Official Statistics of Russia

Mass media / Information / Statistics

Official Statistics of Russia

  1. - Statistics, the Bank of Russia
  2. - Statistics of Russian education

Population census

  1. - Census 2002 - Results of the All-Russia Population Census of 2002.

Open Police

Hub of open data in the Russian Federation on the activities of law enforcement authorities.

The portal contains public data in the form of Rosstat statistics, profile ministries and departments, license registers, various data sets related to police activities.


Federal State Statistics Service.
On the site - the results of the census and other official statistics.


Official Statistics

  • National accounts.
  • Population.
  • Labor market, employment and wages.
  • Entrepreneurship.
  • The effectiveness of the Russian economy.
  • Indicators for assessing the state of Russia's economic security.
  • Indicators characterizing import substitution in Russia.
  • Technological development of industries.
  • Science, innovation and the information society.
  • State, public organizations.
  • Prices.
  • Finance.
  • Foreign trade.
  • Environment.
  • International statistics.
  • Leading indicators by economic activity.
  • Indicators determined by the "May" decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • Regional statistics.
  • Municipal statistics.
  • Goals for sustainable development.
  • Publications.
  • Databases.
  • ...
Government procurement - contests, auctions, closed auctions, the only performer ...

Journal "Statistics issues".



reliable site
address: Russia


Official website: Goskomstat, Rosstat and state statistics services of the Russian Federation.
Portal of statistical data.


The system "Medialogiya" consists of two parts. It is a media database and an analytical module for processing and analyzing media reports.
All messages from the media are sent to the database in round-the-clock mode under strict regulations and are automatically processed with subsequent control.
Processed messages are stored in the media database and are available for searching, viewing and analyzing.
About 45,000 messages from 3,500 media are processed daily.