Earnings on Internet

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Earnings on Internet

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How can I earn money?

Absolutely silly question "how to make money on the Internet?", But we will try to answer it.
Why stupid? - And how to answer the question "how to make money not on the Internet?"
Here we immediately ask "what do you know," "your education," "experience" ... and based on this, you can offer something.
The same and on the Internet. No one gives money here. Promise many, it's called free cheese or scam, and the sign is HALAVA.
Nevertheless, here we will highlight the main ways of purely Internet earnings.

Things like Online Casino - not a place of earnings, but a place where money is spent.


Most often, when people are looking for ways to make money on the Internet, in fact they are looking for ways to get money without doing anything, that is, HALAVA. Such people are very much in demand on the Internet, thanks to them and there is a scam.

Ineffective path

  • Referrals,
  • Run clicking on the links,
  • Receive advertising mail,
  • Participate in the tests - polls.
All these systems at best will pay you a pittance. It's something like Herbalife, they say, by some miracle, you will be gilded. Money is earned on the conveyor, rather than clicking on links or running with a Herbalife tube in search of a client. Of course, the wolf's feet are fed, but the question is "who is the wolf?".

Usually the principle of earnings is tricky, so that the participant does not try to understand, and then on the basis of this does not pay.
Once when passing the test questionnaires you can get money, only by typing a certain amount. And when you approach it, then the polls will end.

This is the way for teenagers who think they are all fools, and they are the smartest and cunning. Once useful to break off and look reality in the eye.

Obviously, no one is looking for how to gild you. Seek to fool, use and earn for you.

Effective way

  • Advertising of ordinary business through the Internet. For example, an indication on the business card of the website address, and to the site the detailed information you wanted to say, there may also be contact information, forms for contracts, orders ...
  • Earning on advertising.
  • Affiliate program - the customer comes through you, makes a purchase or an order and you get a percentage of the profit.
  • Resellers - almost the same as and the affiliate program, only you serve customers, put your logo, externally Does not look like you are an intermediary.
  • Outsourcing is the transfer of certain functions of the company to an external executor. And simply - a permanent job through the Internet.
  • Freelance - web master, translator, consultant, journalist, photographer. And simply - work through the Internet: orders, one-time work ...
  • Online store. This is not a simple way, as it is necessary to organize the delivery of goods, etc.
  • Internet Media.
  • Internet pipeline. The engine is created and access to the product is sold.
  • Creating a database site, ex. For job seekers and employers. So the site is built Weblancer for freelancers.
  • Creation and layout of sites
  • Optimize and promote sites in search engines.
  • Creating original paid online services
  • Carrying out paid consultations.
  • Sell your own electronic or real product (book, program, etc.).
  • Selling text links on your site.
  • Create a paid link catalog.
  • Paid placement of articles on your own website
  • Writing articles to order.