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1. New Testament
FAA 2005
Far Above All
The words of Jesus are highlighted in red

Maurice A Robinson, William G Pierpont

2. New Testament
RP 2005
The New Testament in the original Greek: Byzantine textform
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms

Maurice A Robinson, William G Pierpont

3. New Testament
RP18 2018
The New Testament in the original Greek: Byzantine textform
Maurice A Robinson, William G Pierpont

4. New Testament
BYZ 2005
Byzantine text-type
Majority Text
With Strong's lexicon, Morphological forms

Maurice A Robinson, William G Pierpont

5. New Testament
CT BYZ 2005
Byzantine Textform
The New Testament in the Original Greek: Byzantine Textform
William G Pierpont, Maurice A Robinson

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