Google maps
Google Maps API - developers.google.com/maps/documentation Fine-tuning maps for your own, from closed maps to tracking the location of people and objects. MoreAPI is how to fit into a map to correct it for yourself. There are options from free to expensive.Features- Free - normal use.
- Paid - sites and applications that you need to pay for access.
- By invitation - private applications or restricted sites, for example. Only the corporate network and the online community, which can only enter by invitation.
- Tracking resources - the ability to track the location of people and objects, say you have a courier service or a transport company. You can see on the map who is where and who owns the situation.
Also on this page, you can select the Google Maps API for Android or iOS ....
Map Icons Collection - mapicons.mapsmarker.com Free icons for Google Maps or Google Earth. MoreFree icons for Google Maps or Google Earth. Map Icons Collection is a set of more than 1000 free icons to use as placemarks for your POI (Point of Interests) locations on your maps. You can use them on Google Maps with the “My maps / my places” feature, automatically by using the Google Maps API or with WordPress mapping plugins like Maps Marker Pro.CategoriesOrganized into logical color coded categories, for better and quicker overview, you get a complete and diverse collection of unique markers for point of interests, for example cinemas, hotels, banks, restaurants and stores.Using Google maps, I want to make them as clear as possible. Icon collections will help greatly in this. |
Google Maps to your website - google.com/maps/ You can put on your site map from Google Maps. MoreYou can put on your site a map from Google Maps. How to create your card:- Sign in to your Google Account,
- Visit maps.google.com
- Click below the request form SHARE
- Select the code and paste the proposed code to add to the website.
Google Maps - google.com/maps/ Google Earth program is built into Google Maps. MoreIn fact, this Google Earth program is built into Google Maps. In order to take advantage of this effect, you need to go into the photo mode and the 3D button below the compass will appear.The terrain is very well implemented: mountains, valleys ... As for the cities they remained flat, although the whole picture is tilted. The real effect of 3D up to the trees is only in the large cities of the Western world (Europe, Australia, Canada) and much of the US. To hold the circle, hold down the Ctrl or Shift and use the mouse.
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Airpano - airpano.com Virtual tour from 18 spherical panoramas taken over the city of Suzdal with a bird's-eye view. MoreA virtual tour of 18 spherical panoramas shot from the city of Suzdal from a bird's-eye view. The project is financially supported by the Russian Geographical Society, hence the butterfly is not one-day. |
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Sightsmap - sightsmap.com Monuments of the world on the map. MoreHot spots of the earth. No, these are not hot spots in our understanding, but the most popular ones from the point of view of this service. The service simply figured out which places are more photographed, those and the most light (yellow). The most popular attractions are marked separately. The service uses Google Maps and photos from Panoramio.
Airpano - airpano.com/360degree-virtualtour.php?3d Panorama hotels. MoreOn this site, among other things, there are 360° photo-panoramas of hotels in Turkey. Very helpful with the choice of the hotel, if you have not already been there. And if you choose a hotel, you can also look around, places that you can visit. |
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Airpano - airpano.com/360-videos.php Managed panoramic video. MoreOn this site, among other things, a 360 ° video is managed. The video is shot from the air and really very impressive. You fly past the tall tower and can look down, or at the tower, or into the distance. Excellent resolution, amazing places: Moscow Kremlin, St. Petersburg, Antarctica, Kamchatka (volcanic eruption, valley of geysers ...), Grand Canyon ( USA), Dubai (UAE), the city of Petra (Jordan) ... |
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Airfield base The most complete source of information on airfields, heliports and landing sites in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. MoreThe most complete source of information on airfields, heliports and landing sites in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. In base- 4314 airfields
- 5765 heliports,
- 129 special areas.
Registered users can make changes, add airfields, landing sites and special areas.
Routs on Google Maps - google.com/maps/ Google Maps Directions. MoreGoogle Maps routes. Just try.We tested for northern Scandinavia, where there are very small settlements. It's very simple, set the point From and point To. The distance along the road, Time on the car and on foot. It is described in detail how to get to where, on what street to leave the city, where to turn, to the number of which route to go. They even found panoramas (remember, this sparsely populated north is small Country), so that you could see the place of the interchanges, what is, what it looks like. Environmentally friendly routing As far as apps are concerned, they will suggest a route that will save fuel.Learn more about Google Maps. Google Map site
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Aerofotopanorama - airpano.com/google_map.php View from the bird's flight. MorePanoramas from the air around the world. It's good to see large objects, for example the Egyptian pyramids from the air. |
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Cityscanner Panoramas on the map. MorePanoramas of Yekaterinburg and Perm. More than 25 thousand 360-degree (circular) panoramic photographs were photographed - both in central and in more remote areas of Yekaterinburg. Navigation- using the map,
- "arrows" on the map,
- list and tags.
The distance between neighboring panoramas (when moving on the "arrow") is an average of 10 meters, and the accuracy of the search at the address - 30-50 meters. QualityThe photos were taken in August 2008 with the help of professional equipment, as seen in the photo. True, the panorama was collected automatically and it was hardly edited manually, because there are jambs: shifts, slopes. Obviously, here they preferred quantity to quality. And there are very gross errors. Obviously, someone without looking programmatically sculpted the panorama.
Infrapedia - live.networkatlas.com Map of submarine cables. MoreMap of submarine cables around the world. Just to see and it becomes clear why the sites of South America and China are so slow to load.
Live real time satellite tracking and predictions - n2yo.com Companions on the map. MoreSatellites in real time on the map. You can select a satellite or an ISS and see where it is flying by. There are a lot of satellites, so it's good to know what it's called. You can search by country or by name.
Hieroglif link photos to the location.
Proaeroporty - proaeroporty.ru Airports on map by countries MoreAbout Airports. In general, the task of the site is to help travelers buy airline tickets. But the site has a large database of related information:- airports by country of the world on the map,
- All world airports by IATA code,
- ...
Determine the distance on Google Maps - google.com/maps/ Google Maps Directions. MoreGoogle Maps directions. Just set the city in the search form. It will be the departure point. A drop-down menu will appear where you will select "How to get there" and enter the destination of the trip.The distance along the road, the time on the car and on foot will be indicated. Details of how to get there, Where, on what street to leave the city, where to turn, to the number of which route to go. Almost navigator. You can see the panoramas to see places of interchanges, what is, what it looks like. Learn more about Google Maps. Google Map site
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Virtual Museums - virtualmuseums.io Museums of the world virtually. MoreMuseums of the world virtually. One enthusiast has gathered the world's museums in one place. Or rather, collects, there's a way to add. Museums can be searched on the map and then get to sites where you can make a virtual tour.During the coronvirus there was a need to diversify the leisure time without leaving home. Therefore, more and more museums began to offer virtual visits, excursions. And those that already offered such an opportunity, often it was as if advertising, limited. Now they are trying to make the virtual visit as comprehensive as possible. |
Mother Jones: Nuke Facilities in the US - batchgeo.com/map/a87855317fdfab0922206bc US nuclear facilities on map.
The True Size - thetruesize.com Find the actual size of a country or state.
Global Fishing Watch - globalfishingwatch.org/map/ 35 000 fishing vessels on the map. MoreMore than 35 000 fishing vessels on the map. You can see where they are at what time of year. There is time for catching each fish species and place. Now we will know the most fish places of the whole world!And in fact, the main task of the site is to help identify poachers. We are familiar with poachers who fish for themselves, eat and sell to someone. But a much larger problem is posed by poaching on large ships, it drains the world's fish stocks. Here you can find these here. |
Property in the UK on Google Maps - goo.gl/maps/g4a2dv4mu1957xmx6 There are addresses, photos. You can insert the entire map or selected house with the address and photo on the site or blog. MoreThere are addresses, photos. You can insert the entire map or selected house with the address and photo on the site or blog.
Restaurants on Google Maps - goo.gl/maps/h7x5tpwt1qn On Google Maps, ask the 'Restaurants' and get the marked restaurants on the map. MoreOn Google Maps, we ask the "Restaurants" query and get the marked restaurants on the map, and next there is a list with the address, contacts, rating, reviews, work time and attendance by day of the week and hours.The completeness of the information depends on the provided restaurant.
Airlines Inform - airlines-inform.com Airports on the map. MoreInformation site in Russian for airports, airlines and airplanes around the world. The design is simple and old-fashioned, but the base is decent.Airports on the world map. You can look at the map, or you can look at the list: Airlines of Russia, airlines of the world, budget airlines, airlines of airlines, airports of Russia and the world, ratings of airlines. |
Metrobits - mic-ro.com/metro/ Database of world metros. MoreDatabase of world metros.Here and photos and videos and various maps. And most importantly - a lot of information. Just click on the city and get the date of the first launch, the length, the number of stations, lines, passenger traffic ... Subway logos, fonts of these logos, wallpapers, subway museums, ... A lot of all sorts of information, it seems, everything that can be collected by metro has been collected here. You can look at the countries or metro statistics all over the world. 215 subways with a length of almost 15,000 km. Scale of growth. You can see everything in the table. Visit out of curiosity. |
Indoor Panoramas on Google Maps - google.com/maps/about/partners/indoormap Google added to the map floor plans inside. MoreGoogle added on the map the plans of the premises inside. Of course not all rooms, but large and significant places, for example, New York airport ...You can watch through an ordinary Google map. As we approach, we will see the layout of the premises. You can take the panorama code and paste it on the site. Click 3 vertical dots to the right of the search and "Share with friends". |
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Falling Fruit - fallingfruit.org On the map are marked fruit trees or bushes where you can pick fruit for free. MoreA map of the harvest in the city.On the map are marked fruit trees or bushes where you can pick fruit for free. Usually in the city such trees grow for decorative purposes and eating from them is not forbidden. It is not quite clear who and how collects the base. But there is one such tree in St. Petersburg and it is called the BEREZA (BIRCH). |
Google Street View - maps.google.com/help/maps/streetview/ Panoramas on the site. MoreIn order to embed a panorama on a site,- click the menu (three vertical points of the search)
- choose Share with friends or get the image code
- click HTML and take the code, you can always set the size manually.
Google's panoramas go from simply viewing the streets to viewing places of interest and accommodations. These attractions can be viewed not only on the map, they are collected in one place.
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Street View Trekker - blog.google/products/maps/mapping-storie Google provides cameras for photographers and travelers to create Street View panoramas. MoreGoogle provides cameras for photographers and travelers to create Street View panoramas.The camera can be worn as a backpack and take with you on a hike or bike ride. And you can install on the car, as most comes. The new Street View Trekker camera has become smaller and tidier, with higher resolution and aperture. Such a camera can be worn as a backpack or installed, for example, on the roof of a car. At the same time, several cameras take pictures, which are then glued together in one large panorama. In theory, anyone can write to Google and request such a camera. To do this, you need to fill out a story about yourself and explain the purpose of getting the camera.
Google Maps - google.com/maps/ Leading the project, more detailed and accurate, in cooperation with NASA Google map. MoreLeading the project, in cooperation with NASA Google maps more detailed and accurate. If our maps are concentrated mainly around Moscow, something about Russia and the near abroad, then Google is the world leader.This service spawned a new kind of advertising - on the roofs of houses. More Google services using maps- Photo on the map.
- Personalize Google maps - it's easiest to put a Google map on your site, but in addition, it's easiest to build your service based on Google maps.
- Wiki maps - connecting Wikipedia and Google maps.
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Arctic Bathymetry in Google Maps - ncei.noaa.gov/maps/bathymetry/ Nautical charts. MoreBathymetry is engaged in mapping the topography of the seabed and measuring the depth of the ocean with the echo sounder. One of the main goals of bathymetry is the exploration of hydrocarbon deposits.Ocean Mapping Group of the University of New Brunswick created this map with bathymetry for the north of Canada. The map shows many layers of bathymetric data for this area. The layers have different colors. Each color indicates the depth of the ocean according to the color scale in the upper right corner of the map. |
Global Forest Watch - globalforestwatch.org Google Maps. MoreForests in real time. It is possible to see how much when it is cut down and cut down and how much is planted again. |
Map of the Milky Way - google.com/sky Map of the Milky Way. MoreA map of the starry sky in the usual Google map format, we zoom in and out with the mouse wheel, and so on.
Click To Pray - clicktopray.org Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer). MorePope's Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer).The app connects you with thousands of people who, in all the continents, are praying every day for the challenges of humanity and for the mission of the Church as the Pope proposes in his monthly prayer intentions. Pray, live and build a world which tastes of the Gospel. Give meaning to our live and put you prayer into action. Ерун offers you just three brief moments of prayer each day. Click To Pray also lets you share your own prayer intentions for all to pray. |
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Mars Map - google.com/mars Map was created based on NASA's images. MoreThe map is based on NASA images. You can see a photo or a map. You can also see the map on the Google Earth program from Google. Google Mars, which allows you to walk through Mars using updated satellite images of high resolution almost as soon as they appear in NASA. Historical Maps - historical mapsBut the high resolution photos of the planet were not always there. In this section, you can return during the first shots and see the Mars through the eyes of the discoverers. You can also see maps of Mars astronomers Giovanni Schiaparelli, Percival Lovell and ...
Maps for the world Topographic maps of the world. MoreTopographic maps of the world.Maps are scanned and collected in one place, tied to a Google map. Google Maps itself is a map navigator. Maps can be embedded on the site by taking the code.
Public cadastral map. Information and parameters of real estate objects that have passed the cadastral registration procedure and are registered in the Unified State Register (UGRN). MoreInformation and parameters of real estate objects that have passed the cadastral registration procedure and are registered in the Unified State Register (UGRN).The Public Cadastral Chart is freely accessible and maintained in accordance with the principles of openness and accessibility, it is constantly updated and contains up-to-date information. Content:- What is a Public Cadastral Map?
- How to use the Public Cadastre Map?
Architecture in Athens - zee.gr/architecture/index.php?lang=en Monuments of the world on the map. MoreThe architecture of Greece. The site is in Greek and English.You can navigate among the infinite number of the historical architecture of Greece. There is a search, a list by years, a slider-filter that sets the time range. It remains only to click on the required asterisk and get the information with the picture.
What 3 Words - what3words.com The coordinates of the selected point in 3 words. MoreThe coordinates of the selected point in 3 words. How do we determine our coordinates? - On a Google map. How about an easier one? - On what3words. Each 3m square is given a unique combination of three words: what3words address. Now you can find, share and navigate to exact locations using three simple words instead of long coordinate numbers. Easier to remember. |
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Moon Map by Google - google.com/moon The map shows the landing site of people. More You can see the photo or map-chart. You can also see the map on the Google Earth program from Google.
Gazprom neft - gpncard.ru/en/map_of_stations Official maps dressings by companies. MoreMap of gas stations.Official website with all gas stations on the map. There are other official and useful information on the site, like a price map, a fuel card, office addresses in Russia ... and a toll-free number for customers.
AllTrails - alltrails.com Bicycles on the map. MoreThe site, like the previous one, is the only choice between Google maps, Bing, Yahoo and Openmaps. |
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Time.is - time.is Exact time. MoreThe service shows the exact time. Shows the error of our system clock. The most interesting is that it shows an approximate dissynchronization of your computer clock with international atomic time, also shows the time in 7 million places of the world and compares time in different places.Additionally, there are a number of nice bonuses: a calendar with the week number and the day's ordinal number, a time reference for sunrises and sunsets for each locality, integration with Google Maps, widgets for third-party sites. There is even a special design for Fully Screen mode in the browser. And note that the appearance of a new second on the Time.is server occurs just at the beginning of this second. Some operating systems do not even know how to synchronize computer time with this accuracy. |
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Timeline - timeline.knightlab.com The timeline on the website or blog. MoreInteractive timeline to a website or blog. You can place text, pictures, data from Twitter, Wikipedia, Google Maps, SoundCloud, YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Dailymotion. The data is stored as a Google Spreadsheet table. |
StranaGruzov Calculation of distances, how to get there, laying out routes. MoreCalculation of distances, how to get there, laying out routes.How it works- We indicate the point of departure and destination, if desired, an intermediate point.
- Get the distance in km, travel time.
- We get estimated costs for gasoline. We can change the consumption per 100 km and the cost of a liter, so we get the amount for our car.
- In parallel, we get the route on the map.
- Having scrolled below, we will see the list of settlements that we will pass and what time we will be.
You can change the departure time and average speed.
Wikiloc - wikiloc.com Routes of the world - mountain, hiking, cycling tracks. MoreRoutes of the world - mountain, hiking, cycling tracks.About 4 million participants, more than million tracks and more than 22 million photos. Discover millions of outdoor routes around the world. Choose between hiking, jogging, cycling, MTB, kayak, skiing and another 70 different types of activities. Record your own routes to the map, add waypoints, take photos along the course, and upload them from your phone to your Wikiloc account. Use free topographic maps offline from around the world for free, without the need for Internet coverage or mobile data. This is convenient when you are in the mountains or traveling without an Internet connection. |
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Radarinfo Traffic webcams on the map. MoreAll about the traffic police cameras, radars and ambushes of the traffic police. First of all, here are shown radars and webcams on the map, you can add if you found something that is not on the map yet. You can also look at the List.There are articles, primarily laws and regulations, a forum for joint discussions, which will allow the site to develop in the demanded direction. |
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Velobike - velobike.ru Bicycle rental in Moscow. MoreThe project was created with the support and participation of the government of Moscow and the Bank of Moscow Project ideology Create an alternative to a car and public transport, provide residents and tourists with affordable transport for short trips.The project for the organization of a city bike rental service that allows you to rent a bicycle on an automated station, make a trip and return the bike to Any other automated station, on ervom stage includes the installation of 104 stations by 1000 Bicycle in Central and South-Western administrative districts, but in the future we plan to cover all the administrative districts of Moscow. Become a bike rental user can any Muscovite or visitor of the capital. In order to use the services of bicycle rental, it is enough just to pass a preliminary registration on the site. Registration is carried out online, so you can register with any mobile device connected to Internet, directly at the rental office. In order to register in the system, you must have any VISA or MASTERCARD payment card with the connected 3DSecure option. When registering, the user is asked to choose a suitable tariff plan for subscription services and make an advance payment. The presence of a positive balance allows you to use the services of an unlimited number of times (within the chosen tariff plan), the first 30 (thirty) minutes of using the bike are provided free of charge. |
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London Remembers - londonremembers.com Monuments of the world on the map. MoreAttractions of London on the map. Google maps are used.The map is not the main thing that is on the map. It is more of a help, for the sake of clarity to tourists. The main thing is you can see the Monuments, get exhaustive information about them ... Thus, the site will be useful to those who plan to visit London and have not yet decided on the itinerary. And those who have already visited, but want to refresh in their memory. |
Eduson - eduson.tv A center for online training of future businessmen from all over the world. The main methodology is various courses from leading professors and successful practitioners. MoreA center for online training of future businessmen from all over the world. The main methodology is various courses from leading professors and successful practitioners. |
Skyscraperpage - skyscraperpage.com Instructions, educational. MoreThe site is about skyscrapers well-illustrated, there are more than 38,000 skyscrapers.
Zoom - zoom.us Video conferencing platform, popular in the USA (more than 500 000 organizations). MoreVideo conferencing platform, popular in the USA (more than 500 000 organizations). Keeps in touch with a large number of participants.
- Platforms: web, Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS.
- Up to 100 participants.
- Conference duration: up to 40 minutes.
- Sharing photos and files from Google Drive, Dropbox or Box.Send text, images and audio from mobile and desktop.
- Screen demonstration.
- Conference recording.
- File sending function: is.
- Support service.
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GruzovichkoF Shipping. MoreShippingYou can send a parcel to Peter, Moscow or Russia, or move. You can pick up the car from the fleet. When moving can help with loading. |
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Toiletmap - toiletmap.gov.au/mobile Search toilet. MoreSearch for public toilets in Australia, depending on your location.
Submarine Cable Map - submarinecablemap.com Map of submarine cables. MoreI was asked to help find how you can view detailed statistics on Subscribe.ru. Can someone also need help?When I registered my subscription, in my first letter from Subscribe.ru was at the end the item: Get detailed statistics (postal areas, formats, questionnaire, etc.) by subscribers, Subscribe.ru/manage/author/stat/list/ Choose Build statistics.
Then we listen to the song, how tired we are with our views And the fact that today they have not considered anything new, so you can not even look. Probably they do not know us. In other words, if you listen to everything, you will never see your statistics. Click on this long link, people have tried.
And now we look Dynamics, Georafia, What other mailings are popular with your audience. But they do not update this information regularly.
Like everything.
Mosgortrans Moscow transport. MoreThe main in the capital and the largest in Europe, the operator of ground urban passenger transport.800 land transport routes. Every day they are used by more than 5.5 million passengers. 6.5 thousand buses, trams, trolley buses and electric buses operate on the lines every day. Park SUE "Mosgortrans" is constantly updated: acquired modern rolling stock, adapted for people with limited mobility. New vehicles have a low level of floor, equipped with air conditioning cabin, equipped with video surveillance and satellite navigation. The structure of the company includes 23 branches, including 10 bus / trolleybus parks, a tram control with 5 sites, and other services that provide land urban passenger transport. |
1panorama Panorama handmade map. MorePanoramas handmade on the map. If you used the panoramas of Yandex and especially Google, you will find there a lot of jambs, curves of gluing. I looked at the Maidan on Google and was surprised that you can jiggle in the main squares of capitals. Let's also remember the paranoia - covering faces, numbers of cars and even advertisements on buildings.There is a manual work, each panorama is made separately and of course, who will shoot in bad weather? That's why I like such services with panoramas. Well, the map was needed, because there are a lot of them. Truth is not so much as on Google? But much more than in other places, there are thousands of them. While viewing the panorama, you can immediately see this place on the map, although the map can be easily hidden. And most importantly - you can create a panorama for free and paste it on your site. But for this you need to download it to this site and take the code. |
Google My Business - business.google.com Organizations on Google Maps. MoreGoogle provides the ability to add data to search and display on the map, when asked for your kind of organization in your city. How to add an organization?First of all, you need to create an account on Google, if you do not already have it, especially since it will be needed more than once.We go to the site and add, following simple instructions. But you need to be ready for this. You need to know the exact address of the organization, phone, email, working time. Then on this mail address will come the letter with the code, on the SMS phone with the code on Email the letter with the code. So we can confirm the correctness of these data, without which they will not be added. Not everyone adds their organization, say I'm a webmaster and I'm asked to add someone's organization. So we do not have access to their mail, we may not know the time of work ... I must clarify that they need to forward all the codes for confirmation. And it will take time to receive the code by mail, tell it to the customer, otherwise he will ask every day why the data is not yet available.
Uklon taxi - uklon.com.ua Taxi. MoreThe service of Internet taxi order is a fully automated service in which the order is made by customers without the participation of dispatchers. Functional- convenient and intuitive interface, with prompts and explanations;
- the ability to create orders with complex routes for 3-5-10 points;
- instantaneous calculation of the order value;
- pre-order;
- After registration: 5% discount, order history, order creation with the ready route (from the history).
The SMS with information about the car, time of delivery and cost is sent: At 09:57 AA #### VK DEU Lanos GREEN (8067 #######) will be submitted. 50grn. Dispatcher #######.If the client refuses to travel, he can call the control room and cancel the order. |
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Geocaching - geocaching.com Global treasure hunt game. MoreGlobal treasure hunt game. The game of travelers using satellite navigation to find caches of other participants in the game. Understandably, you can create caches. The principle is simple, and the implementation is made fascinating. |
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GeoGuessr - geoguessr.com Playing Street view from Google Maps. MorePlaying on the Street view from Google maps. You are shown a panorama and you try to guess this place on the map, where it is. If you are not very mistaken, you are credited with points. |
Suncalc - suncalc.net Time Zones. MoreSolar calculator. Shows the trajectory of the movement of the sun and the phase of illumination during the day (and a couple of pleasant little things) on the map for the selected place and date. |
Many Maps All in 1 card. MoreStarted with 5 maps in one place, now:- Google Maps
- Yandex.Maps
- OpenStreetMap
- 2GIS
- Bing Maps
- Yahoo Maps
- Kosmosnimki
- Wikimapia
- ProGorod
- Visicom
The fact is that there is no uniquely better map. On one map, one city is more successful and more detailed, another city is more successful than another city. The convenience is that you Do not need to skip the windows. We choose the right place and just click on the other maps and see how it looks there. It is not necessary to look for this place on each map again, they are synchronized. You can select 'Dual view' - 2 maps on one page. You can work with 2 maps at once.In addition to map communication, you can also select a place on the map by default and mark a point on the map. This point will be on all maps at once. Saves time much.
Sunmar Tour Travel agencies. MoreIncluded in the OTI group.The first Russian tourist company that specializes in economical options for recreation and on hot tours. Directions: Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, Spain, Greece, UAE, Dominican Republic, India. |
Videoprobki - videoprobki.com Traffic jams on the webcam. MoreTraffic jams on Google maps. There is a version for smartphones. Information about traffic jams is not yet displayed for all the streets, but gradually the coverage will increase. Hopefully, the developers are not too tight with the update. Forecast traffic status on the roads on the selected day and time allows the function of Live Traffic Change.
100 Best Things To Do In Norway - jenreviews.com/best-things-to-do-in-norw Overview of the main places to visit in Norway. MoreThis page provides a brief overview of the main places to visit in Norway. Easy to navigate. I have only been to the north of Norway, I like it, these places are familiar to me. |
Digg - digg.com News 2.0. MoreThe phenomenon of popularity of digg (it already equaled the attendance with Slashdot) is explained by the original algorithm of publishing news in this collective blog. Each entry here goes through a voting procedure. The first page of the site includes only the records that have received the most votes (the vote is reduced to the press of one button "digg this"). The program does not use Ajax technology, but does not suffer at all from it. Other features of digg fit perfectly into the concept of Web 2.0. It should be noted that the digg RSS feed is one of the most popular on Internet.A news blog that is similar to wikipedia is an open World encyclopedia, digg - open news blog. Visitors can add their own or other people's news and vote for what they like. Thus, the more voted for the news, the higher it is on the list. This The site allows you to have different points of view, even if we do not agree. The voting system allows the most popular news to be at the top, and the ridiculous, e experimental ones, etc. Be downstairs.
World Bike-sharing Cities - bikesharingmap.com Bikeshare services on the map. MoreThis map shows bikeshare services (i.e. short-term bicycle rental service available at a network of unattended locations).For edits, contact us at bikesharingworldmap@gmail.com. |
Panorama 360-VR Virtual Map of the traveler. MoreVirtual cards from the traveler. Always good panoramas of this kind, when they are made not by a global service, but by one or a few people. I think we have repeatedly rushed to the doorposts on Google or Yandex panoramas (by the way, Yandex is noticeably shoal less). But when one person does and not everything and everything, but only that which he likes, here is the manual work and the quality is perfect. It is always interesting to see photos of the traveler who can photograph, And here such a photographer, only uploads not photos, but panoramas of his travels With beautiful views. Itself did not waste anything, something was left for memory, and we were pleased. |
Jurysti.ru Free legal advice for pensioners. MoreFree legal advice for pensioners. All-Russian legal portal. On the site you can find answers to any legal questions, as well as get advice from a professional lawyer.Round the clock. More than 700 specialists.
Local Kitchen Home food delivery. MoreHome food delivery.Preparation and free food delivery in half an hour maximum. Homemade food, pizza, rolls and sushi. |
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Busradar - busradar.com Search for bus flights. MoreSearch for bus flights.Convenient search for bus destinations in Europe. Russia, Ukraine and the CIS countries are also represented, but only the largest routes. You can search for routes on the map. We can compare the offers of different shipping companies to find the best route for the price and time. |
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Weather on the map Weather on the map. MoreWeather on the map across Russia. A simple and intuitive website, a map for the entire page, nothing superfluous.
Performingarts - performingarts.withgoogle.com Theaters, Google Culture Academy. MoreTheaters, Google Culture Academy. Over 60 theaters: Bolshoi Theater, Carnegie Hall, Berlin Philharmonic, Sao Paulo City Theater, Brussels Opera and ...Website with 3D video. We can visit the theaters and watch the production directly from the stage, choose the angle.
RandCity Which city to visit? Click and get a random city. MoreWhich city to visit? Click and get a random city. There will not be all the cities in the world, but only those that you should go to. Also we get to the place on the map and the panorama of that place, so more clearly, to understand whether i
Altertravel Travel on the map. More'What interesting things can you see in your spare time?' And 'Where can I go to rest?' The site introduces us to unusual sights. Based on the travel experience of the authors of the guidebook for many years, a huge amount of materials were collected for places worth visiting. The concept of the project assumes not disclosing of an essence of a concrete place, and submission of idea for travel and independent studying of object. However, much attention is paid to the travel routes of the Weekend Trip and Expedition format.The main part of the catalog is occupied by non-trivial sights, many of them are published for the first time. Each object is provided with detailed information on accessibility and travel. This is especially convenient for planning a trip, and allows you to route a new route with the capture of the maximum number of objects at a time. Particular attention is paid to the quality of photographs, in order to fully reveal the beauty of a particular place. |
Buy Me a Pie! - buymeapie.com Convenient and easy to use shopping list. MoreConvenient and easy to use shopping list. 3 million users worldwide.Features- simple input of products and their quantities;
- quick and easy navigation through the dictionary of products;
- Automatically add unfamiliar words to the product dictionary;
- Automatic grouping of products in the list.
- cloud synchronization of lists between devices, which allows you to maintain lists with other people in real time;
- ability to create multiple lists;
- Created lists can be sent by mail, in a message, printed or duplicated.
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Ostrovok - ostrovok.ru Search for hotels. MoreSearch for hotels at low prices.The most successful in this area service from Russian. It is one of the three worlds available to Russia. A special note is an application for a smartphone. Domestic service is good because there will definitely be no problems with the language and that it is in our legal field. Payment  You can pay online, but in most cases you can book online, and pay on the fact. Opportunities- Search hotels nearby in the specified direction;
- Browse hotels by list and on the map;
- Photos of hotels and rooms;
- 24-hour support service in Russian and English;
- View the confirmation of booking in offline mode for authorized users.
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TotalJobs - totaljobs.com Job search sites in the UK. MoreA job search site in the UK. Google's map is used.Attendance is about 3 million a month. |
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Smart A blog for women who want to get more out of life. MoreA blog for women who want to get more out of life.At first, the site produces a somewhat black and white impression; somehow I caught the eye of an article with an oppressive title. In fact, articles on quite different topics and very detailed. How to refuse a person without offending him. How to care for the eyelashes. How to stop worrying about everything in the world. |
Newspaper Map - newspapermap.com Newspapers on the map. MoreNewspapers on the world map. It is clear that not all newspapers, but only large ones, but there are a lot of them, including ours. There is a language filter, but it's easier to just click on the map and find out which newspapers are available on This or that city, and if you want to go to their site and read the latest news. |
TripActions - tripactions.com Booking and managing travel and expenses for businesses and business travelers. MoreBooking and managing travel and expenses for businesses and business travelers. Combines data science, modern user-friendly design, and world-class services to give businesses and their employees the best business travel experience possible.TripActions makes it easy to customize even the most complex requirements, from hands-on implementation and customization to advanced dynamic policy configuration and robust reporting with customizable dashboards.Airline, lodging, car and train selections with artificial intelligence-based personalization based on preferences, past bookings and policies, making it fast and easy to book the best option in minutes. With trip itineraries, users can easily find and manage every step of the journey online or on their mobile device from a single app. |
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Next Green Car - nextgreencar.com Charge stations on the map. MoreItems for recharging electric vehicles in the UK. |
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WebSnapr Screenshots from a URL. MoreFScreenshots from a URL.ormat JPEG, set the size: - T=92X70,
- S=202X152,
- M=400X300,
- L=640X480).
Images.websnapr.com/?url=www.URL.com&size=T |
Workfrom - workfrom.co Search remote job. MoreSearch remote job.The goal is to create a social, professional and economic infrastructure for people and teams who work remotely. |
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Toyrent Products for children through Internet. MoreRental of children's goods. Choose from the catalog that we liked, indicate the dates and wait for the call to clarify the details. Courier delivers toys (so it's not for the whole of Russia) in a vacuum package, which should be kept for the retur |
Gintur Virtual tours of the Crimea resorts. MoreVirtual tours of the Crimea resorts.On the site you can visually familiarize yourself with hotels, places and find a place to rest. If you like something, you can immediately order it, because it is the official website of the tour operator of Cri |
Google Travel - google.com/travel Travel portal. MoreTravel portal.Convenient flights at competitive prices. When we plan a trip, we use Google to choose a place, time, hotel, plane. Well, if we find out anyway through Google, they collected this kind of information in one place. What do we need? We do not want to come to India for the rainy season, we do not want to buy the most expensive tickets. We want to see something new. And we are limited by budget. The portal allows you to choose a place, hotel, plane tickets. So it will be more convenient to find a place, respectively, prices. The portal offers links to selected hotels on with specified prices, you can go and make an order or search for something more interesting.
Endangered Languages - endangeredlanguages.com/?hl=en Endangered Languages. MoreAn international project aimed at preserving dying languages.There is a Russian language, but in a very small amount. In our time, the 2nd time in world history there is a single international language (in ancient Rome it was Greek). That in itself is very good. Thanks to a single language and Internet, people are getting closer. Small nations using English, Spanish, Russian and other common languages can get along with much more literature, get a good education, which simply does not exist in their native language. So it also has a negative aspect - small languages become unclaimed and die. Today you can still save and save these languages by documenting them - a dictionary, grammar, audio speech ... If not done today, Tomorrow many languages will be irretrievable Forgotten. The site can be seen in the list or on the map, are there any dying languages of small peoples in your region? |
Fish-point Geoinformation system using API Google Maps for fishermen. MoreGeoinformation system using the Google Maps API for fishermen. The site forms a base for reservoirs, fishing bases and shops in Russia. All information is taken from open sources, sorted by region; Anyone can fill in the database, it's enough to describe the object in a special application, mark it on the mini-map (you can also add a link to the video from YouTube, if any) and send it to the administrator without forgetting Specify your email address.
Night Earth - nightearth.com Map night. MoreNight map of the world. The same map of the world as the usual map of Google or Yandex, only the land is photographed not by day, but at night, with glowing lights. Beautiful. |
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PadMapper - padmapper.com It provides opportunities for flats/houses that match your criteria. MoreEasily search apartments for rent across the US and Canada. Just choose a city (search form, pre-leased or on the map) and further specify the price range, the number of rooms, etc. We are offered apartments/houses that meet your criteria.
Coral Travel Included in the OTI group. MoreIncluded in the OTI group.One of the oldest and largest tour operators in Russia. Directions: Turkey, Spain, Greece, Egypt, Thailand, Tunisia, Morocco, Israel, UAE, China, Cuba, India, Mauritius, Tanzania, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Maldives, Vietnam, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Mexico, Cambodia, Jordan, Andorra, Austria. |
BestMaps Organizations on the map. MoreView, compare, search on the map, favorite places and markers.The service allows you to view and compare multiple sources of satellite and map data. Satellite imagery:- Google Maps
- Yandex.Maps
- Bing Maps
- Cosmosnimki
Map Plans:- Yandex.Maps
- Google Maps
- 2GIS
- Wikimapia
- OpenStreetMap
- OpenTopo
- Cadastre
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Rambler/travel Reliable online service for recreation. MoreThe task of the service is to give out not all, but the most popular and profitable. That is, filter out anything that you are not interested in initially. Say you buy a plane ticket, then you will be offered options and restrictions in connection with this, for example - you can not return, exchange, take luggage (only carry-on luggage up to 10 kg) ... You can choose the price-service ratio.For hotels immediately indicated whether breakfast is included, whether there is parking, WIFI. However, this is a generator from other sites. |
Transport of St. Petersburg - transportspb.com Routes and timetables of transport of St. Petersburg. MoreRoutes and timetables of transport of St. Petersburg.Current information on changes in the work of urban public transport and news from the transport sector. Information about travel tickets, about the types of urban public transport, timetable of the metro, bus and railway stations. The site provides information on all types of public transport. You can choose a route and on the map you will be asked how to get one or several modes of transport. |
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Moslenta The site is about clear Moscow. MoreThis is not so much a site for tourists as for the Muscovites themselves. I spent a couple of years in Moscow. Do I know after that Moscow? - Yes and no. Yes, because I lived in Moscow. No, because I lived and worked in one area of Moscow, it's like a city inside the city. Months after 2 I remembered that I was in Moscow and was traveling somewhere to Arbat, Red Square ... So none of the Muscovites can physically know the whole of Moscow, especially since it is constantly changing. This site will help in eliminating these gaps. |
9-eyes - 9-eyes.com Panoramas on the map. MoreSelected photos from Google Street View.
Flagatrip Social Networks tourists. MoreFree service for travel and travel lovers, allowing you to effectively and colorfully convey your travel experiences, share them with friends, communicate in communities of interest and plan your trips based on the personal experience of others. In just a few seconds you get your own Page of the traveler, and can begin to form a personal travel history.Create a map of all your trips and each separately. The authors use the technology Google Maps API, but added several of their own unique developments for greater visibility, convenience and beauty. All your trips are marked with flags, visited countries are painted over, and on the map for each individual trip the route of your movement is displayed. - Create photo galleries,
- write travel notes and stories,
- travel reports,
- the most interesting and memorable can be reflected as special notes on the fields - "Facts",
- to each You can attach the corresponding photo gallery to the report, and vice versa,
- add the video,
- send personal invitations to your friends to view your reports and photos,
- to the services of the scheduler of future trips.
Parismuseumpass - parismuseumpass.com Museum on the map. MoreParis has many museums and therefore it is obvious that a map can be useful here. The site does not have Russian, there are French, English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Korean.
Santa Tracker - santatracker.google.com Path follow Santa in real time. MoreThe journey of Santa in real time.You can follow the route in real time on Google maps.
Gorky Park - park-gorkogo.com/en/map Beautiful functional official map of Gorky Park. MoreA beautiful functional official map of Gorky Park. Besides the map itself, there are a lot of other information about the park, including photos and video. |
Art UK - artuk.org BBC and painting. MoreThe BBC has digitized more than 100,000 paintings from the state museums of Great Britain. This is a large part of the national collection of paintings, which is planned to be put on Internet in 2012.In total, the British national collection of about 200 thousand oil paintings, of which, for example, 2,3 thousand paintings are stored in the London National Gallery. The site notes that the collection covers a 700-year period, and the collection includes both paintings by the greatest artists of the history of art, and the work of thousands of less famous artists. Some of the latest on the site were laid out paintings by Edgar Degas, Joshua Reynolds, Rubens, Riley Bridget and others. The portal Your Paintings was launched in June 2011. At the moment on the site are available for viewing the works of about 23 thousand authors. |
Parkimine - parkimine.ee The site with parking in Estonia by cities. MoreSite with parking in Estonia, by city: (site in Estonian)- Tallinn
- Tartu
- Jõhvi
- Viljandi
- Pärnu
- Narva
Movie Locations guide - movielocationsguide.com Where they filmed the movie? MoreWhere is the movie made? Google Maps is used and it shows where the movie was filmed. We go in, choose a movie or a series, we are offered some description of the movie and photo, click on the photo and the map will indicate which The place was ta |
Parking Saint Petersburg - parking.spb.ru Parking Saint Petersburg on the map. MoreParking places of St. Petersburg on the map. Parking parking is created, which is good to know, especially to the guests of the city. Applications on the smartphone allow- Find parking, find out whether it's paid or not;
- find out t
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ADL Global 100 Index of Anti-Semitism - global100.adl.org/#map Map of antisemitism. MoreADL Global 100 Index of anti-semitism. The map shows where there is more anti-semitism. There is simply dislike, inexplicable, and there are reasons why people are afraid that Jews will take over the whole world. This is much worse.
Parking Kazan Parking Kazan on the map. MoreParking Kazan on the map. In Kazan, too, there were paid parking. The card will help to find out or find a free alternative. Applications on the smartphone allow- Find parking, find out whether it's paid or not;
- find out the address, cost, capacity;
- pay;
- View payment history;
- replenish parking account;
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ePronto Hotel reservation. MoreFind the cheapest prices for all global booking systems for hotels, air tickets and car rental around the world. The ability to see prices in booking systems through the eyes of a travel agent, compare all offers and choose the best. Thus, the service helps tourists to find the best prices, no need now to scour Internet in search of affordable hotels and other services. It manually selects cheap hotels that recommend service users and weekly monitoring of popular tourist communities and forums.At the user's request, hundreds of offers of airlines, hotels and travel agencies are compared. After choosing the appropriate option, you can reserve it in any convenient way: directly through the hotel, airline website or through a travel agent. You do not need to register on the site. All services are rendered free of charge. The site is very easy to use, there are step-by-step guides for finding the best price for a hotel, car rental, a detailed guide to finding cheap fares for a flight. |
Norgesportalen - regjeringen.no/en/ Norwegian Embassy MoreThe Embassy of Norway in Russia. First of all, the site has fresh official contacts of embassies and consulates of Norway in Russia and Belarus in Kazakhstan.Services and information- Visitor visa and residence permit.
- Entrepreneurship in Norway.
- Studying in Norway.
- Work in Norway.
- Visit Norway.
Also on the site a lot of information about Norway: news, climate, science, politics, resources and ... |
A2B Transfers - a2bworld.com Transfer worldwide. MoreThe Virtual Library of Literature to help schoolchildren and teachers.A universal textbook or reference book that fully complies with all existing programs and regulatory documents has not yet been created, so the principle of material selection is the breadth of coverage and objectivity. The biographical section contains texts about the writer not only of different volume, but also written at different times from different points of view and sometimes even contradictory, the same applies to the dictionary of literary-scientific terms; illustrations are selected regardless of their artistic qualities, etc. |
NOR-WAY Bussekspress - nor-way.no Transport Norway. MoreThe main site is about buses and bus routes. The search system is on the map or just set point A and point B. You can set the date and the site will show what is available. The site is in Norwegian, but it's not difficult to understand. |
Trip.com - trip.com Flights & Hotels. MoreMore than 30,000 employees. More than a million hotels in 200 countries. One of the main things in travel is reliability. This is the main thing that trip.com gives. Customer Support Well, firstly, when you make an order with such popular services, the hotel will try to please you and will not refuse you at the last minute, saying I do not know you. Too expensive will cost a loss of reputation. I recommend to take a printout of the reservation on the trip. Drive in the phone number of the support service site and install the mobile application. So you will be fully armed. |
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Globe Genie - globegenie.com Virtual Teleportation. MoreVirtual teleportation. We get to different places of the earth at random choice. We see the place in the panorama and where it is on the map. It's funny.
TripHappy - triphappy.com The purpose of the site is to help you plan a trip abroad, but it can only help you if you already go where and how to organize your itinerary. MoreThe purpose of the site is to help you plan a trip abroad, but it can only help you if you already go where and how to organize your itinerary. You can find a place on the map and look for what's next. In order to find where it is more convenient to stay, the site looks for prices in Hostelworld, Booking.com and Airbnb.I looked out curiously at Rovaniemi and did not find those 2 best hotels in which I stayed. One has a better location, another has a great spa. At Booking.com and Hotels.com, I find everything easy. |
Tripline - tripline.net The site allows you to build routes and make an animated presentation. MoreThe site allows you to build routes and make an animated presentation.You can impose data imported from Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare, Instagram and Tripit on the presentation. |
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Tripster Convenient multimedia card, description, comments, advice on routes. MoreConvenient multimedia Maps, with descriptions, comments, recommendations on routes that can not be used when traveling - just unreasonable!Travel - an integral part of the life of any person. And international travel is also an occasion to see a lot of new things, to boast of your friends and just get a lot of new impressions. Sometimes it is difficult to find an optimized route. In this difficult issue will help the card. A better multimedia card. This is exactly the solution for this task, and the Tripster service is called "travel on the map." This, almost unique, service provides you with a full set of tools for determining the route of a future trip or tour, thanks to the use of Google Maps. Implemented on the basis of state-of-the-art technologies, including AJAX, this site quickly works with large data sets, including with scalable multimedia Maps, which provides the user with many new functions. One of the interesting features is, for example, the creation of a travel history. It is also useful that, for example, if you are aiming at a city, you will get information about it and see how many users of the service have already visited, read their reviews, their recommended routes and much more. |
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Floorplanner - floorplanner.com Planning furniture. MoreA site for modeling a whole floor or a house.In my opinion, the easiest to use and study site for modeling apartments. We used it when we bought a dishwasher and looked for where it could be pushed. In two- and three-dimensional space. In addition to ordinary furniture, you can add items: a kettle, a lamp ... One interior plan can be made for free. |
Tripwolf - tripwolf.com One of the best sites for tourism. MoreOne of the best sites for tourism. The tourist will receive the exhaustive information: tourist routes attractions beaches places for outdoor activities nightlife places slept public catering purchases transport other entertainment Map, photos, videos. You can download and print a beautifully illustrated guide and take it on a trip.Languages: English - German. |
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IML - iml.ru Logistics online stores. MoreLogistic operator.Delivery "in hand" the next day in more than 1800 locations. More than 500 points for issuing orders, including 142 in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The site has tariffs and a calculator for calculating the cost. You can ask the price and if you want, then register. |
MapCam - mapc.am We call and we communicate with the casual interlocutor somewhere in the world. MoreWe call and we communicate with the casual interlocutor somewhere in the world.
MapData Map of Russia with cities, information about cities and streets of Russia. MoreMap of Russia with cities, information about cities and streets of Russia.
Mappery - mappery.com More online maps. MoreA collection of all kinds of cards, created by card lovers around the world. The site allows people to easily find relevant and interesting maps of still unknown places. You can find and study maps by keywords, location, or simply by viewing the map.There are tourist maps, ski tracks maps, college campus maps, national park maps, transport maps, amusement park maps, battlefield maps and ... Have you ever wanted you to find the right maps for exploring and planning your trip before you go? With mappery you can find matching cards. Search maps by keyword, location, or simply by viewing an interactive map. |
Mapping Gothic France - mappinggothic.org/map Gothic cathedrals on the map. MoreGothic cathedrals of France on the map. There is no Russian language. The project of the Visual Media Center in the Department of Art History and Archeology at Columbia University, the Visual Resources Library at Vassar College, and the libraries of Columbia University.Solid, because it can not only find and see how the cathedrals look, but also get detailed, official information on the required cathedral.
People's Catalogue of Orthodox Architecture. Churches and monasteries of Russia and the world. MoreChurches and monasteries of Russia and the world. Catalog of Orthodox structures - descriptions and author's photos of Orthodox monasteries, temples, cathedrals, churches, chapels.The goal - to collect the most complete possible historical descriptions and photo-records of all the Orthodox churches in Russia and around the world. And also to popularize Russian culture, Orthodoxy and will help travelers, local historians and people interested in Russian history and culture. More than 5,000 contributors have gathered information on more than 50,000 sites of Orthodox architecture, including more than 65,000 articles and about half a million photos. Temples can be found on a map (Yandex, Google, or OSM to choose from) and go to the temple description page, chapel ...
Trulia - trulia.com/home_prices Real estate in USA. MoreUS real estate. The map shows the prices of real estate on the map, which makes it easy to find your price category. |
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Trustpilot - trustpilot.com Online community reviews. MoreOnline feedback community, which will help not to use the wrong one. |
PastVu - pastvu.com Old photos on the map. MoreThe map and many archive images on it. The service is actively developing, but already now it has a huge database of pictures from all over the world, which can be downloaded at maximum resolution, and read related information that is important for historical photos. After all, when we see an old photo, questions arise, but what kind of building is it, and what kind of people are there, what is going on here ...The authors have done a titanic work and we can participate, and we, if we We still have old photos of our city or other locality.
In-Space News of astronomy, space and cosmonautics. MoreNews of astronomy, space and cosmonautics.News of astronomy, space and cosmonautics. Coverage of the most relevant news of astronomy. The goal is to bring the most important scientific achievements and discoveries in the field of astronomy, space and cosmonautics in a clear language, while preserving the scientific grain and not distorting the facts. For clarity, here are some pages: - news
- ISS online
- sun online
- asteroids 2019
- planets 3d
- tests
Violations Map Elections. MoreThe map of violations, elections. The authors of the project Gazeta.ru and the association VOICE. This means that this is not an official project, but an initiative of the press. Therefore, we should not expect a quick reaction, but rather influence, which Internet has repeatedly rendered.You can find out about violations of the elections or report on the website. From the name it is clear that the site navigation is built conveniently using the map. Immediately see where there were violations and how much. We press and read. There is a hotline phone. |
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Michelin Guide - restaurant.michelin.fr Michelin stars. MoreOn this site you can find good restaurants. The site does not have a Russian version.There is not a directory in Russia, there are no stars. This means that we do not have good cooking anywhere, just while it's difficult for us to do. By the way, in Scandinavia it is not customary to give stars to hotels, but their level is one of the highest in the world. |
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Restaurant Guru - restaurantguru.com Best food nearby. MoreIf you are looking for a place to eat, Restaurant Guru will find the best restaurants, cafes or bars nearby.Visitor reviews, leading agency ratings and other relevant information are always at your fingertips. Select the kitchen, the type of institution, the size of the average check, and also find the location of the institution on the map. Find a restaurant that serves a dish that you would like to try.
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Bikecamp Bicycles on the map. MoreCool vyponen site. The main advantage of the card is that there is a choice through which card to look. The fact is that there are places that are better shown on Google maps, others on Yandex Maps, and some on Openmaps. Here You can jump from card to card, without having to search for the required place again, they are connected. A good search on the map.Well, there are separate routes on the site, etc. A decent site for cyclists.
City of Novosibirsk transport. MU 'TSUGAET' Urban transport routes on the map. MoreTransportation of Novosibirsk. Satellite navigation systems have been installed on all Novosibirsk transport. Then tied to the Google map.- Choose the type of transport;
- Click on the route number. In the "Your list" field a list of displayed routes is formed;
- To delete one route, click the cross at the corresponding number;
- You can move the map by clicking the left mouse button.
- The scale is changed by rotating the mouse wheel or the corresponding tool on the left.
- To fix the location and scale of the map, turn on "Do not move the map".
- The maximum number of simultaneous displayed routes is limited.
- Clicking on the transport icon displays a window with the actual schedule of the following checkpoints (if any).
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Routes The routes on the map. MoreItineraries are a community of traveling people. If you like to visit new places, travel around the world, go hiking, make extreme expeditions, then this site is for you.Routes provides registered users with placement and storage services, including but not limited to text and photo materials, then Content corresponding to the subject of "Travel", on personal user pages, in comments to entries of other registered users. What you can do on the site- Find stories, useful information, photos, coordinates and satellite imagery of the places where you are going to go.
- Find traveling people who have been or are living in the area where you are going to, and contact them.
- Create your personal page and add there a collection of places you've visited.
- Write in detail about your routes. Upload photo albums, maps, coordinates to your stories. In this case, the maps will be saved in several formats and will be convenient for viewing.
- When you upload photos to a site, they do not need to be reduced, they will decrease to the correct size automatically.
- If you add geographic features to your routes, they will appear on your Google map. And if you upload a .kml format file from the Google Earth program to the route, then the route will also appear on the map.
- You can add "useful notes" to the route that will be available to users on the geographic site page.
- Add your own satellites to the site, even if they are not registered on the site. This will not prevent them from registering under their own name in the future. And on your page they will be now.
- All people with whom you have shared routes are automatically added to your Friends page. But you can add to friends and other people registered on the site.
- The site will help you organize a trip, to assemble a group. To do this, you can create an upcoming route and not publish it. And on the route page, create a forum for discussion with the participants. The route will not be visible to all users, but you can transfer the link to the page of the route to your friends and invite them to the trip.
- Vote for the materials of the site online and yourself participate in the contests of stories. In July, the site starts a contest with excellent prizes: backpacks, down jackets, GPS, sleeping bags and other necessary things in travel.
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Routes Cycling. MoreItineraries are a community of traveling people. If you like to visit new places, travel around the world, go hiking, make extreme expeditions, then this site is for you.Section of cycling. Popular routes. Photo Albums of routes. Forum. |
Retromap - retromap.ru Old maps. The site is just super. MoreOld maps. The site is just superious.Every possible old map is collected. You can find maps by cities, or you can press Select a map and get the explorer as in a computer with folders and subfolders. Choose the required from and get: You can visually select a map. The base is incredible. When we select a map, we get to an interactive map, like Google or Yandex. However, why like Google or Yandex? - There are both Google and Yandex. Also there is a map of Bing, Wiki and OpenStreetMaps and a photo from the Google Maps satellite. That is, you can look at the old map, and then jump over to Yandex and immediately see how the map looks today. And you can make 2 Windows and look in parallel. You can choose maps by years. Just keep in mind, here old maps are tied to modern interactive map services, but they do not cover the whole earth. Each map on its own area. Some maps cover more space, and some less. Some have a higher resolution, some lower. We will be lenient and will treat with understanding.
Waqi - waqi.info Ecological maps. MoreChinese map of air pollution. Map in English and Chinese. First of all, convenient information on China. Beijing, where this problem is particularly acute. Also, quite detailed information on countries where information on air is available: Europe, The USA, Australia, India. Russia and Africa - information is missing or almost absent.
Yastaff Services of handymen, workers, etc. MoreServices of handymen, workers, etc. A platform where workers and employers find each other. Let's say you need to make repairs or other one-time work and you do not need to recruit staff for this. Previously, this was called shabashka. And someone wants to earn some money. |
Kosmosnimki Ecological maps. MoreThe map of the water of Russia. The Google map is used. The purpose is to conduct ecological expeditions for the analysis of water quality and to provide open data for free. Simply if there is a number of clear water, people should know. You can contact and you will check the floor. |
Eto Mesto Parallel viewing of old and modern maps online. MoreParallel viewing of old and modern maps online. The site primarily presents maps of old maps of Moscow and Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, a number of regions of Russia, there is something about Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, the Baltic countries and the Caucasus.Here you can not only study in detail the historical heritage of the Russian, Soviet and foreign cartography, but also apply the information obtained for practical purposes. So, with the help of the site you can find out the history of your small homeland or all of Russia on maps of different times. What used to be on the site of your house, what names had populated areas and streets in ancient times, where it is not worth buying an apartment - if the house was built in a former landfill or graveyard, where there was a former village of your ancestors, where you should walk with a metal detector in search of treasure, where the search squads search for the unburied remains of our soldiers during the Great Patriotic War - these and many other questions will help to answer our project. Our search base for geographical objects contains not only the names of settlements, but also the location of tracts, relief objects, old names of the times of the USSR, the place of abandoned villages. The selected piece of any map, you can print, save as a picture with a superimposed index, export in Google Earth for viewing in 3D, paste into your blog or on your local history site. If you are interested in the plan, you can download a waypoint WPT or GPX for a GPS navigator or a KML with the coordinates of this place. Almost any online card can be downloaded to your computer from the server and enjoy off-line access to the Internet. The maps are laid out in the format of images and PDF, as well as files for navigation programs working with raster maps: OziExplorer, OruxMaps, Androzic, Locus Map, Locus Pro, AlpineQuest, Galileo Offline Maps, etc.
What a weather Long term prognosis. MoreOn the site you can find out the exact weather forecast for the current moment, and also for the next three, five or seven days.You can use one of the following methods - "advanced" (in the form of a timeline with a slider that can be moved to The right date and time) or classic (in the form of a familiar table with weather data). What is the difference between the "advanced" method and the classical one? In addition, you can find out the forecast for a few months in advance.
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Pegas Touristik Travel. MoreOne of the best travel agents, reliable, stable. How many times I used, I was always happy. And not only bought tours, but also issued visas, insurance. It turns out more profitable than doing it yourself.Local travel agents say that Pegasus always refunds money. If you traveled, rested, but something did not correspond to reality, you will be quickly and without compensation paid on your request through a travel agent. Directions: Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Greece, India, Thailand, Andorra, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Spain, Cyprus, Italy, Israel, UAE, Cuba, Vietnam, Mexico, Kenya, China, Jordan, Morocco, Maldives and Mauritius. Payment   |
Find device - google.com/android/find/ You can see the location of your smartphone and take the necessary actions MoreHere you can see the location of your smartphone on a Google map in real time. In addition, we can:CallThe device will beep for five minutes even if it is muted.Lock deviceLock your device and sign out of your Google account. Optionally, add a message or phone number to your lock screen. Once locked, you will still be able to locate your device.You may need to sign in.Clear deviceRemove all data from the device. Once the device is wiped, you will no longer be able to locate it.You may need to sign in.
Smithsonian’s National Zoo - nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/amazonia Webcams - wildlife. MoreOn the page of the National Smithsonian Zoo (Smithsonian's National Zoological Park), you can find dozens of two different webcams installed in the habitats of living creatures. In addition to the standard tigers and toucans in this case, one of the cameras is installed directly under the water in the Amazon, so you can look at a variety of exotic fish in real time. Keep in mind that the time zone of another part of the world differs by an average of eight hours in the opposite direction. |
Chargemap - chargemap.com Charge stations on the map. MoreOn the site map with all the charge stations in the world.Say, you are planning to buy an electric car. And we would not want to 'dry out' somewhere, so it's better to predict. If we live in Russia, it's obviously too early to buy. And if in France, t |
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Battles - battles.nodegoat.net Battles on the map.
Wireless Passwords From Airports And Lounges Around The World - google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1z1di8h Leading the job search site in the world, more than 200 million visitors a month from 60 countries. MorePasswords for WIFI airports and rest rooms worldwide on the Google map.
Creative Commons - creativecommons.org/
Sport Map World - sportmapworld.com The site has maps with the location of sports clubs of the leading world leagues, leading sports. MoreThe site has maps with the location of sports clubs of the leading world leagues, leading sports: football, American football, basketball, baseball, rugby, Formula 1, NASCAR, London and Sochi Olympics.The site uses a Google map and you can use the panoramas wherever they are, no more. So, somewhere we can visit the stadium, and somewhere just look outside. There are different maps of sports clubs on the Internet, but this is the most updated. In addition to places on the map, there is a brief information on the clubs : stadium name, capacity, postal address.
Weather Nomad - weathernomad.com Weather on the map. MoreWeather for a year on the map. You can find the average temperature for April or May, maximum and minimum, wind strength, humidity, precipitation. Filters, in Celsius or Fahrenheit. I could not find my city, but there is a lot of information on the area.It will help tourists to choose the time of visiting distant places, so as not to get into a mess. |
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2D Driving Simulator - framesynthesis.com/drivingsimulator/maps Driving simulator that uses Google Maps. MoreDriving simulator that uses Google Maps. |
Sepiatown - sepiatown.com Old photos on the map. MoreOld photos of the whole world on a map from Google. Users from all over the world spread old photos, postcards, prints. The pictures show the place on the map. The user, therefore, sees what was in this place in the past.Click on the then/now link and see the location on the map then and now, as you see below. You can compare how it was and how it is. If you need to see the location of the location on the map, click on the map view link. The site is quite young and just started to fill. Here are represented New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Moscow. So connect. |
Agoda - agoda.com Search for hotels with own discounts. MoreSearch for hotels, air tickets, transfer, car rental, rent of houses. This service is included in the Priceline Group with the popular Booking. Why another site, if you already have Booking? The site is built on a different principle, so to speak experiment. Here you can not only book a hotel or rent a house, but also rent. However, the base is much smaller. |
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Booking - booking.com Leading website for the hotel. MoreThere are more than 68,000 hotels in 71 countries in the database.The site offers favorable rates for accommodation in different hotels - small private, five-star hotels ... Company Booking.com - Priceline.com (Nasdaq: PCLN) - is the European leader (by the number of sold rooms) in the field of hotel booking online. More than 30 million visitors from all over the world - tourists and businessmen visit Internet every month via Internet. Booking.com has representative offices in the following cities: Amsterdam - Athens - Barcelona - Berlin - Warsaw - Vienna - Grand Rapids - Dubai - Dublin - Cambridge - Cape Ун - Lyon - Lola (Portugal) - London - Madrid - Montreal - Moscow - Munich - New York - Orlando - Paris - Rome - Sun-Paulu - San Francisco - Sydney - Singapore - Stockholm - Tokyo - Zurich. The main office of the company is located in Amsterdam. |
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Hostelworld - hostelworld.com Hostels worldwide - Online hostel booking, ratings and reviews. MoreHostels worldwide - Online hostel booking, ratings and reviews. We reserve seats in more than 33 000 hostels in 170 countries of the world. What is not so much. Let's say where I go to Finland is nothing. |
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OpenTable - opentable.com The choice of restaurant. MoreThe choice of restaurants, you can find the most suitable for the price. To understand how this works, it's enough to know that this service belongs to the Priceline Group, as well as booking.com. If you searched and booked a hotel through booking.com, this site would be understandable.It's important to know that like booking.com this site is reliable. Perhaps the main difference is the lack of Russian language. That is, we plan to visit another city, we can find a restaurant with an interesting menu and a suitable price, and also order a table in it. |
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InStyle Women's magazine: fashion, beauty, news from the lives of stars of show business. MoreThe famous women's magazine about the stars, things and beautiful life.Style - this is what everyone seeks, but does not always find. Style is the breath of time. Individuality. Its special view of the world. In the end, just harmony with yourself. The goal is to help everyone who really wants to find his unique style. |
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EU vs DISINFORMATION - euvsdisinfo.eu The goal of the project is to better forecast, address and respond to disinformation from Russia. MoreThe goal of the project is to better forecast, address and respond to disinformation from Russia.The ‘EU versus Disinformation’ campaign is run by the European External Action Service East Stratcom Task Force. The team was set up after the EU Heads of State and Government stressed the need to challenge Russia’s ongoing disinformation campaigns in March 2015. We must not forget that the West does not aim to provide the public with truthful information, but the right and in the correct form. I honestly got stories about Ukraine, but Russian living in Europe got their stories about the Olympics in Sochi. Each is good in own eyes and everyone is pulling a blanket over. Putin is doing a lot of things wrong. But he does nothing, no matter what the West does. He plays according to their rules of the game. |
Hotellook - hotellook.ru Compare hotels. MoreThe service of comparing prices for hotels all over the world provided by leading reservation systems such as Booking.com, Agoda.com, Hotels.com, Expedia ... Over 250,000 hotels in 205 countries.
How does it work?- Enter the name of the city or hotel you want to visit.
- We look at the list of prices for different online booking systems.
- Compare prices and choose a hotel.
- We get to the site providing the best price, where we book a hotel.
- We pay only for the hotel without intermediaries.
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Kiwibank - kiwibank.co.nz Kiwibank is a financial and banking service from New Zealand post. MoreKiwibank is a financial and banking service from New Zealand post.Kiwi personal bankingUsers can build their own banking; get what they want, how they like it, with smart accounts, clever cards and all the other good stuff. Under personal banking we have everyday banking, home loans, credit cards, and personal and car loans.Everyday banking: With these you can get the stuff you do every day running like clockwork, simple choices, clever tools and tips. Under these we have everyday accounts, savings account and special packages - Everyday account: These are standard accounts with a choice of plans
- Savings account: With these account users can grow their savings goals and also earn interest
- Special packages: These are account set for special intentions.
Home loans: Kiwis aim is to allow users get their home, giving them advises and guidance. Kiwi gives solutions and calculators helping user know how much they could borrow and other steps on how to get their loans- Welcome home loans: This loan gets you into your home with 10% deposits. In this loan there are limits on how much you can earn and how much you can borrow
- Borrowing to build: These loans are for users whose aim is to build homes. This home loan are flexible so they can be fitted to your needs
Kiwibank Credit cardsThis credit card includes what you want and when you want it. Take flights with credit cards or make purchases with a sensible low rate card - Low interest credit cards: This low interest credit card is designed to save your money. There are several low rate cards to choose from so you can choose the best one that suits you. These card cost you less
- Air New Zealand airport credit card: With this card users can travel sooner and faster. With this card users can get an even better earn rate on purchased, also draws monthly bonus and allows users gain access to an exclusive range of this card benefit
Kiwibank LoansPersonal loans: Kiwibank helps users recognize their debt into a single loan with structured repayment terms. They also give calculators so users can know the amount needed to be borrowed. With a fixed interest rate and set payment amounts, a personal loan can help with budgeting, you’ll know exactly how much you need to repay and when you need to repay. Users are also given the chance to make addition repayment at any time to pay it off faster. These loans are designed to help you with bigger purchases or expenses.Car loans: If you are buying a car or other vehicle but you don’t have enough cash, kiwi can tailor a loan that fits within your budget. Kiwibank also gives conditional approval so you can go shopping knowing exactly what you’ve got to spend. Unlike credit card bills, you’ll know how much you need to repay and when you need to repay. The interest rate is fixed and you can make additional repayment at any time, payoff your loan faster and save on interest changes Personal Loan Insurance: this insurance is to cover your repayments if any unexpected event comes up. Kiwi Business BankingKiwi business banking specialist knows what makes you successful. Along with products are services built specifically for the New Zealand market, kiwibank is here to help your business. Under kiwi business banking, we have accounts and services, loan and finance etc.Accounts: Under accounts we have transaction account, savings account and investment, account for non-profits. - Transaction Account: Business edge is kiwi’s smart transaction account for businesses. This account has no monthly account management fee and low transaction fee. It is free to transfer funds to your own kiwi bank business accounts in the same name
- Savings Accounts and Investment: This savings account and investment ensures your money is always working for you, whether you need it fixed on investment or on call
- Accounts for non-profits: this account is for non profit organization
Service of KiwiBankUnder service kiwibank allows users to use the following- Business banking online
- Visa debit card
- Business overdraft
- Business insurance
Loans and finance: KiwiBank got range of ways on how users can borrow whether expanding their business or need some funds to tide you over- Business lending: These are flexible options to help you grow and get going. It is a flexible repayment option and it is secured against business or personal assets
- Asset finance: Loans from kiwi asset finance help with the purchase of capital assets. It ensures immediate ownership and use of the asset, it is also secured against the asset themselves. There are loans to buy business assets for example vehicle equipment or tools
Kiwibank loginTo login into kiwibank, follow the steps below- Visit the link www.kiwibank.co.nz
- Click on the login icon on the right top corner of the page
- Enter your access number, password
- Click on the login icon
TripAdvisor - tripadvisor.com Reserve a table. MoreOn the Russian version of this tourist portal you can find not only hotels, but also restaurants.Here and photos, and rating, and reviews, and gradation in the kitchen (American, Steak House, European, Italian, Pizza ....) You can pick up a restaurant for breakfast or lunch or dinner. Then find it on the map and order it. |
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Chipin - chipin.com When you need to raise funds online for an event or a cause. |
Hotels - hotels.com The hotel on the map. MoreInternational service. Intuitive interface. More than 120,000 hotels all over the world. We choose the city, time of arrival, departure time and how many of us. Search results are sorted by price, popularity, number of stars, guest evaluation and remoteness from the city center. |
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Oceasearch - ocearch.org Global shark tracker, see where tagged sharks are in real time. MoreGlobal shark tracker, see where tagged sharks are in real time. |
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Ekzeget The Bible is on the map. MoreMore than 300 biblical geographical objects on the Google map. |
Weborama - weborama.com Online player. MoreI used to be an avid music lover. I had a bunch of proprietary LPs in styles, from light jazz to heavy rock. And depending on the mood, I chose the disc as on a scale. What Something similar offers this service. A lot of music (more than 40 million tracks) and even your own radio. |
FreeTour - freetour.com Free tours around the world. MoreFree tours around the world. Good local free guides and suppliers of budget tours to destinations around the world.More than 120 countries around the world, adding new features daily. These tours and activities are an ideal way to explore new cities and discover authentic local culture on fair terms without high prices. |
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Flightradar 24 - flightradar24.com Aircraft and on the map. MoreA map that shows in real time the position of aircraft in the air. Nearly 1,000 airlines, over 30,000 aircraft and over 10,000 airports are tracked. Using the service, tracking the position of an aircraft is possible only if it is equipped with an ADS-B type transponder and it is turned on.It also shows the planes at the airport, if you click on it, you will see information on flights, temperature at the airport, wind strength, local time. I watched as the plane was taxiing, drove onto the runway and took off with increasing speed. InformationIf you click on the airplane, we get:- flight number;
- side number;
- airport of departure and arrival;
- time of departure and arrival;
- total distance between airports;
- the distance that the aircraft has traveled so far;
- flight altitude at the moment;
- aircraft type;
- registration data;
- distance left;
- speed in knots (1 knot = 1.852 km/h).
Complete information on the subscription, but even so the information is more than enough for a simple layman. |
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Flightradar 24 - flightradar24.com/data/airports Airports on the map. MoreA map that shows in real time the position of aircraft in the air. The Google map is used. On the map, airports can be displayed and by clicking we get information on flights, airport temperature, wind force, local time.In addition, the site has a section on airports. We select the country, then the airport and get it on the map with information on it. |
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Autoaiksteles - autoaiksteles.lt/map/selling_car Parking in Lithuania. MoreParking lots in Lithuania. Parking places are shown on Google map. It is planned to develop a service to Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan.There are many places for car sales in Lithuania, but it is often found in a particular city very difficult. This project, created to facilitate the search for points of sale of cars. Also here you will find information about the points of technical inspection of cars in the city. For your convenience, a list of car parks and motels has been uploaded.
Exomapia Interesting places. MoreA simple social network for experienced travelers. After visiting interesting places, mark on the map and add the corresponding description and photos.The site does not serve tour operators in promotion of standard points for the divorce of tourists. However, here and the drawback, you will have to get to the described places yourself, for such tourists the site is calculated. The site database is replenished with an adequate community, and the site will go to the site if it's really worth a visit. |
Wind Speed Ranking - agora.ex.nii.ac.jp/digital-typhoon/amera The map shows the wind direction for Japan. MoreThe map shows the direction of the wind across Japan.Japan is on the islands, because there the wind is important. Often happens very strong.
Roomer Travel - roomertravel.com Hot rooms. MoreHot rooms. The company operating in the tourist market, on its website users can place their non-refundable hotel reservations for sale and offer them to buyers at a discount. The company was founded in Tel Aviv. |
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Weebly - weebly.com Website Builder. MoreA nice and functional website designer for a teapot. The most pleasant thing is the integration with popular services, so you simply and quickly add (not upload, but add) YouTube videos or maps from Google Maps. |
Wikimapia - wikimapia.org Wiki maps. MoreA collaboration project between Google and Wikipedia. Google Maps is used, visitors can add information about objects. If the building is not marked with a rectangle, press the button for adding an object.Predict that this site in the next five years will become one of the most popular sites of the entire Internet. The basis of this is the popularity of the Google Maps and Wikipedia sites. The potential of the popularity of these two services is huge, just not everyone realizes it yet.
Avia.pro Aviation portal. MoreAviation portal.The federal news agency distributing news from Russia and the near abroad from its own correspondents, subsidiary agencies and partners. The latest and most relevant aviation news: daily updates, relevance and truthfulness of information. |
Wefi - wefi.com Wi-Fi access point. MoreA map that marks all the places where there is a WiFi connection. The site is executed qualitatively, a good search is used by Google Maps. |
Should I remove it? - shouldiremoveit.com Shows which programs should be removed from the computer. MoreShows which Software should be uninstalled from your computer.Freeware utility from Reason Software that uses crowdsourced data to recommend removal of programs from Microsoft Windows systems. Should I Remove It? uses crowdsourced data based on the actions of its users to report the popularity of software found on their computers. For each installed program that it detects, it reports the percentage of people who have uninstalled that program from within Should I Remove It?. Users can choose to view additional details sourced from Reason Software's website, uninstall software, or take no action. Software that is frequently removed is highlighted red, and software that is frequently kept is highlighted green. On the official website, Reason Software keeps statistical details of which programs are most often kept, the most commonly installed programs, and most popular publishers. |
HRS - hrs.com One of the leading services, booking hotels, Germany. MoreHotel Reservation Service. One of the world's leading hotel reservation services, Germany.There is a toll-free number for Russia. |
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Old Maps Online - oldmapsonline.org Search for ancient maps of the British Museum archive on Google maps. MoreSearch for ancient maps of the British Museum archive on Google maps.- Choose the time on the scale of 1000-2010 year,
- indicate the place on the map on the map, or set the geographical point in the search form,
- in the right panel see thumbnails of available maps according to our request.
- choose the desired map and get to the window with a description and a link to the archive where you can find and buy this card.
The site has a developer's blog and a lot of passing information on cartography.
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Map Channels - data.mashedworld.com/dualmaps/map.htm All maps in one place. MoreAll maps are in one place.The page is divided into 4 synchronized windows: - Google Map,
- Street view (Google Maps panoramas),
- Bing Bird's eye (bird's eye view)
- Brief information about the place you are looking at, name, coordinates ...
Google Earth - earth.google.com/web Online version of the program Google Earth. MoreOnline version of Google Earth. Actually it is built into Google maps, and uses one database. So, there is no difference how to use it, separately or through Google Maps.To hold a circular rotation, hold down the Ctrl or Shift button and use the mouse. Unlike Google maps, here you can share only the link, and not embed the map on the site. But there's a bone in the menu - a random place on the map. There is a small globe below which shows the place you are viewing. |
AirBNB - airbnb.com Remove a decent house in 34,000 cities in 190 countries. MoreWe rent a decent house in 34,000 cities from 190 countries. We just drive in the city and look at the offer. You can limit or increase the number of offers by setting a limit on the price and defining the zone on the map (larger map - fewer offers |
Memrise - memrise.com We learn words. MoreCards for learning about 200 languages. Mobile version allows you to have always at hand. |
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Google Maps - google.com/maps/ Leading online maps. MoreLeading online maps. Google was the first to create this miracle, which allows you to see the whole world and the map in terms of and photos of decent quality with detailing to the house.There are maps that better and more accurately show certain cities or countries, OpenStreetMaps is better in small settlements in Western countries, Yandex.Maps for Russia, Here WEGO - Scandinavia. But Google is much better in everything: maps in terms of, in photos, 3D, panoramas ... Google maps are integrated with other services. And they are constantly developing, raising the bar higher. PanoramasGoogle linked the panoramas to Google maps, which made them incredibly convenient. I must say that even in Russia Google has covered the incredible territory with panoramas.As with almost all Google services, maps are Russified. The names of countries and cities in Russian and below the original language. Streets in Russian in the CIS and English in other countries. 3DIn fact, this Google Earth program is built into Google Maps. In order to take advantage of this effect, you need to go into the photo mode and the 3D button below the compass will appear.The terrain is very well implemented: mountains, valleys ... As for the cities they remained flat, although the whole picture is tilted. The real effect of 3D up to the trees is only in the large cities of the Western world (Europe, Australia, Canada) and much of the US. To hold the circle, hold down the Ctrl or Shift and use the mouse.
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Earth Engine - earthengine.google.com/timelapse Google Maps. MoreGoogle maps exist only a few years, periodically updated. Nevertheless, during this time, in some parts of the earth there were changes, the islands were washed, the islands became peninsulas. Or how Shanghai or Dubai has grown ... or how the Aral Sea has shrunk. You can visually see a number of places where this happened and see the process. Google Maps directions. Just try it.We tested for northern Scandinavia, where there are very small settlements. It's very simple, we have set the item From and to To. It was indicated Distance by road, time by car and on foot. For St. Petersburg will give out the routes of public transport, including a fixed-route taxi. Details are described how to get to where, on what street to leave the city, where to turn, to the number of Trails leave. There even found panoramas (remember, it's a sparsely populated north of a small country), so you could see the month Then the interchanges that is, how it looks. |
Story of a card - google.com/maps/ Places, where we are in any way concerned.
Google My maps - google.com/maps/about/mymaps Here you can find my card, which I put on the site, or simply stored. MoreHere you can create and store maps created with routes and labels. Also you can store cards created by someone else.In fact, we store a portion of the Google map with the layer we built. We'll set point A and point B, Google builds a route, we can change the route with a mouse, and add our tags to it. For example, we can specify the destination of the route and key locations along the route, etc. |
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Street View - google.com/intl/en/streetview Street view. MoreStreet view of interesting places to enjoy the views, rather than look for luck on the map. |
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building Scheme - google.com/maps/about/partners/indoormap Panorama Street view indoors. MorePanorama Street view indoors. They can be found on the map, but there are so few that are hard to find, except perhaps the obvious ones - New York, Manhattan. Here they are collected in one place. You can go and walk around the panorama using the built-in navigation, but there are large objects, like stadiums, where you can go from floor to floor, use the usual menu.
Wonderland - google.com/maps/about/treks Cartoon Wonderland on Google maps. |
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Zipcar - zipcar.com |
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Modo (car co-op) - modo.coop Greater Vancouver, Victoria, Kelowna |
Communauto - communauto.com Montreal, Quebec City, Gatineau, Sherbrooke, Toronto, Waterloo, Hamilton, London, Guelph, Kingston, Ottawa, Edmonton, Halifax and Paris, France |
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GoCar Malaysia - hi.gocar.my |
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Cityhop - cityhop.co.nz Auckland, Wellington |
Flexicar - flexicar.com.au Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Warrnambool |
GoGet - goget.com.au Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide |
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Sound cities - soundcities.com/?map=1 Sounds on the map. MoreThis site is more like sounds, but city noise. You can search for the map, you can by the list. Everything is simple and intuitive.
Imaginary Soundscape - imaginarysoundscape2.qosmo.jp Through the site you can watch Google panoramas, those that google maps with sound. MoreThrough the site you can watch Google panoramas, those that google maps with sound. The sound is not real, the neural network created by the Japanese studio guesses what kind of sound can be on one or another panorama. Or rather, not to the panorama, but to its visible part. Let's say we turn the panorama, a car appears, and the sound of the car appears.If we see the crowd, the sound of the crowd, the subway - the sound of trains, the ambulance - the sound of a siren, children's crying, the sound of waves ...
Kazakhstan Cinema on the map Cinema on the map. MoreCinema on the map.
Quintessentially - quintessentially.com Club for the rich. MoreTo become a member of this elite club, you must write a letter to the administration of the resource. After your personal data has been verified, you will receive a portal membership card, which in no time will open the doors of the best VIP-establishment |
Russian bouquet - rus-buket.ru Delivery of flowers and gifts throughout Russia and CIS countries. MoreDelivery of flowers and gifts throughout Russia and CIS countries.Create a memorable bouquet and deliver to the addressee in any city in Russia, the CIS and the world. Ordering a bouquet, we get: - fresh flowers.
- delivery on time. From 3 hours in Russia and the world;
- free photo from delivery. You will see the joy of a loved one at the time of delivery of the bouquet;
- free postcard to the bouquet. At your request, we will attach a free postcard to the order on which you can write a message to the recipient of the bouquet.
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Delimobil - delimobil.ru Moscow. MoreThe service is similar to the one described above, per-minute rent, in one place we take, in the other we return, we pay only for what we used.The site has a map of free cars. The payment includes gasoline, parking, insurance. How it works- we find a free car on the map (via the site or mobile application);
- We have 20 minutes to get to the car;
- we look, whether all arranges, if yes, we take and went;
- We park on the authorized parking (including paid parking), we close our trip through the mobile application.
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24Rent - 24rent.fi |
Respiro - respiro.es |
MapsTD - mapstd.com Playing on Google Maps. MorePlaying on the Google map. How does it work?- Choose a place on the map, so many places,
- and start defending the chosen building,
- earn money and build towers.
On the business, the game is unpretentious, so, time to kill. |
Wycliffe Mission of translation of the Bible. MoreMission of translators of the Bible "Wycliffe" is an international mission aimed at translating the Bible into all languages of the world. |
Visual Bible alive - wycliffe.org Mission of translators of the Bible 'Wycliffe' MoreFounded in 1942 by missionary Cameron Townsend. The purpose of the mission is to spread the Good News through the translation of the Bible into all languages of the world. Missionaries work in Asia and Africa in the following areas:- Bible translation.
- Teaching local people literacy, writing and reading.
- Help spread and study the Scriptures.
- Linguistic research.
Wycliffe Bible Translators Mission:- Prepares missionaries, directs them to teach linguistics, principles and techniques of translation.
- Send missionaries to the ministry.
- Helps to keep missionaries in touch with their churches.
- Finds teachers for missionary children.
- Represents the ministry of Bible translators to churches, organizations and the public.
IACS - iacs.org.uk International Association of Classification Societies.
IDB - iadb.org Inter-American Development Bank.
KMI - comitemaritime.org International Maritime Committee.
UNV - unv.org United Nations Volunteers Program. |
UNIDROIT - unidroit.org International Institute for the Unification of Private Law.
OCIMF - ocimf.org Oil Companies International Marine Forum. MoreOCIMF was formed in April 1970 in response to the growing public concern about marine pollution, particularly by oil, after the Torrey Canyon incident in 1967.In the early 1970s, a variety of anti-pollution initiatives were starting to emerge nationally, regionally and internationally, but with little coordination. Through OCIMF, the oil industry was able to play a stronger, coordinating role in response to these initiatives, making its professional expertise widely available through cooperation with governments and intergovernmental bodies. OCIMF was granted consultative status at the IMO in 1971 and continues to present oil industry views at IMO meetings. Since then, its role has broadened to take account the changing maritime activities of its membership. Its remit now covers safety, health, security and the environment pertaining to tankers, barges, offshore vessels and terminal interfaces. The current membership of OCIMF comprises well over 100 companies worldwide. Today, OCIMF is widely recognised as the voice of the oil industry providing expertise in the safe and environmentally responsible transport and handling of hydrocarbons in ships and terminals and setting standards for continuous improvement. Membership is extensive and includes every oil major in the world along with the majority of National Oil Companies. OCIMF has much to be proud of. Not only has it contributed to a substantial quantity of regulation at the IMO aimed at improving the safety of tankers and protecting the environment, but it has introduced important new guidance on pressing current issues such as piracy and Arctic shipping. With the process of introducing new Internationally-accepted regulation necessarily slow as it crosses many individual countries and jurisdictions, OCIMF is in the unique position of being able to leverage the expertise of its membership to press ahead with much needed guidance on important industry issues. This provides the means to improve practices in the membership and in the wider industry, and serves as a valuable reference for developing regulation. In addition to its extensive publications library, OCIMF has a rich portfolio of tools including its Ship Inspection Report (SIRE) programme and Tanker Management and Self Assessment tool (TMSA), both of which have gained worldwide recognition and acceptance. It continues to develop new tools, with OVID the latest to be launched in January 2010, and a new Terminals inspection tool in development.
SberMegaMarket The online platform for finding products from 300 online stores in electronic and home appliances catalogs, household goods, construction and repair, children's products and many others. MoreThe online platform for finding products from 300 online stores in electronic and home appliances catalogs, household goods, construction and repair, children's products and many others.We are looking for the most favorable prices. Regular customers bonuses.Through this site you can arrange the purchase and delivery of goods. While working in Moscow and the Moscow region. |
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Joom - joom.com Online trading platform for goods from China, Japan and South Korea. MoreOnline trading platform of goods from China, Japan and South Korea and their delivery to more than 100 countries, including Russia.In Russia they sell goods from local suppliers. Delivery from Russia is paid, from Asia - for free. In the second place for the delivery of goods from China to Russia. Popular among users of the network VKontakte.
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Goodmornings - goodmornings.org Good morning! Different languages. MoreOrdinary people from all over the world in different languages wish you Good morning! |
BikePost Biker social network. All about motorcycles. MoreBiker social network. A community of people who move in space with the help of motorcycles. The project gives the opportunity to communicate, exchange opinions and experiences on motorcycle issues and expand your circle of communication.Goal: to unite all motorcycle enthusiasts regardless of geographic location and motorcycle availability. The resource attracts positive energy, allows avid bikers to feel at home. The overall atmosphere of the site promotes a pleasant communication between registered users. There are no barriers to positive dialogue, discussion or commenting on the site. Observing the normative vocabulary you will always be able to convey the meaning of a post, question or comment to the reader. |
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MirTesen! The social network of friends. MorePeople have forgotten how to communicate.Have you ever had to face an old friend on the street? Did you think that the love of your life can live in the next doorway? And how many times have you or your friends said with surprise: SMALL WORLD! (in Russian MIR TESEN) Blog to your homeThe basic idea of the service is simple: every house now has a blog! Find the house where you live, study or work, and see what the tenants are saying. How to spend a fast and inexpensive Internet, is there a good hairdresser next to it, when will stop switching off hot water - a lot of questions can be solved simply by talking with a neighbor. Blog at home - this is the place where to solve all problems or just have a nice time really easy! Friends nearYou're a big fan of football, but can not you build a team for playing in the yard? Do not know who to ride rollerblades with? All the girls who love jazz as much as you do live on the far end of the earth and there is no way to meet? Now everything will be different. Just go to MirTesen.ru, point out where you live and what you love - and sooner or later you will be convinced, the world is really TENS!
inScript Bible Browser A large number of Bible translations, Parallel selection of text, Strong's dictionary - click on the word and watch the translation. Simple, convenient, functional, worth a try. MoreA large number of Bible translations - about 800 Bible translations into hundreds of languages and adverbs. However, if there are more than 30 English translations, there are only 5 in Spanish, and the overwhelming majority of languages are represented by only one translation. Let's say Russian is represented only by the Synodal Translation.Parallel selection of the text, say, select the text of the Greek version and see also the selection Strong's dictionary - click on the word and see the translation. Only English translations work and not all. Harmony of the Gospels - a list of gospel stories appears in a separate column with links to the places where they are described. If you click on the name of the story, then this story will be revealed in all the Gospels, where it is described. Biblical maps are simply a Google map in a separate column, where all biblical places are marked. Click on the place and get a list of references of the Bible, where this place is mentioned. Audio Bible - while the function does not work. |
Ekzeget Bible and interpretation. MoreBible and interpretation online.- Synodal translation
- Church Slavonic translation
- Church Slavonic (transliteration)
- Modern Joyful News 2004 2004
- Modern RBD 2011
- Translation by S.S. Averintsev
- Translation of Bishop Cassian (Bezobrazov)
- Translation of prof. P.A. Yungerova
- Translation A.S. Desnitsky
- Ukrainian Pole І. Ogienna
- "English version New King James Version
- Latina Vulgata
- Subscript translation from the Greek by A. Vinokurov
- Ελλληνική (Septuagint)
- Belarusian Peracle V. Syomuhi
- New Russian Translation (Biblica)
About 200,000 interpretations and studies for each verse of Scripture. Audio Bible. Map binding.One person decided to collect all the Orthodox interpretations of the Holy Scriptures in one place, breaking them down according to the verses that these interpretations explain. Now this is a large team of like-minded people who daily work to make our portal the largest online Bible, the largest collection of Orthodox interpretations and Bible studies, and the most convenient tool for studying the Word of God. Video lectures are recorded daily for each chapter of the Bible, as well as for individual verses and the most important Scriptures. |
Listen to Police Radios in Metro Cities - youarelistening.to Offers 24/7 live streams of police radio channels. MoreOffers 24/7 live streams of police radio channels from approximately 30 cities (the only non-U.S. cities are Brisbane, Montreal, and St. Petersburg). Each stream is set to unsettling ambient music. |
Listen to Radio Stations Around the World - radio.garden Interactive map with green dots, each dot representing a live radio station. MoreRadio Garden allows you to tune almost any radio station in the world.How it works- We go to the site and get a map with green dots, each dot is a live radio station,
- we move the map as a normal interactive map, zoom in or out, thus choosing a geographic area,
- listen to one of the radio stations in the circle, a list of radio stations of this circle also appears, you can click on another
- At the top right there is a heart that allows you to add a sounding radio station to your favorites.
A fun way to kill for a while, and one of the best ways to find an interesting radio station. You can use language learners to listen to the language you are learning. The best pronunciation of language for radio hosts.
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Social Image Resizer Tool - internetmarketingninjas.com/seo-tools/fa Image optimization for social networks. |
Memrise Conversational Swedish, entry level. MoreConversational Swedish, entry level.250 basic words of Swedish for beginners. The author is a teacher and therefore he picked up the most important and necessary words for the initial stage in order to start speaking as soon as possible. Nouns are given with articles, because they are important to remember from the very beginning. Verbs are given in the present tense, because you can easily form an infinitive yourself, but verb endings in the present tense are often confused. |
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Cyfe - cyfe.com Create a custom panel filled with statistics from dozens of marketing tools. MoreCreate a custom panel filled with statistics from dozens of marketing tools. |
Google My Business - google.com/intl/en/business A free site from Google in a few minutes. MoreOn this site you can register your company on Google and at the same time place it on a Google map.Now you can quickly create a simple neat stylish website. The site will be adaptive and will look good on both computer and small screens. In fact, you have already made some information about your company, why do it again, you just need to use it. The site is automatically filled with information from your company's page on Google Photo, Google maps. So we start saving time on creating a website. Then we add the content, correct it. And in the end we choose a domain and you do not need to register a site on Google. It is clear that you need to register in other places - Yandex, catalogs ... |
Google Contacts Map - labnol.org/internet/google-contacts-map/ Google's script will build a map of your Google contacts on a Google map. You can also export this data to a KML file for Google Earth. MoreGoogle's script will build a map of your Google contacts on a Google map. You can also export this data to a KML file for Google Earth.
TourOut.ru The social network of travelers. MoreA social network of tourists, with which you can:- Find and communicate with those with whom you once rested or find Travel agencies for future travel.
- Read reviews and opinions of tourists and travelers about the rest in all countries, regions and resort cities around the world, as well as travel agencies and tour operators.
- View all information about the location and reviews about the hotel that you have chosen for your holiday.
- Add your travels, photos, impressions and opinions about hotels and places, get feedback from those people who also were or plan to go there.
- Maintain your travel map, visually displaying on the world map all the places that you visited.
Travellerspoint - travellerspoint.com Travel on the map. MoreThe site is one of the web's largest and most active travel communities with members representing every country in the world.More than 30,000 blogs have shared 175,000 stories to date and over 1.4 million photos have been posted. Forums and travel helpers answer numerous travel-related questions 365 days of the year. They also have over 50,000 accommodation booking options available on the site. |
1panorama Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Calvary MoreChurch of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Calvary. |