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63.ru - 63.ru address: 443096, ул. Мичурина, д. 52, офис 421 tel.: +7 (960) 8-321-574 email: ur@info74.ru News portal of the Samara region.moreNews portal of the Samara region. Good base, well-structured, ads, forums, dating ... |
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Samara Region - samgd.ru Provincial Duma of the Samara Region. |
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Samara Region - samregion.ru Official website of the Government of the Samara region. |
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Avantazh - sk-avantage.narod.ru tel.: +7 (843) 571-32-50 |
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Samara - kuf.aero address: 35 км севернее г. Самара tel.: +7 (800) 100-03-33 email: airport@samara.ru Kurumoch. |
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Ragtime - webnames.ru address: 443013, офисный центр «Вертикаль», Московское шоссе, д. 17, офис 2103, 21 этаж tel.: +7 (800) 100-40-22, 7 (495) 134-37-06 email: support@webnames.ru Sinse 20.04.2004 (not recommended)moreSinse 20.04.2004 (not recommended) |