Ph4 / Canada / Steinbach

Ph4 / Canada / Steinbach

Bible - Windows -
Parallel texts of the Bible - Greek, Russian, several translations into English and Ukrainian.


Parallel texts of the Bible - Greek, 3 Russian, several translations into English and Ukrainian.
And parallel places.

    Meaning and Explanation Translation (V. Zhuromsky, first edition, 2017-2020).
  • Gebrayzed Meaning and Proverbs Translation (V. Zhuromsky, first edition, 2017-2020).
  • Greek NT, Scrivener's 1894 Textus Receptus. Edited by Wade Balzer (TR'1894)
  • the Bible. Synodal, with Strong numbers (RST).
  • Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
We point to the verse and it stands out in all translations, as well as the word, which is useful for those who study Greek.
And by clicking on the word, we get the interpretation of the original word, in English.