Web 2.0
There are no clear definitions of what exactly Web 2.0 is and what is not. This is just my simple explanation. Web 0.0
This is the start time, when only specialists were engaged in the Internet. The Internet was dry and unsightly, consisted of information and figures. Web 1.0
The Internet becomes public. In it went pornushniki, hackers, spammers, scammers. This is the Internet, as we know it now.
This is also the boom time "Dotcoms". Web 2.0
This is the Internet that everyone was waiting for, which is needed. In Web 1.0, the defining capabilities were technical capabilities, and the man was adjusted. In Web 2.0, the determining person is the person. Technical capabilities do not hamper creativity and serve it.
There were sites:
- who want to collect all the world's photo,
- All the world's videos (YouTube).
- Radio station, which collects all the music of the world and adapts itself to the listener, offering novelties according to its taste.
- Wikipedia is a universal world encyclopaedia in which everyone can participate.
- Free phone without borders.
Now everyone has the opportunity to free their own or blog, and not just a page, but a highly organized multifunctional website with a decent design . Web 3.0
People are starting to talk about Web 3.0. This is positive and negative.
Negative is that nothing constructive is said, more often people claim that they or someone is already in Web 3.0 and that Web 1.0 is nonsense. In fact, Web 3.0 does not exist and you can talk about it and you need it as a prospect of the Internet.
Positive is that it is necessary to talk about the prospect, to look for ways and directions, but so far no one has found anything.
What is Web 2.0?
Explanation for Dummies It's just a certain O'Reilly said that today the Internet is very different from yesterday. You know, programs have their own versions, ex. Mozilla Firefox 2.0, Opera 9.10, Internet Explorer 7.0 ... The technique has the first, second, etc. Generation.And what about the Intenet, after all, there was a whole series of amazing inventions that unrecognizably changed the Internet? For example: blogs, Wiki, Torrent, RSS, Ajax, which is actively using Google. So all this (not only listed), including Google and called Web 2.0. This is the concept of today's Internet. Actually, there are no clear definitions of Web 2.0, there are disputes about them.Therefore, the era of web 1.0 - the time of sites, not people. The center of the web were sites.
The center of the second generation web is people and the possibility of their self-expression. One of the disputes, the old one, that we use today and use with success and will continue to use, where to refer to Web 1.0 or Web 2.0? After all, we will never use exclusively the new, there will always be something unshakable. And the essence is that the Internet has advanced and called it not a new generation of Internet, but Web 2.0.