
Christianity / TV / Audio


Russian - Englesh

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Christian phonograms, Christian songs, sheet music, Christian music.

A lot of phonograms of Christian songs on various themes, which can be selected in the section "Themes of Phonograms".

For the convenience of searching all the songs are sorted alphabetically, artists and languages.
You can search for songs and a simple search form, the icon at the top right.

As a result, we get a list of songs that you can immediately listen to.
Double click we get to the page of the song with 2 players - the player of the song and the player of the backing track.
You can download a song or a backing track or listen.

Below is the text, sometimes in 2 languages, you can choose.
If the translation of the song does not suit you, you can suggest your version or correct the error.

Under the text to many songs attached notes ♪ ♫.

Did you like the song? - You can add it to your bookmarks ★.

You can meet and chat with other members of the portal.

address: Russia
Free MP3 and Midi phonograms.
The base is small, but free.