extension. With normal settings, it is hidden.
"NAMEFILM.avi.exe" - here is the real permission .exe (executable, as a program, that is, a virus), and .avi is already a name, not an extension.
If you have extensions hidden, then you will not see .exe, you will see "NAMEFILMA.avi", but should only see the name. Simply delete. If you have a normal antivirus, then it will prompt you to delete this file after downloading.
TV can be- watch online, that is, in real time,
- on demand - to watch when you could, nevertheless, first and with pauses, if necessary,
- view archive.
Broadcasting can be viewed on the official website of the channel, if it broadcasts via the Internet. Which is inconvenient, because we are used to switching TV channels.
The main site, where the maximum number of TV channels is collected and often updated - Guzei. They do not have such additional links and information about TV channels, but this is the largest base of TV channels. The design is simple, but easy. Video on Demand (VoD) - usually next to the player there is a schedule of broadcasts and several past ones can be viewed in the recording. Unfortunately, this is still very rare. Archive can be viewed on most TV channels, usually leading TV channels. But and there is not always possible to find everything. In addition, if the channel has an account on YouTube, there are likely to be snippets of programs, and the programs can be viewed entirely on the official websites of TV channels or TV shows.