Coloring black and white photo

Graphics / Photos / Photos

Coloring black and white photo

Russian - Englesh

reliable site

Owner: M.Video
address: Russia, Moscow

Computer vision from the Post

Service with a couple of clicks of artificial intelligence restores an old photo.
That is, it removes scratches and makes them colored.
However, the result can be downloaded in color or black and white.

It happens that some fragment will be processed incorrectly. Let's say, in my photo, the scratch on my father's face passed and it turned out just blurred.
In this case, I can manually clean the scratch on my face, and provide the rest to fix the AI.
It's not all ruled, it's all colored.

Computer vision from the Post


Automatically paints black and white photos.

How it works

  1. Specify a photo on a computer or a link online;
  2. then enter your email;
  3. Get an email with a color version of the photo.
They promise a processing speed of 30 seconds to several hours.

In this case, it was very fast, but email got into spam.

Quality in the style of an old pale photo. Not everyone will like it, but overall not bad.Авторы считают, что аудиокниги должны быть бесплатными.
При этом они не желают нарушать существующее законодательство об авторских правах. Посему все содержание, хранящееся на сайте и доступный пользователям для загрузки, относится к категории Public Domain.
В общем, это не так уж и плохо, особенно для тех, кто решил восполнить свои пробелы в классической литературе.
В каталоге ресурса имеются книги на разных языках и в том числе и на русском – Пушкин, Достоевский, Тургенев и т.п.

Предусмотрена сортировка по жанрам и языкам.
Каждое из произведений снабжено аннотацией, ссылками на статьи в «Википедии» и тексты в «Библиотеке Гуттенберга», фрагментом записи в качестве превью и может быть загружено либо в формате MP3, либо в виде подкаста для iTunes.
Authors believe that audiobooks should be free.
Moreover, they do not want to violate existing copyright laws. Therefore, all content stored on the site and available to users for downloading, belongs to the category Public Domain.
In general, this is not so bad, especially for those who decided to fill their gaps in the classical literature.
In the resource catalog there are books in different languages and including Russian - Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Turgenev, etc.

Sorting by genres and languages is provided.
Each of the pieces is provided with an annotation, links to articles in Wikipedia and texts in the Gutenberg Library, a fragment of the record as a preview and can be downloaded either in MP3 format or as a podcast for iTunes.

Coloring black and white photos.
Choose 2 photos: black and white and color.
With a color choose the tone of the brush, which is colorized b/w photos.
The brush is translucent, so it's not difficult to draw, Just choose the thickness of the br


Colourise your black and white photos.

Registration is not required, we simply load a black-and-white picture and after some time we receive colour result.
Excellent feature of this site - colours will be pale, than on modern photos.
The colours are what you can guess, the face of your hands, the trees. The background can be slightly tinted, not boldly, because the color is not obvious. So he will give a blue, yellow ...

My personal opinion, the old photos are better in black and white, but to see how it could look, sometimes interesting.
And maybe you have a different opinion, then it's your website.