Yandex search codes

Internet search / Search / Yandex

Yandex search codes

Search tricks in Google

Example Value
"island of childhood" Words are consecutive in the exact form
"island * childhood" Missing the word in the expression
culture & China Words within one sentence
scanners && Novosibirsk Words within a single document
Moscow << USA Non-arranging "and": the expression after the statement does not affect the position of the document in the outpute
great/2 hural Distance of 2 words in any direction
Pushkin monument &&/3 Iskusstv Square istance of 3 sentences in any direction
Ivan/+2 Turgenev The distance of 2 words in the direct order (that is, there can be one word between the given words)
Vasisualy/(-1 +2) Lohanin Distance from 1 word in reverse order to 2 words in direct
airport | airplane Search any of the words
kremlin ~~ Moscow xcluding the word Moscow from the search/td>
Kuzya ~ mother Search suggestions, where the word Kuzya occurs without the word mother/td>
mummy && (heal | healed) Brackets form groups in complex queries
!Day A word in exact form with a specified register
title:Maxvell Search for document headers Search by URL
inurl:exler Search by URL fragment Search by Host
rhost:com.livejournal.* Search by host in the write-back
mime:pdf Search for one type of file
lang:en Search with language restriction
domain:ru Search with domain restriction
date:200712* earch with a limited date
date:20071215..20080101, date:>20091231 Search with a date range constraint
cat:11000051 Search by category Yandex.Catalog