
Web-master / Your website / Web Help


(World Wide Web Consortium)
The consortium of the World Wide Web.
The consortium is headed by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of HTTP, HTML, URI, and the author of many other developments in the field of information technology. W3C develops for the Internet common principles and standards (called Recommendations, English W3C Recommendations), which are then implemented by software and hardware manufacturers. Thus, the compatibility between software products and equipment of different companies is achieved, which makes the World Wide Web more perfect, universal and convenient.
Any W3C standard goes through 4 stages of coordination:
  • Working draft (Eng. Working Draft);
  • Last Call (English Last Call);
  • Possible Recommendation (English Candidate Recommendation;
  • Proposed Recommendation (English Proposed Recommendation)
and only then officially becomes the W3C Recommendation.
The created site should be checked for validity, that is, for errors, failures, broken links.
And mainly for compliance with W3C requirements. If the site meets all of its requirements, it will be guaranteed to be correctly displayed in all browsers on any computer, regardless of the operating system and settings.

Check the website for errors

  1. - W3C MarkUp Validation Service - Online HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc. Validator.
    It makes sense only if you want to make sure that your site is everywhere and always opens.
    W3C are very picky and reinsured.

W3C CSS Validation Service

Validator from W3C (The World Wide Web Consortium).

Since the validator is here, it means that if your CSS arranges it, then it will work correctly everywhere. The site is official.

I was generating a large CSS file, and there was some mistake. In such a large file, it is rather difficult to look for an error. Gave a link to this service and he immediately showed me what to do.

You can give a link to the file, upload a CSS file or enter the code into the form.

He will think a little and tell you what's wrong here.