Panoramas on the map

Video, TV / 3D / Panoramas

Panoramas on the map

Google Street View

In order to embed a panorama on a site,

  1. click the menu (three vertical points of the search)
  2. choose Share with friends or get the image code
  3. click HTML and take the code, you can always set the size manually.
Google's panoramas go from simply viewing the streets to viewing places of interest and accommodations.
These attractions can be viewed not only on the map, they are collected in one place.

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reliable site

Owner: Google
Used: Google maps, Google Street View.
address: USA

Street View Trekker

Google provides cameras for photographers and travelers to create Street View panoramas.

The camera can be worn as a backpack and take with you on a hike or bike ride. And you can install on the car, as most comes.

The new Street View Trekker camera has become smaller and tidier, with higher resolution and aperture.

Such a camera can be worn as a backpack or installed, for example, on the roof of a car. At the same time, several cameras take pictures, which are then glued together in one large panorama. In theory, anyone can write to Google and request such a camera. To do this, you need to fill out a story about yourself and explain the purpose of getting the camera.

Street View Trekker


Panoramas on Yandex.Maps.
Google started doing this before and they managed to cover more places on the map.
But the advantage of Yandex as cards. Let's say I watched Maidan on Yandex and Google. Obviously, Google has glued the car, and then placed, shoals on the face. Yandex gluing is not visible.

Another advantage:
At Google all persons, numbers of cars and advertizing on houses are covered. I wanted to find my way around the place before going to an unfamiliar city, but I saw only daub and our identical gray houses.
On Yandex, people's faces and car license plates have only recently begun to be covered, but not at home. Completely different impression.

That is, Yandex has its advantages, it is not reasonable not to use anything personal, you should use the advantages of any service.

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reliable site

Owner: Baidu
Used: Baidu Maps.

address: China

Baidu Maps

Baidu Total View - Baidu Total view - 地图 地图 - 百度

Leading Chinese portal. In any case, it will be interesting for those who are looking for something in China, knowing the language. It's hard to sort out without Chinese there.

The quality is good, the faces and numbers of the machines are also smeared.
When we approach any city, if a badge with a blue bell, similar to the arrow appears in the field of the map, click on, draw on the map And get a panorama.



reliable site

Used: Google Street View, Google maps.
address: Japan

Imaginary Soundscape

Through the site you can watch Google panoramas, those that google maps with sound.
The sound is not real, the neural network created by the Japanese studio guesses what kind of sound can be on one or another panorama.
Or rather, not to the panorama, but to its visible part. Let's say we turn the panorama, a car appears, and the sound of the car appears.

If we see the crowd, the sound of the crowd, the subway - the sound of trains, the ambulance - the sound of a siren, children's crying, the sound of waves ...


Panoramas from the air around the world.
It's good to see large objects, for example the Egyptian pyramids from the air.



Panoramas of Yekaterinburg and Perm.
More than 25 thousand 360-degree (circular) panoramic photographs were photographed - both in central and in more remote areas of Yekaterinburg.


  • using the map,
  • "arrows" on the map,
  • list and tags.
The distance between neighboring panoramas (when moving on the "arrow") is an average of 10 meters, and the accuracy of the search at the address - 30-50 meters.


The photos were taken in August 2008 with the help of professional equipment, as seen in the photo.
True, the panorama was collected automatically and it was hardly edited manually, because there are jambs: shifts, slopes. Obviously, here they preferred quantity to quality. And there are very gross errors. Obviously, someone without looking programmatically sculpted the panorama.



Panoramas handmade on the map.
If you used the panoramas of Yandex and especially Google, you will find there a lot of jambs, curves of gluing. I looked at the Maidan on Google and was surprised that you can jiggle in the main squares of capitals. Let's also remember the paranoia - covering faces, numbers of cars and even advertisements on buildings.

There is a manual work, each panorama is made separately and of course, who will shoot in bad weather?
That's why I like such services with panoramas. Well, the map was needed, because there are a lot of them. Truth is not so much as on Google? But much more than in other places, there are thousands of them.
While viewing the panorama, you can immediately see this place on the map, although the map can be easily hidden.

And most importantly - you can create a panorama for free and paste it on your site. But for this you need to download it to this site and take the code.


Playing on the Street view from Google maps.
You are shown a panorama and you try to guess this place on the map, where it is. If you are not very mistaken, you are credited with points.


Which city to visit?
Click and get a random city.
There will not be all the cities in the world, but only those that you should go to.
Also we get to the place on the map and the panorama of that place, so more clearly, to understand whether i

address: USA

Wonders of Street View

We look at the most interesting places on Google Street View.

Developer Neil Agarwal launched a simple site where you can randomly view a selection of interesting Google Street View panoramas.

Just click the Random button in the top right corner.


Selected photos from Google Street View.

Virtual teleportation.
We get to different places of the earth at random choice.
We see the place in the panorama and where it is on the map. It's funny.


Google Street View in a random order.
We want to see the world, and what to see? - We do not know.
Well poked into the Google map and everything is somehow not very.
Here are places that are worth seeing for different reasons.
You can choose a country, indoors or outdoors ... and watch or simply press the green GO button! And may the master of the case surprise us!


Used: Yandex.Maps.
address: Russia


Panoramas handmade on the map.
You can create a panorama for free and insert it on your website. But for this you need to download it to this site and take the code.
You can take the code and not your panorama.

Map Channels

All maps are in one place.

The page is divided into 4 synchronized windows:

  1. Google Map,
  2. Street view (Google Maps panoramas),
  3. Bing Bird's eye (bird's eye view)
  4. Brief information about the place you are looking at, name, coordinates ...

Full Page Route Map