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Interviewing - exam, test how you will behave with the client, whether you have personal problems ...

By the way, I saw people come to the interview a little after drinking. If even before coming here could not resist and not drink, what to expect in the industry?

At the interview it is important not to find out the working conditions, bonuses ... and show your competence for this position. Do not be lazy, look for information about the company on the Internet, prepare.
By the way, my friend wanted to settle in one firm, he made his way through the Internet, found out that he was not getting a job for the chief and. Look for reviews, can there easily arrange it, because it's easy to fly out?

Who does not need an employer?

  1. Lazy people,
  2. careerists,
  3. incompetent specialists,
  4. people with personal problems,
  5. liars.
So if the applicant does not bother to learn anything about the firm, disingenuous, looks for conditions with less responsibility ... will be refused.

What questions can not be asked in an interview

What does the organization do?

Today it is not difficult to find out through the Internet. The question shows that the person did not bother to do this, and therefore will not be a good member of the team.

Questions about salary, salary increase, overtime opportunities, vacation ...

Such questions sound rough and there is not a good impression.
Overtime is always possible, and wages are revealed before or after the interview.
You still have not been taken and while it's a different matter. Let the employer feel that he is choosing you, not you him (in fact, the choice is made both).

What can I pay for at the expense of the company, bonuses, benefits?

These kinds of questions say that the person is concerned about himself, he does not like the process of work.
You are informed about this, a little patience, let the initiative is not from you.

When can I get an increase?


Will I have an office?

Is this really important? Is it something that determines or changes?

Suddenly, I can not get along with colleagues or management?

This means that the person has had such experience and it may well not fit into the team.

Will I be able to change my schedule if I do the work on time?

Such things are asked when they are already working and have built a relationship with management.

Do you have children, are you married ...?

It's not the time to ask personal questions.

Do you check the information about the past of candidates, punch them in social networks?

So there is something to look for.

Do you control the use of e-mail and of Internet in the workplace?

Can I make personal calls during the working day?

What will a person be busy at work?

But do they really speak of your leader?

This is not the place to discuss gossip and talks about unprofessionalism.

What are you being fired for?

This will lead to the idea of ​​dismissing you.

How did the interview go?

It talks about your insecurity, insincerity.

Will I get a job from you?

I do not think so.