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How to deal with Adblock

To be or not to be free online newspapers - such a question has always hung in the air.
If you understand, there is not one of the leading Internet portals completely free. Google, Yandex, ... have paid services or you have to pay for additional functions.

The answer is obvious, the newspapers have to pay something, the question is - will they want to pay to pay?
Personally, I prefer not to pay for anything. Not that I was so sorry for the money (if the service is so good, but the price is not great, why not?). Just today there are so many small payments: for an apartment, phone, cellular, internet, hosting, domain, auto collections, car insurance ... Probably enough? Or there will be no end.
I therefore refused cable television.

In addition, the paid site is more difficult to enter.

In addition, the popularity of advertising filters, such as Adblock makes and not at all profitable content sites. A natural reaction is to protect yourself from filters or make websites paid.

Today, the second wave of online newspapers has gone on a paid basis. This indicates that the result suits them.

Newspapers The Times and The Sunday Times paid from 2010 AD That reduced their attendance to 52,000 visitors a day (together), while free Guardian and Observer attend up to 1.4 million visitors a day.

However, we can not directly compare attendance. On a free site, visitors often just drop in and look no more than 2-3 pages. Subscribers, however, will spend more time on the site. This is the target audience.

Fully paid

  1. - The Times

Partially paid

  1. - Financial Times
  2. - The Sun
  3. - YouTube
  4. - Los Angeles Times
  5. - The Wall Street Journal
  6. - Daily Telegraph
  7. - Washington Post
  8. - New York Times
  9. - Chicago Tribune
  10. - USA Today
  11. - Philadelphia Inquirer
  12. - Orange County Register
  13. - Houston Chronicle