
Mass media / Information / Information


  1. larousse.fr - Larousse - Explanatory dictionary of French.
  2. sinonim.org - sinonim.org - Dictionary of Russian language synonyms - online selection.
  3. visuwords.com - Visuwords - A visual dictionary, visual thesaurus, and interactive lexicon.
  4. encyclopedia.ru - World encyclopedias - Database of encyclopedias.
  5. urbandictionary.com - Urban Dictionary - An online dictionary of slang words and phrases.

Church dictionaries

  1. akaka.al.ru/library/0011.shtml - Akaka - Concise Dictionary Church.
  2. linguists.narod.ru - Russian dictionaries to download - Dictionary download.

Dictionary of Psychology

  1. psi.webzone.ru - PSI - Psychological dictionary based psychological handbook 'Psychology - the idea, the scientists, the works' and 'Life 2000'.

Encyclopedic, terminological dictionaries and publications

  1. azbuka.gif.ru - Art-azbuka gif.ru - Dictionary of Contemporary Art 'Art-alphabet'
  2. krugosvet.ru - Krugosvet - Universal encyclopedia: history, medicine, technology, etc. (articles, maps, illustrations). Search by subject and alphabet. Versions for printing. Product details on CD.
  3. gramma.ru/lit/?id=3.0 - Culture of Written Speech - Dictionary of literary terms.
  4. rubricon.com - rubricon - Dictionaries on 'Rubrikono' - the river of information.
  5. owl.ru/gender/ - OWL - Dictionary of gender terms.
  6. glossostav.ru - Glossostav - Dictionary of marketing terms.
  7. bioword.narod.ru - bioword - Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary.
  8. ets.ru/udict-l-r-anat-r.htm - ETS - Anatomical dictionary.
  9. ets.ru/udict-ufo-r.htm - ETS - Explanatory ufological dictionary with equivalents in English and German.
  10. lib.ru/intermet/termwww.txt - LIB - Terms and Internet jargon.
  11. rol.ru/files/dict/internet/ - ROL - Basic concepts and definitions of applied Internet.

Glossary of abbreviations

  1. ets.ru/udict-abbrbig-r.htm - ETS - New dictionary of abbreviations.

Onomastics and toponymy

  1. topsl.narod.ru - TOPSL - Geographical names of the Orenburg area: Short toponymic dictionary.
  2. behindthename.com - Behind the name - Etymology and History of names.
  3. kid.ru/imena/ - KID - Names. Name and nature.
  4. institutyamal.narod.ru/dokumenti/slo - institutyamal - Dictionary of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Russian Language Dictionaries

  1. gramota.ru/slovari/ - Gramota.ru - Russian Language Dictionaries.
  2. slovardalja.net - slovardalja - Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Language VI Dahl.
  3. slovari.ru/default.aspx?p=231 - Slovari - A popular dictionary of foreign words.
  4. pofene.ru - Pofene - Dictionary of Contemporary Slang Turkova Xenia 'Xenia on the hair dryer'
  5. teenslang.su - Teenslang - Dictionary of youth slang.
  6. ets.ru/livelang/ - ETS - New Vocabulary: New words and word usage.
  7. nursultanat.narod.ru - Nursultanat - Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian language in Kazakhstan.
  8. ushdict.narod.ru - ushdict - Explanatory Dictionary of Russian ed. Ushakov.
  9. starling.rinet.ru - Starling - Russian dictionaries and morphology: base dictionaries C. Data Ozhegova, Zalizniak A., J. Muller, M. Vasmer.

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