Rating site

Web-master / Resources / Site level

Rating site


reliable site

Owner: VK Group
address: Russia, Moscow

Ratings Mail.ru

The system of statistics for website owners.
Requires the installation of the counter on the pages of the site.

We can

  • estimate the number of views and visits to the site,
  • determine the sources and search terms that brought people to the site, find out which pages of your site are most popular,
  • see if you are achieving the goals you set for attracting people to your site,
  • Statistics about your site may be hidden from outsiders and only known to you, but if you wish you can give them to people you trust.

      Participating in site rankings

      Sites are ranked based on their traffic, divided into thematic categories and subcategories.
      When you register you will be asked to select a category for your site.
      Choosing the right category will ensure the largest influx of audience from the pages of Mail.Ru Rating, as well as help you compare the popularity of your resource with the popularity of competitors' resources.

      If you want, you can opt out of the rating by changing the counter settings.
      This will not affect the collection and display of traffic statistics for your site.


reliable site

tel.: +7 (495) 727-43-33
address: Russia, Moscow

WebMoney Advisor

Dynamics of changing the site rating

If he has a merchant certificate or higher, then he has something to lose. The fact is that to receive such a certificate the person himself is registered, his name, and if he gets on the blacklist, then not correct it.


Enter WMID or WM purse
If the certificate is anonymous or formal, then the question arises.

Site Rating


Analysis, optimization and website promotion.

Website Promotion Tools

  1. Site Analysis
  2. Site audit
  3. Anti-plagiarism online
  4. Expansion of the semantic core
  5. Grouping search queries
  6. Evaluate page nausea
  7. Checking server headers
  8. Site Speed Analysis
  9. Affiliated sites
  10. Check for filter spam
  11. Check sites for viruses
  12. Yandex X
  13. Verify site positions
  14. Determine page age
  15. Determining the site’s regionality
  16. Site cost estimate
  17. Get site subdomains
  18. Check domain splicing


  1. WHOIS
  2. Internet speed check
  3. Online password generator
  4. Counting the number of characters
  5. Online transliteration
  6. Visual HTML editor online
  7. Encryption in MD5 and SHA-1
  8. Antispam. Hiding text
  9. Favicon.ico generator
  10. Create HTML and CSS buttons
  11. Check and verify your IP