Determine the distance

Transport / Vehicles / Long-distance transport

Determine the distance

Determine the distance on Google Maps

Google Maps directions.
Just set the city in the search form.
It will be the departure point.
A drop-down menu will appear where you will select "How to get there" and enter the destination of the trip.

The distance along the road, the time on the car and on foot will be indicated.
Details of how to get there, Where, on what street to leave the city, where to turn, to the number of which route to go. Almost navigator.

You can see the panoramas to see places of interchanges, what is, what it looks like. Learn more about Google Maps. Google Map site

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Calculation of distances, how to get there, laying out routes.

How it works

  1. We indicate the point of departure and destination, if desired, an intermediate point.
  2. Get the distance in km, travel time.
  3. We get estimated costs for gasoline. We can change the consumption per 100 km and the cost of a liter, so we get the amount for our car.
  4. In parallel, we get the route on the map.
  5. Having scrolled below, we will see the list of settlements that we will pass and what time we will be.
    You can change the departure time and average speed.


reliable site

Used: OpenStreetMap.
address: Russia


Calculation of distance, travel time, fuel consumption, laying routes.

How it works

  1. We indicate the point of departure and destination, if desired, an intermediate point (you can specify up to 7 intermediate points). < li> Get the distance in km, travel time.
  2. Get the estimated cost of gasoline. We can change the consumption per 100 km and the cost of a liter, so we get the amount for our car.
  3. In parallel, we get the route on the map.

Measuring distances on Yandex.Maps

Measuring the distances on the map.

How it works

  1. Click with the right mouse button on the place to get to and choose Rout from here,
  2. Click in the same way to the destination and choose Rout from here,
  3. the right menu indicates the distance and travel time.
  4. If necessary, choose another way of travel (car, public transport, bicycle, walk ... depending on the place available to you). This way the route may change.

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OpenStreetMap is a free project for the joint development of public maps and diagrams of cities, streets, roads with the help of manual or automatic data entry, as well as obtaining data from portable GPS-receivers.
The project site runs on the MediaWiki engine, similar to Wikipedia.

Maps are licensed under the free license CC-BY-SA 2.0 (for CC-BY-SA 3.0 license, Which is used in particular for Wikipedia's text content, the project has not been transferred, but version 2.0 is compatible with it, and OpenStreetMap has nothing to do with the Wikimedia Foundation.

I found the plans of many cities that are not in Google maps, or Yandex.Maps.

The 3D globe

renderer works directly in the browser using WebGL.


The determinant of distances. Russia and Europe.
A service similar to the above, but the route on the Google map is also shown.

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The determinant of distances. Russia and Europe

City 1:
City 2:
City through:
Minimum time
The minimum distance
Use reserved
routes for freight transport
Do not leave the country
Exclude ferries

iTunes Android

Routes and distances

How many kilometers from Moscow to other cities in the country?

The signs below show the distance from Moscow to some cities along directions popular with Russians.

If you want to know not only the distance, but also the travel time, the consumption of gas and the city along the route, click on the pointer.

To find other routes and distances, use the search form. Good luck on the roads and good luck!


Used: Yandex.Maps.
address: Russia

Information about the distances between the cities of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. In addition, on the page of this city there is information about its location, time zone and zip code.