Information about legal entities, individual entrepreneurs registered in the territory of the Russian Federation, open to any user.Information about registration and founders, types of activities, financial condition of the company and other official information obtained from such sources as the Federal Tax Service, Rosstat, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Arbitration Courts and others.
Here you can check the counterparty by TIN, OGRN, full name of an individual or address for the accuracy of the information. The check is carried out both on legal and on individuals. All information about the company (PJSC, JSC (JSC), LLC or IP) - registration information, information about managers and founders, activities and financial statements are provided in an easy-to-analyze form, which can significantly reduce the time to conduct counterparty audits.

Free search for details of organizations in Russia.Information about companies is collected from open sources and is constantly updated with new companies.
Regular update.
The following information is available for each organization: the full name of the company, its legal address and telephone number, TIN, OGRN, OKATO codes, OKPO, as well as the date of registration of the company and the name of the registering authority that assigned the organization all of the above details.
Global reference system for Russian legal entities and entrepreneurs.The project covers all regions of Russia and combines information on more than 10,000,000 legal entities and 13,000,000 individual entrepreneurs.
The goal is to collect all available information about Russian legal entities in one place and to provide completely free access to it for all interested parties. The priorities of our work is to provide the most relevant data, as well as convenient and simple means for their analysis.
Here you can find any operating (and, in some cases, liquidated) organizations in the territory of the Russian Federation and check its current status, familiarize yourself with the financial statements, analyze the financial condition and relations with other legal entities. All data presented on the portal are updated daily from official sources (more about the sources).
At the moment, the portal contains detailed up-to-date information about more than 10 million Russian legal entities and 12 million individual entrepreneurs.
Basic information about the organization on the basis of information from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and Rosstat, including:
- name, address, status of the UL,
- main requisites (OGRN, INN, KPP, OKPO and others),
- management and founders of the organization,
- information about licenses issued,
- branches and representative offices
- activities
- Management company, AO registry holder and much more.
An independent portal that provides information about companies and organizations operating in Russia and the CIS countries.The goal is to present objective, independent, comprehensive and relevant information in a simple and convenient way.
Up-to-date and complete information on more than 2,300,000 organizations in Russia and the CIS in the form of a convenient rubricator for areas of business and a geographical directory of organizations.
The materials on the site are presented for reference purposes only and are obtained from public sources or from representatives of relevant organizations.
The law firms rating goal is to increase the transparency of the Russian legal services market.The rating is actively used by corporate lawyers and representatives of the tender departments of corporations to search and select contractors.
The international auditing company Deloitte is the auditor of the rating for the fifth year in a row.
The rating methodology is based on the assessment of the project experience of law firms, as well as on customer feedback regarding the quality, level of service and the ratio of cost and quality of legal services.
To improve the rating mechanisms, an independent Expert Council has been created, consisting of the heads of legal departments of large Russian and international corporations.
Business directory, which includes more than 5 million firms and organizations of the Russian Federation.Contacts, details, founders and managers.
Cataloger OKVED 2001 and OKVED 2017.
Detailed and up to date information
Business inquiry, addresses, contacts, details, founders, management, financial statements. Weekly data updates.Easy Search
Fast and convenient intelligent search in the entire database of companies, which includes 5,025,972 records.Information on founders and management
Exact information on the founders and directors of firms, as well as the heads of organizations from Statregistr and Incorporation.Official Sources
Information about companies was obtained from official open sources, such as Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Federal Tax Service, Rosstat, and fully comply with Russian legislation.Cataloxy
Free catalog of organizations in Russia.Platform for posting information about your business! You are invited to register your company in a catalog, publish products and services, share company news and, if you wish, even create a free website using a simple designer and effortlessly, which will allow you to increase your “presence” on the Internet.
Company Owners
- Add your company to the directory.
- Create a business card company.
- Offer your products and services in Russia.
- Attract customers and partners.
- Manage your company vacancies.
- Publish your company news.
- Find out the addresses, phone numbers of stores and other useful information about Russian companies.
- Find products at competitive prices.
- Sell any goods.
- Chat with company representatives.
- Find a good job in Russia.
- Get feedback from consumers, share opinions.
Russian production
Internet exhibition of Russian manufacturers and Russian-made products.Target
Represent all Russian manufacturers in a single trading platform and provide them with orders from around the world.Principles
- We do not place imports and intermediaries;
- up-to-date and high-quality information;
- free accommodation;
- open contacts.
Over 50,000 product items.
Here you can find information about industrial enterprises, organizations of the service industry and various private companies.
Categories, monitoring prices, tracking the appearance of new products, a list of vacancies by city, reviews.
Contact information about companies, their main activity, addresses, manufactured products - all this information from the online directory allows you to quickly find the right company and establish contacts with it.