Audio converters

Software / Software online / Converters

Audio converters

Audio-video converter

  1. - Clip Converter - Audio-video converter.

Free online file converter

Free file converter of many formats. Powerful and convenient.
Choose Photos, Audio, Video, Archive, Document or e-book.
We choose a certain format in which you would like to format it.
We fall on a page where you can download our file and make additional settings if you want.
Click Convert file and after a while we get the result. You will have to wait, depending on the size of the file. I tried with the picture, so I did not have to wait.

iTunes Android


Online converter.
It is better to register, then you will be allowed to convert files up to 1 Gb in size and provide space for 100 Gb. While free, because the project is under testing.

Supported formats are

3g2, 3gp, 7z, aac, ac3, avi, bmp, cab, doc, docx, dwg, dxf, flac, flv, gif, gvi, html, ico, ipod, jpg, lzh, m4a, m4v, Mdb, mov, MP3, mp4, mpg, odp, ods, odt, ogg, pcx, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, ps, pub, ra, ram, rar, rm, rmvb, rtf, swf, tar, tar .bz2, tar.gzh, tga, tif, tiff, txt, vob, vsd, wav, wbmp, wks, wma, wmv, wpd, wps, xls, xlsx, xml, yz1, zip.

Russian - Englesh

reliable site

Owner: Adobe
address: USA

Convert the song to a different file format using iTunes

Convert a song file to a format: MP3, AAC, AIFF, WAV, Apple Lossless.


address: Russia
We dictate the text by voice, the program translates it into typed text.

Here you can type in the text and save it. Built-in keyboard, HTM tags ...
There are extra features that few people will need, but better than something missing.


There is a choice - to replace punctuation words or not. That is, we say DOT, COMMA and get the punctuation mark or word DOT, COMMA.
After a period, the sentence starts with a capital letter, unlike other services I've tried. However, you can cancel this service as well.




Convert video, audio, pictures, documents and 3D.
Converted to another format or compressed.
The file size limit is 100 Mb.

How it works

  1. select video, audio, images, files, or 3D.
  2. drag and drop the file into the form field,
  3. choose the format in which we want to convert,
  4. click Convert.

Russian - Englesh
Speech Recognition Tool.
You can just dictate the text. We say the program writes.

т.The words DOT, COMMA translate into punctuation marks. The whole text except the very first letter is in lowercase.

Доступные языки

When you select a language, the interface changes to the selected language.


I will not describe everything that is available on the site.
There are many converters for video, audio, images, PDF.

Usually converters convert files from one format to another.

Features of this service

  1. Compress video, images ... online,
  2. increase volume in video or audio files,
  3. remove sound from video files,
  4. extract the sound from video files,
  5. download Youtube videos, Facebook videos, Twitter videos, etc.
  6. crop Video,
  7. add Music to Photo.


Converter from all formats.
You can specify a file on your computer, or you can give it a link on Internet.
