META tags

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META tags

Identify, index and create catalogs of your pages.

META tag is not visible in the browser when viewing the page. If you want your site to be among the first to be issued by search engines when users are asked, then you can not ignore the use of the META tag.

Meta Tag Generator

Meta tag components

  • HTTP - EQUIV - the content of the page is processed based on the data recorded here.

  • NAME - the information name; If not, it will get the value of HTTP-EQUIV.

  • CONTENT - information content of the page.

  • <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type"Content="text/html; Charset=utf-8">
    - used by browsers to determine the encoding, so that the Russian text is displayed correctly, and not hieroglyphs.

  • <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" Content="Mon, 11 Jun 1998 00:00:01 GMT">
    - designed for the browser to take the page not from the cache, but to the real address.

  • <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="2">
    - the page reread itself through time x (here x=2 seconds).

  • <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="x; URL=XXX/YYY.html">
    - this option will read another page in time x.

  • <META HTTP-EQUIV="pragma" Content="no-cache">
    - disables caching of the page on the user's local computer.

  • <META HTTP-EQUIV="Page-Enter" Content="BlendTrans(Duration=2.0)">
    - the effect of the appearance of the page at the entrance to it.

  • <META HTTP-EQUIV="Page-Exit" Content="BlendTrans(Duration=2.0)">
    - the effect of disappearing the page when clicking on a link.

  • <META http-equiv="content-language" content="ru">
    - the language on which the page is written.

  • <META name="DC.Language" content="ru">
    - the language of the page text.

  • <META name="DC.Title" content="TITLE">
    - page title.

  • <META name="author" Content="Your name, email">
    - author.

  • <META name="copyright" Content="NAME">
    - author rights.

  • <META name="keywords" Content="your keywords">
    - list of keywords used on this page (very necessary for search engines).

  • <META name="description" Content="Description of your page">
    - a brief description of the contents of this page (very necessary for search engines).

  • <META name="Publisher-Email" Content="YOUR_email">
    - the address of the publisher of the page (your address).

  • <META name="Publisher-URL" Content="www.YOURS/">
    - the address of your site on the Internet.

  • <META name="Generator" Content="Microsoft Notepad">
    - describes the means by which this page was created.

  • <META name="revisit-after" Content="10 days">
    - (not exactly!) How often the information on the page is updated.

  • <META name="ROBOTS" Content="all">
    - (not exactly!) Is designed for search engines constantly scanning the expanses of the Internet.


The length of the META tag content "desctiption" should not exceed 200 characters, and "keywords" - 1000 characters.
This condition must be met, otherwise your site may be denied indexing or not all important information (Which is represented by you for search engines) will be indexed.
This restriction is related to the features of the search engines.


Do not specify your email in the meta tags, protect against spam.