Cadastral map

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Cadastral map

  1. - Roscadastr - The public cadastral map.


The public cadastral map for Russia online.

This is a certificate of real estate objects and units of cadastral division. Here you can get information about the full cadastral number, address and area of the property, entered in the GKN.

It is also possible to obtain information about the divisions of the territorial agency Rosreestr and the branch of FGBU "FKP Rosreestra", servicing the real estate object, indicating the unit name, address and telephone number of the reception office.
From the information window containing information about the selected object, it is possible to form a request for information from the State Committee for the Defense of the USSR in order to obtain legally relevant documents. The information on the selected objects is provided in a pop-up information window. To do this, go to the Portal of rendering public services Rosreestra, selecting one service from the list on the "Services" tab of the information window.

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Used: OpenStreetMap, Google maps, Yandex.Maps.
address: Russia

Public cadastral map.

Information and parameters of real estate objects that have passed the cadastral registration procedure and are registered in the Unified State Register (UGRN).

The Public Cadastral Chart is freely accessible and maintained in accordance with the principles of openness and accessibility, it is constantly updated and contains up-to-date information.


  • What is a Public Cadastral Map?
  • How to use the Public Cadastre Map?