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Freeware - Graphics utility

FastStone Photo Resizer

| Windows2 Mb | home page | download | download from us | Portable |


The conversion of image files, including batch: resize, rename, change color depth and much more.


Safe Color

| Windows210 Kb | download from us |


The color images are reduced to the so-called 'safe' palette which consists of 216 colors that all the picture are displayed correctly in all browsers and on all monitors. Does not require installation

Category: Graphics/Graphics utility

Tags: Graphics

Web Resizer

| Windows1.7 Mb | download from us |


Batch conversion of graphic files: resizing, renaming, minor editing, etc. Supports JPG, JPEG 2000, PNG (8 and 24 bit), BMP and some other image formats. The author has not posted the program for download on its website, it is available from us and on


HEIC File Converter

| Windows13 Mb | home page |


Converter HEIC to JPG or PNG.
HEIC is a format for photos in IPhone and iPad.
There is a portable version.

CopyTrans HEIC

| Windows-648.8 Mb | home page | download |


Image converter from iPhone to Windows.

On Windows and the Internet we are used to the JPEG format for pictures.
But if you have an iPhone that has a good camera and its HEIF format?

It's an application that fits in with the Explorer and you work like a normal picture:

  • You can see the preview, which is convenient,
  • Photoshop did not understand this format, but now it opens and the picture can be saved in a familiar and required for us format. many programs have not seen HEIF before, but now see that there is no need to install plugins for each individual program.

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Category: Graphics/Graphics utility

Tags: Coverters Graphics
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