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BUSINESS Online - business-gazeta.ru address: ул. Лобачевского, 10в tel.: +7 (843) 238-39-01 email: info@business-gazeta.ru Business electronic newspaper of Tatarstan.moreThe most quoted online edition of Russia outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg, which conducts business media in the Republic of Tatarstan. |
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Young scientist - moluch.ru address: 420126, а/я 231 tel.: +7 (800) 555-14-87 email: info@moluch.ru Scientific journal.moreScientific journal, online version.The journal allows you to publish a scientific article. Access to the electronic version is free. The weekly release schedule allows you to publish articles as quickly as possible. The journal is included in the international directory of periodicals Ulruch’s Periodicals Directory, and all journal articles are indexed by Google Scholar (“Google Academy”). |
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Parking Kazan - parkingkzn.ru tel.: +7 (843) 5-605-605 email: info@parkingkzn.ru Parking Kazan on the map.moreParking Kazan on the map. In Kazan, too, there were paid parking. The card will help to find out or find a free alternative. Applications on the smartphone allow- Find parking, find out whether it's paid or not;
- find out the address, cost, capacity;
- pay;
- View payment history;
- replenish parking account;
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Kazan Airport - airport.kazan.ru/content.php?sid=30 address: ул. Аэропорт, д. 1, Татарстан, 420017 tel.: +7 (843) 239 32 68 email: content@kazan.ru |
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Republic of Tatarstan - prav.tatarstan.ru Portal of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan. |
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Republic of Tatarstan - tatarstan.ru Official portal of the Republic of Tatarstan. |
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Republic of Tatarstan - president.tatarstan.ru Official website of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. |
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Republic of Tatarstan - gossov.tatarstan.ru State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan. |
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Real Estate Kazan - tatre.ru tel.: +7 (843) 525-38-08 email: admin@tatre.ru |
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Kazan - kazan.aero address: Республика Татарстан, 28 км от г. Казань tel.: +7 (843) 267-88-07 email: office@airportkzn.ru |
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MVEN Firm - mven.ru address: Казань, ул. Дементьева, 2В Production of light aircraft manufacture of parachute rescue systems. |