

Full description

Tickets map.

We set the departure point, the approximate time of departure, only direct or not, with or without visa, one way or both, the length of stay (approximately) and the maximum amount.
As a result, we will get where much will cost.
There is a help mode (with prompts).

Hotellook - hotellook.ru
Compare hotels.

The service of comparing prices for hotels all over the world provided by leading reservation systems such as Booking.com, Agoda.com, Hotels.com, Expedia ...
Over 250,000 hotels in 205 countries.

How does it work?

  • Enter the name of the city or hotel you want to visit.
  • We look at the list of prices for different online booking systems.
  • Compare prices and choose a hotel.
  • We get to the site providing the best price, where we book a hotel.
  • We pay only for the hotel without intermediaries.

Booking tickets on the site is made in real time (on-line).

Booking tickets on the site is made in real time (on-line). With On-line booking on our website you reserve reservations in the booking system. The ready reservation is sent to the operator of SIA 'DAVS Agency' for registration of air tickets. Booking of air tickets on the site is carried out on flights of all Russian and international airlines to all destinations, as the search system is integrated with several reservation systems. Pre-booking, issuing tickets, refunding tickets is strictly in accordance with the rules that the airline establishes.


airtickets delivery

Electronic air tickets are delivered by e-mail, air tickets on TCH forms can be delivered by courier in the following cities:
  • Moscow within the MKAD
  • Zhukovsky
  • Domodedovo
  • St. Petersburg
  • Novosibirsk
  • Khabarovsk
  • Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
  • Sochi
The cost of courier delivery is 150 rubles.

Return of air tickets

  • Return of the issued air tickets, regardless of how the tickets were booked, are made in accordance with airline regulations.
  • Agency fees for voluntary return of the client
  • In case of a refund of air tickets, you must notify our operator as soon as possible so that you can Was to cancel the ticket with the least their losses.


Boat Aviasales - flights and hotels.