Gigapixel photo of cities

Video, TV / 3D / Panoramas

Gigapixel photo of cities


Dozens of gigapixel photos of cities, places of interest, places, eg. South Pole or the bottom of the sea.

GigaPan Systems was founded in 2008 as a collaborative project between Carnegie Mellon University and NASA’s Ames Research Center with support from Google.
The original GigaPan robotic hardware and related software were devised for NASA's Mars Spirit and Opportunity Rovers, to capture high-definition panoramas of Mars.
The development team was led by Randy Sargent, a senior systems scientist at Carnegie Mellon West and the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., and Illah Nourbakhsh, associate professor of robotics at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh.

The project has since grown into an independent company offering solutions for capturing gigapixel images.

To enter full screen mode, click Launch Full Screen Viewer.

  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates,
  • Frankfurt, Germany,
  • Shanghai, China,
  • Pittsburgh, USA,
  • Kachani, Macedonia,
  • South Pole,
  • . ..
You can add links to the photo's places so that you can immediately go there.
Take a snapshot of the viewed area, see the pictures you took.
View the most popular.
The ability to comment. The location from which the survey was taken is indicated on the Google maps.

To participate, of course, registration is required. Design and navigation in my opinion are inconvenient, it would be good to bring it to mind.
Another site informs how to make such pictures, offering to buy equipment. Let not many buy, but the number of pictures will increase.