

Full description

Wikipedia - wikipedia.org
Open World Encyclopedia, makes all Internet users in all languages of the world.

Open World Encyclopedia, compiled by all Internet users in all languages of the world.
Anyone can become a co-author of this encyclopedia.
You can create a new section, a new article, a note, fix an error in an existing one, add something, comment, etc.
In general, you are a full-fledged creator of this vast knowledge base.

A wiki is a hypertext environment (usually a Web site) for collecting and structuring written information. Characterized by the following features:

  • A lot of authors. Some wikis can be edited by all visitors.
  • The ability to repeatedly edit the text through the wiki itself (the website), without the use of special tools on the editor's side.
  • Manifest changes immediately after they are made.
  • Separation of information into pages where each has its own name.
  • A special markup language that allows you to quickly and easily mark out structural elements, formatting, hyperlinks, etc. in the text.
  • Change accounting (version accounting) of the text and the ability to roll back to the earlier version.