Ph4 / Switzerland
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EZTV - eztv.io email: dmca@eztv.ch |
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Switzerland - admin.ch |
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IOM - iom.ch International Organization for Migration. |
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ITA - aitgva.ch International Union for Tourism. |
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JUnit 5 - junit.org Library for Test Automation. |
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ALLSP - allsp.ch ALL Streaming Programs. |
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Endoxon's map of Switzerland - map.search.ch Map of Switzerland. Not Ajax, but it's interesting. |
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MocoSpace - mocospace.com Mobile community. |
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Swiss Search - search.ch |
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NL- National League - sihf.ch Professional ice hockey league in Switzerland. |
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Stansdad - stansdad.ch Spreading of South Park over the whole globe, episodes are available 24hrs a day 7 days a week. |
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Travelgam - travelgam.com email: hello@travelgam.com Quick search for airline tickets for the weekend.moreQuick search for airline tickets for the weekend.Service for those who would like to fly somewhere for the weekend. Choose a direction and get profitable options for the weekend on the calendar with prices. Pretty comfortable. You can choose the currency, I was immediately offered prices in rubles. |
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Trombi.com - trombi.com French classmates. |
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HTML Converter - yellowpipe.com/yis/tools/html_converter/ Converts HTML to PHP, JavaScript or ASP. |
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Wire - wire.com Secure instant messenger.moreSecure messenger from Wire Swiss. Free, no ads, encrypted end-to-end (that is, encrypted me on the phone, and stands for you, nor on the server). Good sound, video, and group chats. Built-in YouTube, Vimeo clips, Spotify, SoundCloud tracks. Group chats with up to 128 participants. |
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OpenSky-Network - opensky-network.org Planes on the map in real time. There are audio recordings of ATC negotiations.moreThe OpenSky Network is a non-profit association based in Switzerland that provides open access of flight tracking control data.[1] It was set up as a research project by several universities and government entities with the goal to improve the security, reliability and efficiency of the airspace. Its main function is to collect, process and store air traffic control data and provide open access to this data to the public. Similar to many existing flight trackers such as Flightradar24 and FlightAware, the OpenSky Network consists of a multitude of sensors (currently around 1000, mostly concentrated in Europe and the US), which are connected to the Internet by volunteers, industrial supporters, academic, and governmental organizations. All collected raw data is archived in a large historical database, containing over 23 trillion air traffic control messages. The database is primarily used by researchers from different areas to analyze and improve air traffic control technologies and processes. |
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IQAir - iqair.com Animated real-time air quality map.moreAnimated real-time air quality map. More than 1,500 participants: organizations that monitor the environmental situation in the world. |
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Chatroulette - chatroulette.com email: support@chatroulette.com Video chat with a stranger.moreAnonymous video chat. in English. If you have a webcam, we begin to communicate with a casual interlocutor. For English learners, it is convenient to have a regular chat in parallel. Did not hear, wrote. Suddenly the new site Chatroulette.com, which became popular on the web, was created by the Russian teenager Andrei Ternovsky for 17 years.This is reported by the New York Times. A seventeen-year-old schoolboy from Moscow himself developed and launched the original Chatroulette service, which allows any user to chat through a webcam with a random stranger. In recent weeks, the site has gained a lot of popularity in the English-speaking segment of the Network. This project also attracted the attention of Fred Wilson, a well-known venture capitalist, who said he was going to contact Andrew and invite him to come to New York. "I'm still not sure that we should invest in this project, but I'm sure that I would like to meet this guy. It reminds me of the young entrepreneurs I worked with earlier, "Wilson said. |
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BIS - bis.org Bank for International Settlements. |
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OTIF - otif.org address: Gryphenhübeliweg 30, CH - 3006 Organisation intergouvernementale pour les Transports Internationaux Ferroviaires (Intergovernmental Organization for International Carriage by Rail). |
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Switzerland - die-bibel.ch address: Spitalstrasse 12, P.O. Box – CH-2501 email: info@die-bibel.ch Schweizerischen Bibelgesellschaft. |
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Lastminute - lastminute.com address: vicolo dei Calvi 2 6830 email: lastminutelabs@gmail.com The best deals on flights, hotels, flight + hotel, and everything else you need for your trip.moreThe best deals on flights, hotels, flight + hotel, and everything else you need for your trip.Your information is conveniently stored in your account, making it easier to book your flight or hotel. And when you log in, you can also access all your booking details, real-time notifications, boarding passes and even exclusive deals that have been selected just for you. Want to know your flight times? Or check what hotel you've booked? No need to print out all the details: now you can access all your reservations in one place. Boarding passes at your fingertips - in the app. |
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CITES - cites.org email: info@cites.org Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. |
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FIDIC - fidic.org International Organization of Consulting Engineers. |
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Graduate Institute of International Studies - graduateinstitute.ch |
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IATA - iata.org tel.: +41 22 770 25 25 International Air Transport Association. |
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ProtonMail - protonmail.com email: support@protonmail.ch Email encryption.moreMail with encryption. The site was created by employees of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, Genève, Switzerland.There is no POP3/IMAP/SMTP support, everything is implemented on the side of the web browser in JavaScript. Letters from ProtonMail users Are always encrypted. Attached files are not encrypted. The letters are not cached and are not stored, they are stored encrypted on the server. How does it work?- All letters sent from ProtonMail go encrypted
- The recipient receives an email with a link to the email, which requires a password for reading.
- The password is set by the sender before sending it from the ProtonMail service.
You can set the time for storing a message, after which the message is deleted. Limitations- 100 Mb of place for mail,
- no more than 500 emails per month.
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University of Genève - unige.ch Université de Genève |
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WEF - weforum.org tel.: +41 22 869 12 12 email: contact@weforum.org Stars and Internet.moreBeta version of the social network for world leaders - World Economic Leaders Community (WELCOM).Thanks A social network developed with the participation of Adobe, British Telecom and Microsoft, partners and members of the Forum will be able to discuss in the virtual space the full range of issues traditionally submitted for consideration. WELCOM will allow its participants to videoconference, exchange documents and work together on Them, to hold discussions on various issues, including in the format of discussion groups with little access. The results of the joint work can be published in a section accessible to the general public. The social network of the world political and economic elite will also provide its users with the usual opportunities for social networks, such as the publication of personal data, information about education and workplaces, the exchange of personal Messages, etc. According to the head of the information and analytical service of the IPU UNESCO Information for All, Evgeny Altovsky, WELCOM, of course, will not be the place where Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama They will discuss the problems of non-proliferation of nuclear technologies, and the prime ministers of the exporting countries and oil-consuming countries agree on a fair price for "black gold." Rather, the social network of the world's political and economic elite is a tribute to fashion, Altovsky - and all the participation of the powerful in this work will be limited to "demonstrative speeches", after which WELCOM will be used by their assistants to discuss the agenda of the next Forum and to post on behalf of their patrons the information that it E will seriously damage their interests in case of inevitable leakage. In any case, personal e-mail addresses and photos made by presidents and prime ministers during the vacation in WELCOM should not be exactly searched for. |
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WIPO - wipo.int address: 34, chemin des Colombettes, CH-1211 Genève 20 World Intellectual Property Organization. |
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WMO - public.wmo.int address: 7bis, avenue de la Paix, Case postale No. 2300 tel.: +41 22 730 81 11 email: ipa@wmo.int World Meteorological Organization. |
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IBE-UNESCO - ibe.unesco.org address: 15, Route des Morillons, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex tel.: +41 22-555-06-00 email: ibe.administration@unesco.org International Bureau of Education — United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. |
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ITC - intracen.org address: Palais des Nations, 1211, 10 tel.: +41-22 730 01 11 email: ITCNewYork@intracen.org International Trade Center UNCTAD/WTO. |
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IOM - iom.int address: 17, Route des Morillons, CH-1211 1218 tel.: +41-22 717-9111 International Organization for Migration. |
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UNCTAD - unctad.org address: Palais des Nations, 8-14, Av. de la Paix 1211 tel.: +41 22 917 12 34 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. |
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UNECE - unece.org address: Palais des Nations 1211 tel.: +41 22 917 12 34 email: unece_info@un.org United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. |
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UNHCR - unhcr.ch address: 94 Rue de Montbrillant 1202 tel.: +41 22 739 8111 Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. |
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UNIDIR - unidir.org address: Palais des Nations, 1211, 10 tel.: +41 (0)22 917 11 41 email: unidir@un.org United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research. |
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UNITAR - unitar.org address: Chemin des Anémones 11-13, Vernier 1219 tel.: +41 22 917 84 00 email: communications@unitar.org United Nations Institute for Training and Research. |
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UNRISD - unrisd.org address: Palais des Nations 1211 email: info.unrisd@un.org United Nations Research Institute for Social Development. |
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WHO - who.int address: 20, avenue Appia 1211 tel.: +41 22 791 21 11 World Health Organization. |
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WIPO - arbiter.wipo.int/domains/ address: 34, chemin des Colombettes, 1211, 20 tel.: +41 22 338 8161 email: publicinf@wipo.int WIPO arbitrators have dealt with 25,000 domain disputes.moreWIPO arbitrators have dealt with 25,000 domain disputes.In 1999, ICANN, the International Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which manages the Internet address space, adopted the UDRP (Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy) and UDRP rules. These documents created a system of out-of-court dispute resolution for consideration of cases of domain registration with known bad intentions. Since the entry into force of these documents, several centers authorized to handle domain disputes have been accredited. Two of them account for more than 90% of reviews: The WIPO Arbitration Mediation Center (World Intellectual Property Organization) and the US National Arbitration Forum (National Arbitration Forum). On average, the WIPO Arbitration Center receives three new disputes under the UDRP on a daily basis, suggesting that infringement of the rights of trademark and other intellectual property (IP) owners by domain owners continues. However, significant progress has been made since the initial introduction of UDRP, when the number of disputes filed per day reached five. 'This trend is encouraging and shows that an expedited online dispute resolution service is an effective way to prevent IP theft by pirates on the Internet,' said Mr. Francis Gurry, Deputy Director General responsible for overseeing WIPO's work in the domain area. 'This does not mean that our work is finished - we must continue our efforts to ensure that the Internet becomes a safe market for business people. Preventing the misuse of intellectual property rights in the digital environment, which is expanding on a daily basis, is a significant part of our work,' Mr. Gurry added. Illustrating the significant public attention to this phenomenon, the Centre's website, which publishes all decisions and includes a legal index of all decisions, has registered more than 30 million appeals in total. The most visited solutions are those for the 'name' domains of Madonna, Sting, Julia Roberts. Recall that Madonna and Julia Roberts have won disputes about their domain names, while Sting has not been able to prove the three conditions necessary to return a domain name (see http://arbiter.wipo.int/domains/cases/all.html). Under the terms of the UDRP, the plaintiff must prove that the disputed domain name is identical or confusingly similar to its own trademark or other IP object, that the defendant has no right or legitimate interest in the domain concerned, and that the defendant has registered and used the domain in bad faith. Thus, 2005 was marked by major domain disputes around well-known branded domains such as renaulttrucks.com, sony-ericsson.org, internetexplorer.com, porschekorea.net. In addition, celebrities continue to be a tasty piece of cyber squatters. Such famous people as the author of 'Little Prince' Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Morgan Freeman, Larry King, Domiane Hirst and others have been involved in the proceedings. The fashion world has also been made public by scandals and high-profile domain cases. Hugo Boss, Armani, and Calvin Klein have been on trial. The industries most frequently involved in WIPO domain disputes include food and alcohol production and sales, the restaurant business, the fashion and entertainment industry, the Internet and information technology, and the media. In just 7 years of the WIPO Arbitration Mediation Center's existence, the Center's arbitrators have dealt with over 25,000 cases. The Center has received 9,567 claims under the UDRP procedure for both national domains (country code TLD or ccTLD) and public domains (generic TLD or gTLD). Of these applications, according to WIPO statistics, 79 per cent of all domain name dispute cases were filed under domain COM; 11 per cent under domain NET, 6 per cent under domain ORG, 2 per cent under domain INFO and 2 per cent under domains BIZ, TRAVEL, AERO and EDU combined. More than 15 thousand domain disputes considered by the Center concerned domains registered in the course of priority registration in domains INFO, BIZ, MOBI, as well as cases based on the special procedure ERDRP developed at the opening of the domain NAME. Of the 9,567 applications submitted up to August 2006, 97 per cent (8,936) were resolved. Of these, 418 involved domain names registered in national domains (47 ccTLDs under the UDRP process), of which 388 were resolved in favour of the plaintiff, 43 in favour of the defendant, 105 were resolved by the parties and another 30 are pending. A total of 17,912 domains from 136 countries have been processed. В отчете Арбитражно-посреднического центра ВОИС приведена таблица с количеством рассмотренных доменных споров в разных доменных зонах по годам. | UDRP | .info | .biz STOP | .name EDRP | .mobi Sunrise | Total | 1999 | 1 | - | - | - | | 1 | 2000 | 1,857 | - | - | - | | 1,857 | 2001 | 1,557 | 1,579 | 53 | - | | 3,189 | 2002 | 1,207 | 13,593 | 285 | 1 | | 15,086 | 2003 | 1,100 | - | - | - | | 1,100 | 2004 | 1,176 | - | - | 3 | | 1,179 | 2005 | 1,456 | - | - | 1 | | 1,457 | Jan-August 2006 | 1,213 | - | - | - | 3 | 1,216 | Total | 9,567 | 15,172 | 338 | 5 | 3 | 25,085 | echo $loon; ?> The WIPO Arbitration Mediation Center is also involved in the resolution of disputes concerning so-called multilingual domain names (represented by symbols of national alphabets). Several dozen lawsuits have already been received for such domain names.In analyzing the claims received, WIPO speaks of the multinational nature of the domain hijacking phenomenon. To date, the Center has received disputes in 12 languages. Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Italian and Dutch. The geographical distribution of parties involved in disputes handled by the WIPO Center under the UDRP covers 136 countries. It is clear that the number of such contentious cases will only increase over time. Domain disputes resolved by the Center are indexed, a number of decisions on them published on the organization's website. |
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Croppola - croppola.com address: Croppola, Station 14, 1015 email: info@croppola.com Clever cropping photos.moreClever cropping photos.You took a photo. But you are not an artist and you do not understand the subtleties of photo art, in composition. It is clear that photographing is not always possible to successfully capture the object, select the center of the picture ... This online service will determine the main object and determine whether it should be in the center, to the left or the right of the center, and cut off the extra background to highlight the object. You choose whether the square will be a photograph or a widescreen, on the basis of which the cropping will be determined. You will be able to intervene and prune in your own way, if something does not suit you. |
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École Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne - epfl.ch |
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University of Lausanne - unil.ch Université de de Lausanne |
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Kiwix - kiwix.org address: Kiwix Avenue des Acacias 7 1006 email: contact+android@kiwix.org Allows you to keep a complete copy of Wikipedia and hundreds of websites on your phone or computer.moreAllows you to keep a complete copy of Wikipedia and hundreds of websites on your phone or computer. After installation, it works like a regular site, with all the links. Free and without ads.Contains- Wikipedia (including smaller topic collections such as football or math) in more than 100 languages.,
- Wiktionary,
- TED talks
There is an economy version without images. |
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Education First - ef.ru tel.: +7 (800) 100-01-01 email: ru.customerservice@ef.com The mission is to overcome language, cultural and geographical barriers.moreInternational Educational Center for English Language Training. The mission is to overcome language, cultural and geographical barriers. You can find where to study in Moscow, abroad or online. Has more than 500 offices, 35 000 employees in 53 countries. For ~ 50 years have helped millions of people to learn English. |
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EF Education First - efset.org/ru/english-certificate/ email: info@efset.org Official certificate EF SET for 50 minutes.moreThe official EF SET certificate is free for 50 minutes. There is a quick check, in 15 minutes, without a certificate.Nowadays, many learn English themselves, a little textbook, a little practice ... Also it would be desirable to know the level, and if it high enough, it would be desirable to have what-string a certificate. At the end of the test, you will also receive recommendations for improving the level of knowledge of English. |
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Dzen - dzen.ru address: Werftestrasse 4, 6005 email: app@zen.yandex.com News aggregator and more.moreMaterials from leading media and Zen participants.Endless news feed and interesting materials: politics, style, culture, sports, film, finance and ... Articles and small posts, watch videos and photos. Fresh materials are published every day, with only what is interesting to you in your feed. A clever algorithm selects content based on your subscriptions, saved publications, comments, likes and dyslaikes. Tune the ribbon to your likingChoose what to read and watch: put likes to see more material on the subject, and dieslaiki to see less similar material. To prevent the source from appearing in the ribbon, block it.Read the ribbons of interestFrom a general tape with all the articles you can easily switch to thematic: cinema, food, politics, celebrities.Choose who to readThe channels are led by over 25,000 authors - bloggers and experts in various fields. There is content that can be found only in Zen: some authors publish posts and videos only here. Zen also hosts media materials: Medusa, RBC, Vedomosti, Kommersant, Forbes, Lenta.ru, TJournal and others. Read the publications of those you trust. Watch the video as you likeWatch the video in a separate video tape or in a shared tape with all the materials. The video platform has more features, they will be available in new versions of the application. |
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GeoNames - geonames.org address: Unxos GmbH, Weingartenstrasse 8, 8708 email: info@geonames.org Search for geographical names in the database over 10 million objects tied to the map.moreSearch for geographical names in the database of more than 10 million objects tied to the map. The database is taken from a variety of official sources, which are listed on the site. Search is correct and more detailed than with Google Maps. Google issues the largest object on your request, GeoNames will offer a maximum of options. Search by official names and alternate names. In addition, there are lists where you can see the population, the territory for countries and cities, the height for the mountains ... |
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ISF - worldseed.org address: mmk Decoration, Route du Reposoir 7, 1260 tel.: +41 22 365 44 20 email: isf@worldseed.org Seed Federation. |
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UEFA - uefa.com address: Route de Genève 46, 1260 Official sites football.moreOfficial website of UEFA. There is a Russian version. The site is very decent, a lot of statistics and visual information. |
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Mobility Carsharing - mobility.ch address: Mobility Cooperative, Suurstoffi 16, 6343 tel.: +41-848-824-812 email: office@mobility.ch |
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University of St. Gallen - unisg.ch |
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Old Maps Online - oldmapsonline.org address: Hofnerstrasse 96 6314 email: info@oldmapsonline.org Search for ancient maps of the British Museum archive on Google maps.moreSearch for ancient maps of the British Museum archive on Google maps.- Choose the time on the scale of 1000-2010 year,
- indicate the place on the map on the map, or set the geographical point in the search form,
- in the right panel see thumbnails of available maps according to our request.
- choose the desired map and get to the window with a description and a link to the archive where you can find and buy this card.
The site has a developer's blog and a lot of passing information on cartography. |
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HTML 2 PDF - html2pdf.solutions address: seven49.net AG, Dentenbergstrasse 41 email: support@seven49.net Converts HTML and whole sites to PDF. |
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TV program on SPB TV - spbtv.com/epg/ address: Baarerstrasse 10, 6304 tel.: +41 41 729 39 46 email: info@spbtv.com Very simple and convenient TV program as described in the tips.moreTelevision and movie theater online. TelevisionA very simple and convenient TV program with a description in the tips. Convenience is that immediately the selected TV channel can be watched.Disadvantage - the TV program only on the TV channels that are presented on the site, but any TV channel from the program can be immediately watched. The site features leading domestic TV channels and only a few foreign ones. Only about a hundred. For most users, these channels are enough. Advantages: - quality, stability of the stream, simple, intuitive, convenient, stylish interface, accessibility to the browser and on the mobile. CinemaMost recently, the ability to watch movies online has been added. Because so far very little. But everything is neat and incredible quality. Most of the online movie the picture barely soul in the body or in the butt. I really liked it here. |
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LALAL.AI - lalal.ai/voice-cleaner/ The neural network cleans up background noisemoreThe neural network cleans up background noise. It is aimed at the conversational genre, therefore it highlights the voices. Knows how to separate voice and instrumental part. We can only determine the level of filtration - soft, normal or aggress |
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Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich - ethz.ch |
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FIATA - fiata.com address: Schaffhauserstr. 104 8152 Glattbrugg tel.: +41 43 211 65 00 email: info@fiata.com International Federation of Freight Forwarders Organizations. |
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IIHF - iihf.com address: Brandschenkestrasse 50, Postfach 1817, 8027 tel.: +41 44 562-22-00 email: office@iihf.com International Ice Hockey Federation. |
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aSmallWorld - asmallworld.com address: ASMALLWORLD AG Bellerivestrasse 241 8008 email: support@asw.com European cream of society.moreA SMALL WORLD is a leading international private life style club founded in 2004 as one of the first social networks. Members from all over the world share extraordinary experience in order for comrades to fit into the surrounding society. |
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sharoo Carsharing - sharoo.com address: Hafnerstrasse 61, 8005 tel.: +41 44 361 00 55 email: socialmedia@sharoo.com |
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SmallPDF - smallpdf.com/ru/unlock-pdf/ email: info@smallpdf.com Decrypt PDF.moreTThe site allows you to easily and easily remove the password from the PDF file. How it works- Drag the file with the mouse in the field of the site or select on the computer by the link, if the file is on a Dropbox cloud or Google Drive, just specify a link to it.
- The site re-creates the file without a password.
- Save it to disk or cloud (Dropbox, Google Drive). You can compress to save traffic and space.
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IIHF Statistics - stats.iihf.com address: Brandschenkestrasse 50, Postfach 1817, 8027 tel.: +41 44 562-22-00 email: office@iihf.com Official statistics IIHF.moreWe go to the address and get a simple textual statistics of the hockey tournament that is taking place at the moment. If no tournament passes, we get the statistics of the last tournament.The text on the site is clickable, so you can, in addition to simple general statistics, get a lot of detailed information. All statistics for the competition has its unique address, it can be copied and logged in at another time or year. |
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University of Zürich - uzh.ch Universität Zürich |
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FIFA - fifa.com address: FIFA-Strasse 20, PO Box 8044 tel.: +41 (0) 43 222-77-77 Official sites football.moreFederation of International Football Associationsen.uefa.com UEFA, Union of European Football Associations. English Premier Leagueen.uefa.com/footballeurope/Countries/association=39/index.html |