Web design: recommendations to the customer

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Web design: recommendations to the customer

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Often at this stage, the task is complicated by the fact that not all customers understand that together with the task and description of the design requirements, they must provide relevant graphic materials. If necessary, the performer can use his illustrators to solve the problem, which will create the necessary graphic images. But the ideal option - when the customer provides high-quality own photographic materials, or allocates funds for their purchase in a commercial photobank. These materials and are the basis for further work of the designer.

Thirdly, it should be noted that the information to the site should be structured. A common mistake is to think that the tree or alphabetic structure of the information arrangement is most optimal for perception. A user who is on such a site and is left alone with a large amount of information will feel insecure.

Prospects for the development of the site are laid in the project at the stage of creation
Prospects for the development of the site are laid in the project at the stage of creation

For the organization of friendly and effective perception of the content, it is necessary to agree in advance with the performer the arrangement of information accents. Presented data should be divided into semantic parts. Designers will take into account these wishes, and the priority vectors will be arranged in such a way that the necessary information will be additionally accentuated, and the other, on the contrary, will not come to the fore. That is, the task of directed interaction between the user and the content will be solved. If the designer does not report the specifics of the placement of accents, he will not be able to organize this interaction competently.

Fourth, when setting the task, remember that the website is a dynamic thing. In the process of its existence it develops, is updated, modernized. That is, in its structure there can be changes. In order to extend the life cycle of the resource, one must represent the direction of these changes. It is necessary to inform the contractor what prospects for the development of the site exist in the next year or two. These prospects are laid in the project at the stage of creating the site. In the future, this will easily add new information to the structure of the site without prejudice to its design, for example, to enter new sections, publish new advertising materials, update stock quotes, maintain an information archive, etc.

Separately it is necessary to list the technical requirements to the site, ie. On which platform it will be implemented. If the customer has decided to use ready-made web technologies (for example, CMS-solutions), the customer's technical specialists should provide information on what these systems are and what limitations, including and design, they can impose. Professional designers must take this information into account in their work.

Result of the formulation and formulation of the task should be the creation and signing of an agreed technical task (TOR) to the executor, approved by both parties. Having received such a document, the performer proceeds directly to the development of the site design. Further actions will be tied to the items of this task and fully correspond to them.

From TK to incarnation

Site development - the stage at which the performer, having received all the necessary information, begins the direct development of the site design. During this period, the customer and the executor meet to quickly solve the emerging issues. The customer can control the process of compliance with the production schedule. After a specified period, the contractor provides the customer with design options for his new site. With apparent simplicity, the process of presentation (acceptance) of the site is allocated in a separate production stage.

In assessing design, there is always a lot of subjective. The customer may well be dissatisfied, but it must be remembered that criticism must be constructive
In assessing design, there is always a lot of subjective. The customer may well be dissatisfied, but it must be remembered that the criticism must be constructive

Presentation of the new site. The most common mistake at this stage is the introduction of new requirements, after the site design is already done. Usually, the appearance of such requirements is a consequence of the superficial elaboration by the customer of the technical task at earlier stages. Unfortunately, after the signatures of the customer and the performer are put in the project documentation, it is highly recommended not to change anything. This is the rule of any project and, most likely, no self-respecting performer will make such a change. On the other hand, if any requirements specified in the project task are not met - this is a legitimate reason to require improvements and alterations.

In assessing design, there is always a lot of subjective. The customer may well be dissatisfied, but it must be remembered that criticism must be constructive. All arising requirements and comments need to be formalized. I do not like "with "criterions", "it's ugly "It is impossible to work. At a minimum, it is necessary to explain, justify, specify, what exactly and why is ugly and do not like. If there are specific comments from the customer, the contractor will be able to explain to what effect the implementation of these observations may lead. Professionally executed design meets the requirements of the integrity of the layout, is in a state of visual balance, it is convenient for perception. Making any changes in the later stages of any change can disrupt this equilibrium or simply lead to the disappearance of the object of design when the "beautiful picture" remains. If the claims of the customer really have the ground, then the contractor should help to eliminate them, achieving as a result a customer's loyalty to the design.

For constructive criticism, there is a special tool - approved project documentation. In serious studios, there is a detailed form filled by the customer, in accordance with which further work is carried out. Based on this form, a document is created, called the "artistic assignment". It separately describes the task of design, with a detailed listing of all requirements. When signing such a task certain conditions are fixed, which in the future will be binding. The artistic task greatly facilitates the life of both parties both during the work on the design, and during its acceptance by the customer.

In conclusion, once again, we note that no matter how high the professional level of the performer, the customer should treat the creation of his site with all seriousness. It should be remembered that the development of web design is a responsible production process. Only close interaction of the customer and the performer at all its stages will allow to receive a qualitative result.

When choosing a developer, it's worth contacting a company you can trust, whose professionalism does not cause doubts and, most importantly, whose work you like. Trust in the developer, who will create the design of the corporate site - a pledge to create an Internet resource, as a factor in the success of the company-customer.

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