| ![Cambridge University](images/0.gif) |
Cambridge University - cl.cam.ac.uk |
| ![OpenStreetMap](images/0.gif) |
OpenStreetMap - openstreetmap.ru address: St John’s Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, CB4 0WS email: osm.ershkus@gmail.com Open the card.moreThe Russian part of OpenStreetMap. The site is somewhat similar to the original one, but here you can choose the maps - Bing Snapshots, Cosmosnimki, Bicycle Map and a number of more.This is convenient because the original OpenStreetMap does not |
| ![Identifont](images/0.gif) |
Identifont - identifont.com email: djd@identifont.com Determination of fonts.moreThe site will ask a few for example. "What's the tail of Q?" Then will give out diagrams that will help you choose the answer. |
| ![Cambridge University Press](images/0.gif) |
Cambridge University Press - cambridge.org address: Cambridge University Press, University Printing House, Shaftesbury Road, CB2 8BS tel.: +441223312393 email: press@cambridge.org The full collection of Cambridge University Press magazines includes more than 350 journals on various fields of knowledge.moreThe full collection of Cambridge University Press magazines includes more than 350 journals on various fields of knowledge. Magazines are combined into thematic collections: Science, Technology, Medicine and Humanities & Social Science, etc.Cambridge University Press journals are authoritative scientific publications, about two-thirds of them are included in Journal Citation Reports. |
| ![Cambridge English](images/0.gif) |
Cambridge English - cambridgeenglish.org.ru/test-your-englis Test to determine the level of English.moreChecking English is not an exam. A simple free online test that will determine the most suitable Cambridge English exam for you.Choose an adult test or test for students. The test consists of 25 questions with answer options. There is no time limit. |
| ![OpenStreetMap](images/0.gif) |
OpenStreetMap - openstreetmap.org address: St John’s Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, CB4 0WS 3D Map.moreOpenStreetMap is a free project for the joint development of public maps and diagrams of cities, streets, roads with the help of manual or automatic data entry, as well as obtaining data from portable GPS-receivers. The project site runs on the MediaWiki engine, similar to Wikipedia.Maps are licensed under the free license CC-BY-SA 2.0 (for CC-BY-SA 3.0 license, Which is used in particular for Wikipedia's text content, the project has not been transferred, but version 2.0 is compatible with it, and OpenStreetMap has nothing to do with the Wikimedia Foundation. I found the plans of many cities that are not in Google maps, or Yandex.Maps. The 3D globerenderer works directly in the browser using WebGL. |
| ![FWA Jobs](images/0.gif) |
FWA Jobs - thefwa.com/jobs/ address: FWA, Bumper Hall Penn, Royston Road, Litlington, Cambridgeshire, SG8 0RL email: teamfwa@thefwa.com The Council for Work with FWA includes a good balance of design and development positions throughout the world.moreFWA’s job board includes a good balance of design and development positions throughout the world. |
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OpenStreetMap address: St John’s Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, CB4 0WS Search for a place on OpenStreetMap, sends photos, gives out contacts of shops. |