

Database of world metros.

Here and photos and videos and various maps.

And most importantly - a lot of information. Just click on the city and get the date of the first launch, the length, the number of stations, lines, passenger traffic ...

Subway logos, fonts of these logos, wallpapers, subway museums, ...

A lot of all sorts of information, it seems, everything that can be collected by metro has been collected here.

You can look at the countries or metro statistics all over the world. 215 subways with a length of almost 15,000 km. Scale of growth.

You can see everything in the table.

Visit out of curiosity.

Moscow subway

The official website of the Moscow Metro.
When we go to the metro, everything seems to be clear, but going to the site, you understand that almost everyone will have some question about the subject of using the metro.
That is, the site is simple and clear and useful.
  • Service center.
  • Terms of use.
  • What if.
  • Forgotten things.
  • Career guidance center.
  • Procedure for using tickets.
  • Work schedule and repair schedule.
  • WiFi in Metro.
  • Schedule of train departure on the monorail transport system.
  • “Live chat” information desks.
  • The departure time of the first and last trains.
  • The procedure for issuing certificates.

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Moscow Metro

A website about myth and legend, about what was and what was not.
It is a museum, archive, illustrated album, directory and encyclopaedia at the same time.
This is the first in the world site about the metro, made on a black background.

The site contains information about electric subway cars operated in the cities of the former USSR.