Life hacking

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Life hacking

(анг. lifehacker от life hacking — хитрости жизни)
A person who "breaks", "deceives" the surrounding life, making it easier with the help of various useful tips and tricky tricks. Usually the lifhhaker does not create new techniques, but simply owns existing ones. The movement of lifhakers was presumably born in the environment of programmers.
Lifkhaking is in essence a set of useful and often short advices that allow to solve different life and everyday tasks with less expenses and / or more quickly. For example:
  • how to unscrew a broken light bulb from the cartridge;
  • how to get a drink faster in a crowded bar
  • how to remember the phone number or PIN
  • how to stand less in the queue
  • how to spend less time getting to work
  • how to quickly perform more complex tasks
  • how quickly to plan Speech;
  • how not to worry about the public, etc.
When at the beginning of 2006 the American Society for the Study of Dialects announced the word lifehack the most useful word year (after the podcast), many were perplexed. What is a podcast, as it is still clear, but what is this lifhhaking? A year passed and it turned out that everything was not in vain. The word life-hack now occurs at every step, and it sounds like the most important trend, without which nowhere.
  1. - Mind Hacks - Neuroscience and psychology life hacks and tricks gets posted here almost every day. The website started in 2004, there are hundreds of articles to read.

reliable site

Owner: Adobe

address: USA, New York


Designed to give us more strategies to implement our ideas into concrete actions. From the daily stream of articles to videos, conversations from the annual website conference, you will be ready to realize your ideas.

Mental Floss

A place where curious people gathered, who recheck the generally accepted, learn new things, open up an unexpected ...

address: Russia

By the way, yes!

Short useful tips based on personal life experience, sometimes sad.

An entertaining resource on which any person can share with others a short, useful advice on an arbitrary subject, and others can read it and think about it.

Necessary Warning: there is no preliminary moderation on the site, so some of the tips on this site can be comic, silly or just dangerous. Please think with your head and do not try to repeat this house.

The staff of the site is grateful to one post for Lepre for inspiration and all friends for their support.


Site about computers, smartphones and electronics.

Life hacking, author reviews and ratings with the most modern and popular devices. The subtleties of using modern electronics.

Leading site of lifhak.
Tips, tricks, tricks? Strategies that save money and time. About how you can use simple household items. Do you remember how simple or old things were used in Soviet times? Gol is fictitious sly.

I like to once visit something not ours.


Daily blog on how to use computers and various sites with maximum benefit for themselves, as well as productivity, worldview, health and sports.
The site tells about interesting programs and techniques that you might not even know about.
Here you can find simple and elegant solutions for complex problems.
The blog is in TOP-10 blogs according to Yandex's version on Authority, and is one of the three most popular offline blogs.

The site is visited daily by 70 thousand people, and 30 thousand people reads a subscription blog.

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