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The Federal Tax Service - nalog.ru address: 248021, Калужская обл., ул. Московская, д. 282 tel.: +7 (800) 222-22-22 Taxes.moreFederal Tax Service. The legal framework, regional sections. Taxpayer's personal accountservice.nalog.ru/debtHere you can find out About your debts, print and pay. It's important to know before the trip, especially abroad. Otherwise they will not let you in, and in the pocket of the right amount may not be. At the moment you will not be released at any It is not planned to issue debts when the debt exceeds 10,000 rubles. Debt - there is a kind of traffic fines, failure to pay utility bills, unpaid taxes ... But not loans in the bank or on a plastic card. With such debts you will be released. My friend constantly travels and sits in loans. |
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The Federal Tax Service - nalog.ru/lkfl/ address: 248021, Калужская обл., ул. Московская, д. 282 tel.: +7 (800) 222-22-22 Debt or overpayment.moreWe can find out whether there is a debt or an overpayment on oaficial website.Also, there is detailed official information on how to act in case of non-payment, disagreement .... with references to legal acts. |
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Kaluga-Search - kaluga-poisk.ru address: 248000, ул. Достоевского 25, 4-й этаж tel.: +7 (4842) 926-222 email: info@kaluga-poisk.ru Portal of the city of Kaluga and the Kaluga region.moreInformation portal of the city of Kaluga and the Kaluga region.Actual news of Kaluga and full information about the city of Kaluga, its life and its inhabitants, find out what the city is interesting for and what it can offer its guests. A convenient interactive map of the city of Kaluga, a detailed, carefully structured by sections list of Kaluga enterprises and site search will allow you to easily navigate and quickly find exactly what interests you on our Kaluga server. News of public, political and economic life, weather forecast in Kaluga, exchange rates and a list of useful and interesting links. Section discounts and special offers - sales and promotions for shops, salons, various agencies, services and organizations of the city of Kaluga. Construction and real estate in Kaluga, the Kaluga automobile portal, blogs of the most diverse. |
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Kaluga region - zskaluga.ru Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga region. |
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Kaluga region - admobl.kaluga.ru Portal of the authorities of the Kaluga region. |
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Kaluga region - admoblkaluga.ru The authorities of the Kaluga region. |
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Post e-mail appeal to the Federal Tax Service - nalog.ru/customs_union/ address: 248021, Калужская обл., ул. Московская, д. 282 tel.: +7 (800) 222-22-22 |