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Ujam - ujam.com address: NXTGN Music Technology GmbH, Weinkontor, An der Reeperbahn 6, 28217 email: support@ujam.com Writing music playing.moreEveryone can become a composer.- We sing a melody or namurlykivayem,
- choose the instrument on which it should be played,
- choose an arrangement (orchestra ...),
- listen to your creation.
It is clear that no one buys this music, but we can quickly see how it will sound, and then throw it away, or bring it to mind. |
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WebSnapr - construktiv.de address: Haferwende 1, 28357 tel.: +__0421 278-67-0 email: info@construktiv.de Screenshots from a URL.moreFScreenshots from a URL.ormat JPEG, set the size: - T=92X70,
- S=202X152,
- M=400X300,
- L=640X480).
Images.websnapr.com/?url=www.URL.com&size=T |