Tickets on the map

Transport / Travel / Travel on Map

Tickets on the map


We set the departure point, the approximate time of departure, only direct or not, with or without visa, one way or both, the length of stay (approximately) and the maximum amount.
As a result, we will get where much will cost.
There is a help mode (with prompts).

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address: Russia


Shares of airlines and ways to fly are almost free.

The most profitable travel options for Russians.


Compensation for delaying or canceling a flight to/from the EU up to € 600 in the event of:
  • Flight delays.
  • Flight cancellations.
  • Denied boarding.
  • Missed transplant.
€ 450 - the average amount of compensation received by users of the site.The service takes a 20% of the amount due to you, which is sold. But the service takes over the entire routine.

You can easily break through the flight for compensation.

More than 100 airlines from 50 countries.

How it works

  1. Submitting an application - fill in the flight details and a short description.
  2. We get compensation in a convenient way for us.

One of the leading portals for tourism.
Here you can pick up and buy plane tickets, book a hotel and book a car.

You can search for on the map.

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We build routes with transfers to buses, airplanes, trains and ferries.
You can add a lot of points and make complex routes. Works well in Europe.

Enter any address, point of interest, or city as your destination, and we will instantly display all your travel options and booking information, as well as information about housing providers and what you can do, in one convenient place.

Regardless of whether you travel after a flight, train, bus, ferry, trip or car rental, you will be offered indicative prices, travel time and booking details from more than 5,000 companies in more than 160 countries, which makes us one of the best online. travel resources used around the world.

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The tricks of thrifty travelers.

Tips for tourists and independent travelers.
Instructions and travels.
Discounts, promotions and sales from airlines and travel agencies by city.