Newspaper Site
In Europe, this way of reading news is also popular. A person is used to a certain newspaper or news service, ex. CNN, BBC, Times ... there are strong local newspapers. People love certain journalists and therefore read the news of their newspapers and publications. We also have good newspaper sites, for example Rossiyskaya Gazeta is an official publication that publishes all official laws and acts. Laws come into force after publication in this newspaper.Online newspapers
There are new newspapers that have only an online version or have stopped printing and therefore only have an online version. There is a specificity of the newspaper online. In principle, the meaning is the same - the search for news, the writing of analytical articles. Benefits online version:- Speed of delivery
The newspaper should be printed and delivered to the reader as quickly as possible. The Internet allows you to do this instantly. - circulation and geography
When typing a newspaper, you must guess the circulation. The Internet does not limit the circulation in any way, anyone can read it, anywhere. Let's say I want to read the New York Times, but we do not sell it at the kiosk. Perhaps it can be written out, but I want to read a couple of numbers to determine whether I will write it out. The Internet allows you to do this easily.
archive The newspaper needs to be typed, written, created always again. No one will pay you for the old newspaper again. It will be read free at home, in the library.
On the site, the old material will be read again, but there will still be advertising, which will bring income.- layout
The principle of building the 1st page of the newspaper. A major large article with a large photo about the most important event is being prepared. And on the side is a column with short notes without photos about just important events.
If at the last moment something more important has happened, this event takes the place of the main article, and the previous article is cut down to a note and placed in a column next to the photo, thrown out. The principle is somewhere like that. It is determined by the layout, the space of the newspaper.
The site does not have a page size limit, it can be very long. All articles are placed in the form of announcements, and the reader decides what is more important, presses on the announcement and reads the entire article. Do not throw it away. - graphics
Safepaper can not afford to have many large photos, it takes a lot of expensive space. On the site you can have great, quality photos for each article, notes.
Moreover, to the site you can place video or audio. - download
On the site you can download say new forms of documents or application for a visa or .... Safepaper will not use so much space for this. - feedback
On the site it is instant. The newspaper indicates the email and the new generation sometimes tries to click on it directly in the newspaper.
In addition, to the site there can be a forum where you can amicably discuss some news.
- Competition
You can not make a city newspaper, then get stronger, go out to the area and so on. You immediately get into competition with the whole world. You need to almost re-spin. - Advertisement
Safepaper earns purely on advertising. What we pay for a newspaper goes to cover printing and newspaper delivery costs.
On the Internet, you do not need to spend money on printing and delivering a newspaper to a mailbox.
In order for the newspaper on the Internet to earn as much advertising on advertising as a printed publication, you must have visitors to the site 10 times the print run.
Still become popular advertising filters. - dependency on of the Internet
Once you want to take something with you to read on the road. Or relax and read sitting in a chair, although if you have a tablet ... - content
If an ordinary newspaper can be easily filled with content - TV program, ads, ads, crosswords ...
If the newspaper is small, there is room for a couple of articles that can be taken from the Internet. You can not care about copyrights, if you have a small newspaper, then there is no chance that the author of the article from the Internet read it.
In the online version you will not be able to use the TV program, ads, articles from the Internet. You really need to find something and write.
However, the reader only wins. - protection
If the newspaper needs only to be printed and delivered to the reader, then the site should be further protected from attacks, and paid and from theft.

reliable site email:
tel.: +7 (495) 777-02-78
address: Russia, Moscow, 127287, Старый Петровско-Разумовский пр-д, д. 1/23, стр. 1
Express newspaper
Russian weekly tabloid newspaper specializing in the coverage of celebrity and private life of celebrities in Russia and abroad.The first newspaper tabloid in Russia.
Founder of Komsomolskaya Pravda Publishing House JSC.
The newspaper was created with the participation of the former Soviet Ambassador to the UK. Appears since October 1993.

reliable site email:
tel.: +7 (495) 259-53-02
address: Russia, Moscow, Ананьевский пер., д. 4/2, стр. 1
Teacher's Newspaper
Independent pedagogical publication.Published since 1924, on the Internet since 1995.
It comes out weekly on Tuesdays.
- Educational news
- open lessons of the best teachers
- innovative learning tools
- social protection of teachers
- legal advice
- competitions for teachers and schoolchildren
- methodical developments
- written by our readers
- relevant interviews
- reviews of films, books, theatre premieres
- reports from the regions
- teachers' salaries and much more.
The Guardian
Daily left-liberal newspaper in the UK, founded in Manchester in 1821 under the name The Manchester Guardian.In 1959, she changed the name to the current one, and in 1964 the editorial staff moved to London.
Sunday edition is designed as a newspaper The Observer. It belongs to the Guardian Media Group.
The Village
City website about cultural and social life, entertainment, services, food and people in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other metropolitans.They write about a comfortable city, broadly interpreting this concept: the convenience of living in a metropolis depends both on global urban planning initiatives and the number of places where you can drink good coffee.
Therefore, on the pages of The Village, interviews with officials are next to reviews of cafes or bars.
Any registered user can participate in the formation of materials, along with the editorial office. Discussion of urban life is also active in the Community" section.
The Village
City website about cultural and social life, entertainment, services, food and people in Minsk.They write about a comfortable city, broadly interpreting this concept: the convenience of living in a metropolis depends both on global urban planning initiatives and the number of places where you can drink good coffee.
Therefore, on the pages of The Village, interviews with officials are next to reviews of cafes or bars.
Any registered user can participate in the formation of materials, along with the editorial office.